After the battle, the enemy was defeated.

Then Doroyi felt that he was doing well again!

So Doroyi stood up slowly, and patted the dirt off his body with his only remaining hand, acting like a master.

Then he pointed at the livid-faced Hyuga Hiashi not far away and said, "You want me to forgive your Konoha Village? It's very simple! I want his life! I don't want any other apologies, gold, silver, treasures, beauties, guards or servants! I only want his life! As long as he commits suicide and apologizes! And hand over the body to me, our Cloud Village will not pursue all the harm I have suffered this time!"

"For the great cause of peace between the two villages, I am willing to bear the humiliation and harm, bear the false accusations and humiliations against my personality, knock out my teeth, and swallow the mixed blood!"

"But the only condition is that the criminal gets the punishment he deserves! He hurt me! And he broke my left arm. As a ninja, my ninja career is almost half ruined!"

"It will be difficult for me to really go to the front line and fight for my Cloud Village in the future!"

"This has caused great harm to my personal body and mind!"

"Especially my reputation, which has suffered a huge loss!"

"I just listened to the rumors in the past, I was just curious And I admire the ancient Hyuga clan, so I just wanted to give the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan a surprise in the middle of the night!"

"So I went over and quietly invited the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan out!"

"But because I kept the secret so well, it caused misunderstandings from the Hyuga clan leader, causing him to cause me so much harm, and even slandered me as a criminal! He even slandered me for having evil intentions!"

"What an injustice! I am more wronged than Dou E! Look! Snow in June! I strongly protest! "

"If this matter is not clarified, even if I return to the village, how will my comrades view me?"

"How will the villagers of our Cloud Village view me? Ah? How will my relatives and friends view me?"

"Isn't this going to make me socially dead in the world? I won't agree!"

On the side, Koharu Utane took out a steaming small pot from her arms like a magic trick, and handed the pot to Doroi, who was barely able to catch his breath, with great distress.

Ah? So considerate?

Doroi drank a mouthful of warm water comfortably, relieving the discomfort in his throat.

So satisfied, if Koharu Utane, who handed him the pot, was forty years younger!

"Why should I admit to something I didn't do? To plot against the head of the main family? If I really had such an evil thought, I wouldn't mind being punished. But obviously I just wanted to give this three-year-old young lady of the main family of Hyuga a little surprise!"

"I haven't even taken out the gift I prepared. As a result, this barbarian who is as rude as a primitive society, like a pig without brains and manners, did such inhumane harm to me without saying a word. I ask him to make due compensation. Isn't it too much?"

Mitomon En finally got the chance to speak before his little friend Utane Koharu. He was so anxious that he was like an ant on a hot pot because he didn't say anything just now.

"Hehe! Of course it's not too much, respected Lord Doroi~"

The real victim, Hyuga Hiashi, was about to speak, but Utane Koharu beside him nodded hurriedly with a bright and sincere smile on her face: "Ah~ Not too much, not too much!"

"Hyuga Hiashi clan leader will definitely be happy to compensate Lord Doroi!"

"As long as he pays with his life, the whole thing can be perfectly resolved. This is great for our Konoha Village, the Hyuga clan, the Hidden Cloud Village, and the honorable Lord Doroi. It's the best ending!"

"As a consultant of Konoha Village, I'll be fair. I think that as one of the countless outstanding jonins of our Konoha Village, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi, will definitely deeply appreciate your good intentions and understand your broad mind. In the end, he will definitely recognize your approach and implement the results well!"

"Everyone is happy, everyone is happy!" Mizuto Kado Yan on the other side heard this and was deeply moved and began to jump for joy.

The two hands clapped happily like a child, and then Utane Koharu was also blessed and sang and danced with Mizuto Kado Yan there,

He kept saying, "Ah! Everyone is happy, everyone is happy! Congratulations, congratulations~~~"

Then, while dancing, Mitomon En said to Hyuga Hiashi in a serious and kind way:

"So, Hiashi, for the peace and stability of millions of villagers in our two villages, for the honor of thousands of people in your Hyuga clan, you should execute the order of Lord Doroi just now!"

"Don't feel sad for paying the price for your recklessness. You should feel honored! This is a death for honor, this is a death for the implementation of the Ninja Way, which perfectly shows that you are an excellent inheritor of the Will of Fire of our Konohagakure Village. Ah!"

"The will of fire was proposed by our great Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. As the saying goes: Where Konoha flies, fire will also continue to grow. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves of our descendants sprout!"

"Inheritance from generation to generation, succession from generation to generation, sacrifice from generation to generation. All for a better tomorrow! All for our descendants, for thousands of generations, peace will last forever!"

"Burn yourself quickly, turn into flames, and illuminate the path of the descendants of the entire village!"

Mitomon En was immersed in the will of fire with an intoxicated look on his face, and Utatane Koharu beside him also nodded with a smile.

They seemed to have seen that Hinata Hiashi, like the people they had fooled before, obeyed the orders obediently, and then. He committed suicide and then threw his body to the Hidden Cloud Village.

In exchange for the forgiveness of the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja Chief Doroi, it did not affect the peace talks between Konoha Village and the Hidden Cloud Village at all.

Even, taking this opportunity, maybe the great Konoha Village can pay less money and give up less benefits!


Anyway, this life is not his own!

If the compensation is less, it is not too much to issue an invoice and let the village reimburse and reward himself, right?

It is wonderful to be generous to others!

Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu have done this many times. They are already familiar with it!

The ninja leader of the Hidden Cloud Village, Dorei, also looked pleased. He looked at Hyuga Hiashi in the distance with pride.

He didn't expect that there would be twists and turns, and it was simply a great reversal!

When he woke up from his coma just now, he was still worried that he would first be punished cruelly and inhumanely by the Hidden Cloud Village. Maybe he would be sent to the intelligence class and subjected to various horrific ninjutsu punishments to pry open the confidential information related to the Hidden Cloud Village in his mind?

Who knew that Konoha Village was so weird and fun!

No wonder the other four ninja villages in the world are willing to fight the more powerful Konoha Village.

There is no need to fight it. They quarreled among themselves first!

If this kind of thing happened to his own Kumogakure Village, even if he usually liked to go against the Fourth Raikage, under the arrangement of the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning, the entire Kumogakure Village would definitely unite as one, and then eliminate the reactionary ninja from other countries, the foreign enemy!

Even if it means going to war with the whole world, it is worth it!

This is the village style of the united Kumogakure Village!

This is the fire that shines like lightning...ah, bah, bah, bah, the will of thunder!

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