The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Then Hyuga Hiashi took out a seal scroll from his pocket, and after untying it, it turned out to be a capture net for powerful ninjas.

He tied up Doroi, the leader of the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja, who was screaming and thrashing on the ground. Then he disliked the noise and took out a rag, rolled it into a ball and stuffed it into Doroi's mouth.

Looking at the tied-up Hidden Cloud Village Ninja Leader Doroi, Hyuga Hiashi's eyes suddenly became murderous.

Then he said to Hyuga Hiashi with murderous intent: "Is this traitor actually a person of such status? But we have just broken one of his arms. Why don't we kill him cleanly? Anyway, only God and the earth know it. No one has the courage to search our Hyuga clan without evidence!"

Hyuga Hiashi was furious and just wanted to kill the enemy ninja in front of him as soon as possible to let himself breathe a sigh of relief. The dignity of Hyuga cannot be insulted!

"Brother, this matter has a huge impact. It is no longer something that our Hyuga clan can easily suppress. So I think we should seek the help of the third generation Hokage."

Maybe because it is not his own child, Hyuga Hiashi still thinks calmly and is not very angry.

Hyuga Hiashi weighed the pros and cons to Hyuga Hiashi and said: Doroi, he is the leader of the thousands of ninja troops in the Hidden Cloud Village.

According to the intelligence, he often dared to go against the words of the Fourth Raikage. The power he held was definitely much stronger than the elders and advisors in the Fire Country Konoha Village and the Root leaders.

Of course, only in terms of power.

So Hyuga Hiashi felt that it was not worth it for the entire Hyuga clan to take risks for this matter.

On the contrary, it was just right to expose it to the Hokage at this time, so that he could tell everyone clearly about his persecution and let the entire Konoha Village decide for him.

Instead of using the power of one clan to collide with the power of a ninja village, the power of one ninja village should be used to collide with the power of another ninja village.

After hearing such an analysis from Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga clan, who had stood firm for more than ten years through ups and downs, and the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi, also accepted this pertinent strategy.

So he nodded, but then smiled grimly, since it was exposed, he should make it bigger and break the sky!

Hyuga Hiashi's face also shrugged, as if he knew what Hyuga Hiashi was going to do.

Hyuga Hiashi stood up lightly and reached his hand into his arms.

In a flash, he took out a very small seal scroll. It was covered with dense black tadpole-shaped seals.

Hyuga Hiashi bit his finger and pressed it on the seal scroll.

"Baiyan, open!"

He raised the seal with one hand and growled.

"Seal, release!"

In an instant, blood-red rays spread from the small and exquisite seal scroll, and then wrapped the entire seal scroll. There was a sound of chain breaking, and the black seals that were originally densely tied to the seal scroll had been eliminated. Hyuga Hiashi spread the scroll in his hand and slapped it with his other hand.

"Spiritual summoning technique!"


There was a cloud of smoke, and then a dazzling light suddenly rushed out from the sealed scroll, instantly shooting hundreds of meters into the sky, and then exploded!

Boom! ! !

After the dazzling light exploded, hundreds of meters above the center of the entire Konoha Village, a huge three-dimensional pattern exploded at the end of the light, which was a giant white eye like a real object!

This is a huge warning firework, which is exclusively in the hands of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan. When it involves the crisis of the entire family, it will be used by him.

After the identity information of the main family is verified, the spiritual summoning technique summons the rescue fireworks that have long been sealed in the spiritual world and is used by him.

The dazzling light illuminates the entire sky.

Like a small sun, it is suspended hundreds of meters in the sky and does not fall for a long time.

This dazzling light can be said to be extremely dazzling in the daytime, as if there are two suns in the sky.

Not to mention the night when it was originally pitch black and the contrast was even stronger.

It was only a moment of silence, and the entire Hyuga clan was boiling.

The Hyuga clan members had already easily dealt with the unknown ninjas that attacked the Hyuga clan, and had dealt with the emergencies. They were ready to lie down and continue


Suddenly, I felt a flash of light in front of the house, and it turned into daytime outside the window in an instant!

Above the sky, the huge Byakugan, like the giant eyes of the sky, looked at everything in the world without any emotion.

They were taught and trained since childhood, and the reaction rooted in their blood made them move quickly instinctively. As the chakra surged, everyone rushed quickly in the direction where the giant Byakugan was erected.


Swish, swish, swish, swish——

Fully armed ninjas flashed around Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi, and lined up neatly according to their levels.

Their faces were solemn and the atmosphere was extremely cold, and no one was making noise or joking.

Everyone knew that this giant Byakugan fireworks would only be triggered when it involved the life and death of the entire Hyuga clan.

Once someone abused it, whether it was the head of the clan or the elder of the clan, they would be abolished immediately, and the caged bird curse would be engraved on their foreheads!

Because the punishment is extremely severe and the consequences are extremely tragic, this giant white-eye fireworks have only been used a few times in the thousand-year history of Hyuga.

Every time, it is a great warning and organizes the entire Hyuga clan ninjas to eliminate the enemy for the Hyuga clan ninjas, gather strength, or evacuate the elderly, weak, women and children in time, which plays a vital role in life and death.

And in Konoha Village, there is obviously no need to escape, that is, to gather.

However, in less than 10 minutes, the entire Hyuga clan, the combat-capable Hyuga ninjas currently staying in Konoha Village, are fully armed, regardless of gender, age or young. Wearing ancient Hyuga ancient plate armor, they stand in front of Hyuga Hiashi like a bridge.

The plate armor full of scratches from swords, spears, swords and halberds is a treasure passed down from generation to generation in each family. Protect the ancestors of the Hyuga clan through the dark melee of a thousand years.

Then a Hyuga ninja standing at the front stepped out, the smiling expression on his face was swept away, and a hoarse voice sounded: "Report to the clan leader, I am Hyuga Yue reporting!".


"Today, the Hyuga clan in Konoha Village. There are 35 jonins, and 35 jonins have arrived!"

"There are 97 chunins, and 97 have arrived!"

"There are 540 genins. Mobilization has not been carried out yet. Do you need to mobilize all genins and prepare for battle?"

Hyuga Hiashi waved his hand: "No need for genins, today is not a real battle, only jonin and chunins are needed!"

Then Hyuga Yue nodded, retreated respectfully, and waited for Hyuga Hiashi's explanation of what they were about to do.

Yes, the head of the clan needs to give an explanation that convinces everyone, or an overwhelming number of people agree with the explanation.

Once the ninjas on the scene collectively believe that Hyuga Hiashi is making a fuss, there is actually no disaster involving the life and death crisis of the Hyuga clan.

In this case, the fully armed people will abolish his status as the head of the main family according to the strict clan rules, carve the caged bird curse mark on his forehead, and become an ordinary member of the branch family from then on.

In front of countless pairs of waiting white eyes, Hyuga Hiashi did not play suspense.

The white eyes were still open ferociously, and one hand pointed to the ground. It was tied up like a dumpling, with a rag stuffed in its mouth. It could only wriggle and buzz like a caterpillar, and only the figure of a right arm was left.

"This person is the leader of the peace negotiation envoys of the Hidden Cloud Village. He is also the leader of the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja Corps, Doroi!"

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