The old man was very happy.


"This is the basic version of Chakra Refining Technique that Konoha Village established a ninja school, despite the opposition of many clans, and mainly for civilians~"

So there was an uproar in the class.

Although most of the powerful ninjas in Konoha Village are controlled by their respective ninja clans.

But it must be said that in peacetime, the growth rate of ninjas with good strength from civilians will be faster.


Because the number of civilian ninjas is far greater than the number of major ninja clans.

Even among the ninja clans, due to the abundant innate resources, only one genius ninja is produced in 100 ordinary people.

Then among the civilians with scarce resources, there is only one genius ninja in 1,000 people. Even so, the number of ninjas from civilian origins must be piled up. In the end, the number will definitely exceed the powerful ninjas from pure ninja clans.

This is the ruling basis of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

You should know that among the three Kage-level strongmen of the Three Ninjas of Konoha, two of them are pure civilians.

Although the vast majority of the Jonin in the village are from major ninja clans.

But for the lower class, those Genin and Chunin who do not require high qualifications and training auxiliary conditions, a large number of civilians are the mainstream.

In terms of personal origin, since the clan not only has people, but also has unimaginable financial resources, it has won over a large number of civilian ninjas through various means of marriage.

Just like modern workers going to work, there is nothing they can't do if they are paid enough. Who is not working for?

After all, Konoha Village has only been established for a few decades. Only in a truly peaceful era can resources be tilted a little bit to civilian ninjas.

If it is a war, we still have to rely heavily on the ninja clan.

Moreover, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen also pioneered the establishment of the position of special jonin.

The so-called special jonin is a ninja whose strength has exceeded that of an ordinary chunin, but who has not mastered the nature or form changes of chakra, so his strength cannot be rated as jonin.

However, in some tasks, these ninjas are more suitable than some jonin.

Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken?

Why waste precious jonin combat power to do the same task when you can use a more cost-effective special jonin?

People with outstanding talents in one aspect are vigorously promoted to special jonin.

In this way, Konoha Village can send them to play the role of jonin in some tasks.

And what's even better is that in the village, the actual power of these special jonin is not as good as that of real jonin.

In this way, it will not cause resistance from the real high-level officials.

How big is Konoha Village?

Hundreds of thousands of people.

There are only more than 200 jonins, and less than half of them are willing to take up positions.

Among this half, many of them also hold positions in the family. How can they have the energy to care about the trivialities of the village?

At this time, some power was taken out and distributed to the special jonins who were mainly civilians, which greatly broadened the upward path of civilian ninjas in the official system of Konoha Village and eased the conflicts in the village.

Special jonins get more task rewards than chunins.

They hold positions second only to jonin in the village.

Who doesn't support the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Of course, only the real jonins who are in charge of the big ship of Konoha Village, such as the jonin class that controls the real power of Konoha Village, can vote.

Special jonins can only watch.

"I know you can't wait, come on! Now I will teach you how to extract chakra!"

Fujiwara Daiki obviously knows what most students from civilian backgrounds come to ninja school for, the purpose is to become a ninja who jumps out of the class!

Without further ado, let's get straight to the point!

"Although some students may have entered this stage in advance and can skip this step. But some knowledge on the principles can still be listened to and applied to other cases." Fujiwara Daiki said to the students with a smile.

Then a picture was hung on the blackboard, which was covered with dense human veins.

Fujiwara Daiki held a pointer in one hand and clicked on the picture positions on the blackboard one by one.

"A ninja, no matter how high his achievements are, his foundation - the most important foundation, and the innate foundation, must be chakra! That is, the number of chakras!"

"Does any student know what chakra is? If you answer correctly, you can join the class

Performance score! You can take fewer exams at the end of the term."

Katsura raised his hand high and almost jumped up.

Turning his head around to observe casually, he was surprised to find that many people knew about it.

More than half of the students raised their hands.

After all, what kind of school do you want to go to? How can you not have a simple understanding?

"Okay! Classmate Katsura, you come to review what chakra is..."

Katsura's face flushed with excitement, and he stood up and answered with full energy: "Chakra is the life energy extracted from 130 trillion cells in the human body, and the spiritual power is fused together. After a special ratio, it is compressed into a special energy that can be controlled by the human mind. This energy can be combined with hand seals according to different ninjutsu talents to release five types of chakra ninjutsu: fire, earth, water, wind and thunder!"

Fujiwara Daiki nodded with satisfaction. He clapped his hands slightly and nodded with satisfaction.

"Absolutely correct. Please sit down. Next, let's get to know the meridians of the human body together."

"This is the meridian where chakra runs. Without meridians, it is difficult for a ninja to use chakra. "

"It is impossible to mobilize chakra to the hands or mouth, which are more convenient to release. "

"So in battle, when the ninja's meridians are restricted, he will have no power to fight back and cannot mobilize chakra at all."

"Even these meridians are nodes of the neural network in the body, so when the nodes are blocked, the hands and feet will not obey. At this time, when there are dangers everywhere and there are opponents around, the ending of this ninja who cannot mobilize chakra and has a disordered nerve is needless to say. "

Speaking of this, Fujiwara Daiki subconsciously glanced at the handsome boy at the back of the classroom.

Secretly added in his heart: "So, this is the fundamental reason why the Konoha Hyuga clan always calls itself the strongest, and there are indeed few voices of opposition except for the Uchiha clan. ”

With the help of the Blood Limit Byakugan, the Hyuga clan members can see the acupuncture points on the enemy's body accurately after opening their eyes. Those acupuncture points are like a magnified light spot. They only need to release a tiny amount of chakra into them to block the flow of chakra in the enemy's body, so that they can be slaughtered at will.

To dissolve the chakra that enters the body from the outside, it takes at least three days for ordinary people to recover to normal and digest and eliminate the chakra from the outside.

Although Hyuga Neji has extracted a lot of chakra, and the amount of chakra he extracted is far higher than what the teacher said.

But Hyuga Neji did not learn the class students who are often troubled in anime.

The behavior of those protagonists is often sensational, which only increases the annoyance of teachers and classmates.

There is no need, everyone works hard to come to school If you are studying, don't help others, and try not to disturb them. Just do your best.

Teachers also earn a salary. If you don't like this teacher, just keep quiet. He won't be with you all day. Just bear with it. There is no need to confront him.

Of course, that is a thorn, not the cute and well-behaved Hyuga Neji.

Instead, Hyuga Neji listened attentively to the knowledge that Fujiwara Daiki was talking about on the podium.

It's a matter of analogy!

As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang!

And now Hyuga Neji doesn't need to go to the battlefield to fight against the enemy ninjas, so why not study hard and relive the childhood time? Isn't that good?

Hyuga Neji, who is in his thirties, said that he was very relaxed after shedding his identity as a social animal and returning to his student days.

Hyuga Neji likes the current atmosphere very much.

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