The first time, the second time.

When he woke up in the morning, he opened his eyes and jumped up instantly. He didn't brush his teeth or wash his face. He sat cross-legged, palms facing up, eyes slightly closed, calmed down and began to experiment.

Three years and a half months have passed since Hyuga Neji was taught the Chakra Extraction Technique by his father Hyuga Hiashi on his fourth birthday and began to extract Chakra for the first time.

During this period, apart from the negligible consumption when he occasionally opened his Byakugan bloodline limit and became familiar with the soft fist method of the Hyuga clan, he kept adding and subtracting until today, as long as he practiced the chakra extraction cycle again, the chakra points in Hyuga Neji's body would soon break through the 100,000 mark!

During this period, after countless hard work and practice, Hyuga Neji finally got into the soft fist method of the Hyuga clan. Hyuga Neji probably understood the technical things, and the rest was to constantly train to strengthen his body, train the control of chakra, and constantly practice to improve the proficiency and power of the moves.

In Hyuga Neji's mind, he naturally imagined a picture: he stood in the air in the huge Konoha Village, with his hands on his hips, looking up at the sky and laughing.

"I! Hyuga Neji! 7 years old! Chakra breaks through 100,000 points! Just ask, who else in the whole Konoha can do this?"

Just when Hyuga Neji was complacently immersed in the joy of his upcoming strength improvement, suddenly a touch of golden hair flashed in Hyuga Neji's mind.


This is incomparable, it's a cheat, it's a cheat, a cheat exclusive to the natives of the ninja world, and there's no need to compare it with Hyuga Neji's golden finger.

So, without making a sound, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Hyuga Neji patted his face, shook his head, and waved away the image in his mind.

Alas, this doesn't count, this doesn't count, he is a cheater~


There are actually people who question that the great Hyuga Neji is also a cheater?


This is all the hard work of the great Hyuga Neji, who has accumulated countless days and nights of practice.

"I am where I am today because of my hard work day after day. Your girlfriend may let you down, your good brother may let you down, but your sweat will never let you down!"

"Deep Blue! More!!!"


Sorry, I went to the wrong set and got the wrong lines~~~

Concentrating his scattered thoughts, Hyuga Neji gathered his mind and sat cross-legged on the tatami calmly.

According to the chakra refining method exclusive to the Hyuga clan, which has been practiced thousands of times by Hyuga Neji, he extracted life energy from 130 trillion cells in his body and mixed it with the spiritual power emanating from his brain in a certain proportion. At the same time, he poured out a small blue pill from the pill bottle beside him and swallowed it with a cup of ordinary and ordinary boiled water.

Only one pill, once a day.

If there is too much, the drug will be too strong, the intraocular pressure will increase, the eyes will have double vision, and even increase the psychological burden, resulting in the chakra extraction not being smooth, and even not as fast as when not taking the small pill.

As the secret medicine falls into the stomach, it quickly decomposes and the pure drug power flows along the blood and runs to all directions of the body.

After a series of squeezing and purification, finally, the theoretical maximum value - 30 points of chakra was extracted.

"Hehe - next -", Hyuga Neji's eyes flashed with light.

Under the control of Hyuga Neji's spiritual thoughts, 30 points of chakra were unhindered, just like tens of thousands of brothers and sisters before, and rushed straight into the star core in Hyuga Neji's dantian.

In just the next moment, the star core was released outward, more condensed, and the quality reached the level of the first qualitative change chakra.

It's just that the number of qualitative change chakras of the same origin is endless, thirty points, sixty points, and finally ninety points.

Watching the number on his body jump from [99,996] to [100,086], a joyful tremor from the soul came from Hyuga Neji's soul after an interval of 1/10000 second.

Then, a short message was transmitted from the star core to Hyuga Neji's spiritual thoughts.

"Chakra's second qualitative change is completed!"

His eyes suddenly opened, all the chakra in his body began to resonate, and an invisible breeze appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, Hyuga Neji did not feel that his strength had improved by leaps and bounds as he had imagined.

The leap did not mean that he could turn into the Six Paths Sage like the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki by closing his eyes and opening his mouth.

What a pityε=(´ο`*)))Alas!

The truth is that a sense of satisfaction spread throughout his body, especially the eyes on his head. A joyful emotion was transmitted from his eyes and was captured by Hyuga Neji's mind.

Finally, it felt like perfection!

Although he didn't feel any specific changes before, he felt it now. An invisible gap was filled and completed.

"Byakugan! Open!"


As if instinctively, Hyuga Neji subconsciously opened his Byakugan.

At this moment, he couldn't help but be surprised and stood up suddenly.

Three hundred and sixty degrees!

Three hundred and sixty degrees!

Hyuga Neji felt it carefully.

Because he was born into the Hyuga branch family, he was restricted by the tradition of the Hyuga clan when he was very young, and the caged bird curse seal was planted on his forehead by the elders of the Hyuga main family.

Under the influence of the caged bird curse seal, Hyuga Neji's Byakugan blood limit is actually an incomplete castrated version.

In this case, there is a diverging dead angle just behind his first thoracic vertebra.

One degree range.

This dead angle only occupies one degree, due to the seal of the caged bird curse seal.

This vision is blocked, and of course it seems to have no effect at a close distance.

But after the two sides of this 1 degree angle are extended, it covers a huge defensive vacuum.

Although there is a solution: just tilt your head slightly, twist it to the left and twist it to the right.

But sometimes imperfection is imperfection, and flaws are flaws. If you lack such a one-degree field of vision, it may be fatal in battle!

After all, there are many people in the whole ninja world who know the information about the flaws of the Hyuga branch blood limit.

What is the battle between ninjas?

It is an intelligence war.

Unless the strength has reached an exaggerated level, the strength gap caused by the inequality of intelligence is enough to overturn the seemingly insufficient ninja level and ninjutsu power.

Moreover, ninja is a deformed profession with high attack speed, high movement speed and weak defense, and the battle between the enemy and us is often very fast.

Maybe the next second is a matter of life and death. Everyone is concentrating 100 times and still feels it is not enough. Who is willing to turn his head from time to time?

Turn your head from time to time to distract your field of vision to the place where the white eyes cannot reach?

Used to fighting with the whole map, this feeling of being out of control will be stronger.

But now due to the second qualitative change of chakra, the soul defect of Hyuga Neji covered by the caged bird curse seal has been supplemented.

The manifestation is that his white eyes have reached the level of the Hyuga clan!

Moreover, long-distance vision!

The distance of farsightedness expanded instantly, breaking through 1,100 meters, 1,500 meters, and finally freezing, the range actually reached 2 kilometers away, and there was no blind spot at 360 degrees!

Hyuga Neji picked up the small mirror on the table beside him and carefully observed his eyes.

Looking close to the mirror, it seemed to emit a bright green light.

There is no doubt that the eyes are white, but a circle of green light surrounds the eyes, making the white in the middle more obvious. At first glance, it is purest white eyes!

Although Hyuga Neji's white eyes were also very pure before, in the eyes of those who understand - those who understand, specifically referring to the hostile forces that have studied the white eyes for many years (very few) and the Hyuga clan that has developed them for a lifetime (very few, but some).

It can be found that Hyuga Neji's white eyes now give people a more vibrant feeling, as if these white eyes have a slightly obvious vitality!

Not "half-dead, slightly dull", but really "alive"!

Of course, the pupil power generated between the eyes also increased several times, reducing the physical burden brought by opening the Byakugan in the future.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to reach the point where the telescopic distance can be extended to 2 kilometers. Even in the Hyuga clan, this is a farsighted vision that only a very talented Byakugan can achieve after decades of practice!

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