The baby was born in a young age, but he was still very young.

When Hyuga Neji was five months old, due to adequate nutrition, and more importantly, the sufficient innate vitality of the body, the abundant chakra, the strong vitality and the strong mental power, Hyuga Neji could already speak.

Being able to speak at five months old was a shock to Hyuga Hizashi.

In fact, Hyuga Neji could unconsciously chuckle when he was two months old, but he still couldn't speak fluently due to the development of his throat.

The parents didn't have too many doubts about this. After all, it was too outrageous for a child of a few months old to be able to speak.

So, like any other day, Hyuga Hizashi looked at the child who looked exactly like him when he was a child, patted his little Neji, and then unconsciously asked, "Do you want to pee, Neji?"

And Hyuga Neji answered in his heart, as usual, "No, no."

Yes, of course no, every time when he couldn't control his peeing or pooping, he would try to call his parents or servants to come over and attract their attention, so that everything would go smoothly without wasting a diaper or a shit cloth.

Hyuga Neji complained in his mind, "When did you see someone pee or poop on their own without my prior notice? It's fine to ask an ordinary child this question, but asking me is just a waste of time~"

But in fact, something happened differently this time, his mouth opened, and he said, "No, no."

Hyuga Hizashi nodded slightly, "Okay."


Silence for a second.


Hyuga Hizashi, who suddenly reacted, was worthy of being the elite jonin of Konoha Village and the head of the branch of the Hyuga clan.

However, Hyuga Hizashi, who remained calm despite the collapse of Mount Tai, was suddenly shocked by his son's words, and his chakra surged, and his mood was agitated, and then his Baiyan could not help but open.

Hyuga Hizashi, with his veins bulging, stared at every move of Hyuga Neji carefully.

He thought it was an illusion just now, although he knew that with his hearing and memory as an elite jonin, no illusion ninja could affect him silently.

The Hyuga clan is a clan that knows the flow of chakra in the acupuncture points of the human body, and ordinary illusions can be easily solved by themselves.

Then Hyuga Hizashi pinched the seal with one hand, and the chakra quickly flowed chaotically, shouting: "Illusion, solve!"

Everything was normal and there was no sign of any illusion breaking.

Hyuga Hizashi nodded that he was indeed not under the illusion, so there was only one truth!

Hyuga Hizashi lowered his head and asked Hyuga Neji in the baby cradle tentatively: "Ningji, were you talking just now? Do you know who I am?"

Hyuga Neji nodded, his movements were very small, but his mouth opened: "Father."

Hyuga Hizashi was ecstatic: "You can actually speak!"

In the world of ninjas, the talents of ninjas are the first priority.

But this does not mean that geniuses in the eyes of ordinary people are not important at all.

Although most of the five major countries in the entire ninja world plus countless other small countries are in power, countless ordinary people form the cornerstone of this world.

There are only tens of thousands of ninjas above hundreds of millions of ordinary people.

For ordinary people who have an absolute advantage in numbers, what is a genius?

Eating a lot, digesting quickly, growing taller and growing faster, this is called a genius.

If you can understand what the teacher says in class and apply it in your life after class, you are also called a genius.

Not to mention those talents that are common even in the extraordinary world, such as photographic memory and reading ten lines at a glance, these are all geniuses.

Being strong and able to eat is also a genius.

Take Hyuga Neji for example, although he has not yet practiced chakra and has not become a ninja, there is no doubt that his Byakugan is pure and perfectly inherited the blood limit of the Byakugan clan. He will definitely become a very powerful ninja in the future.

Then the normal development of Hyuga Neji as an ordinary person is also very important.

Normal children usually speak at more than one year old or even two years old, but now Hyuga Neji is only 5 months old.

He can speak at 5 months old and can clearly express his inner thoughts. What does this show?

It shows that Hyuga Neji

Neji's body can fully bear the consumption of his speaking, and can fully bear the consumption of his speaking in advance, not only mentally, but also physically.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Hizashi felt very uncomfortable.

His son was so talented. In addition, under the feeding of the natural talents of the Hyuga clan, it was a foregone conclusion that his Byakugan would open.

Moreover, with his slender limbs and strong body, practicing the soft fist method Baguazhang was also a piece of cake.

However, due to the limitation of being a branch family, Hyuga Neji obviously could not obtain the absolute defensive ninjutsu of the Hyuga signature - Baguazhang Huitian.

After all, Hyuga Hizashi did not learn this ninjutsu, and Hyuga Hiashi could not directly pass this ninjutsu to his branch brother due to the rules of the clan.

This was a secret handed down orally from generation to generation in the main family.

With anger at the unfair fate of his child, Hyuga Hizashi gradually fell into a more depressed mood.

Although he could not resist his fate, he had accepted it for decades.

If his son was an ordinary person, Hyuga Hizashi would just accept his fate. The branch family is the branch family, and the main family is the main family.

The Hyuga clan has been passed down for thousands of years and has been able to live well and become the powerful family of Konoha Village. There must be a reason for that.

But the variable lies in Hyuga Neji's talent.

At this time, Hyuga Hizashi can deeply understand and foresee Hyuga Neji's extraordinaryness more than others.

As a result, Hyuga Neji's body grows like a calf with a balloon blown up. He can talk, walk, and jump.

At the age of one, Kusaka Neji's name as a genius has been jointly promoted by many elders and clansmen of the Hyuga branch family, and the whole Konoha is known.

Everyone knows that the Hyuga clan, a powerful family in Konoha, has a genius, and he is Hyuga Neji.

The people of the branch family are jubilant.

Although the Hyuga branch family cannot openly resist the Hyuga main family and cannot abolish the caged bird curse seal, there is still normal competition within the clan.

That is to say, the ninja talents of the Hyuga branch family are not necessarily inferior to those of the Hyuga main family.

The ninja talents of the Hyuga main family are not necessarily superior to those of the Hyuga branch family.

What a joke, it is purely destined by nature.

There is no mandatory rule, otherwise the entire family will be stagnant, everyone will be confused, and the entire Hyuga clan will no longer have a trace of cohesion.

When Hyuga Neji was one year old, Hyuga Hizashi began to personally serve as Hyuga Neji's enlightenment teacher and the enlightenment teacher of ninjas. He began to teach Hyuga Neji basic physical skills and understand the operation of chakra.

And Hyuga Neji, who has the mentality of an adult, certainly will not deliberately act like a child to hide his shortcomings.

After all, this is the world of ninjas. Once a ninja becomes a ninja, a 5-year-old or 6-year-old child will be sent to the battlefield to fight.

This situation is common in the chaos of the ninja world over the past thousand years.

Take the first Hokage of Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama, for example. His two younger brothers, who had just extracted chakra and became a Genin at a young age, were immediately sent to the battlefield by their father, Senju Furuma, to fight against the Uchiha clan.

In this deformed world, genius ninjas are not feared by ordinary people. Everyone only yearns to become such geniuses.

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