The ninja world was already distorted enough. The purpose of establishing Konoha Village was to prevent children from being sent to the battlefield.


I don’t know what you, Uchiha Fugaku, thought. You might think that this is a bit of training for the child. I guess you are still very proud of yourself, so you threw the little Uchiha Itachi into the battlefield.

At that time, you must have thought that after accepting the training of blood and fire, you will definitely be able to cultivate an extremely powerful future patriarch of the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Fugaku was already very proud at that time, and felt that his move was really smart.

But in the end, this incident only impacted and distorted Uchiha Itachi's mind, and from the root, it knocked his three views of normal growth out of shape. At this time, Uchiha Itachi thought that life was so fragile, so he became extremely disgusted with war.

And a few years later, when he was 8 years old and went on a mission with the team, it was originally an ordinary protection mission. Who knew that the person to be protected was actually Uchiha Obito's target person.

Here I seriously suspect that Uchiha Obito discovered Uchiha Itachi's talent, just to make trouble, and killed the teammate who rushed over to protect Uchiha Itachi in front of Uchiha Itachi.

Under this incident, Uchiha Itachi officially opened the Sharingan and became a genius among geniuses, the Uchiha among Uchiha.

Uchiha Itachi, who opened the Sharingan at the age of eight, finally broke away from the identity of the son of the Uchiha clan leader and became a member of the Uchiha clan who was truly recognized by the Uchiha clan, regarded as the future leader, and hoped to regain the power of Konoha Village.

So Uchiha Itachi was able to awaken the Sharingan, and he unexpectedly met the black hand-Uchiha Obito. Was it an accident? Or was it intentional? We don't know.

In short, Uchiha Itachi's thinking has completely gone astray.

You say he leans on Konoha Village, but he is not completely obedient to the Hokage faction, he has his own ideas.

You say he is not from Konoha Village, but from Uchiha. He does not have a trace of sympathy and empathy for the Uchiha clan members in his heart, but is full of disgust.

"Well, you have worked hard."

Uchiha Itachi looked up, his face expressionless, but still replied.

This is the upbringing he has been given since childhood, and it has nothing to do with his inner thoughts.

What are the names of these two Uchiha clan members?

At this time, Uchiha Itachi and the curious Uchiha Sasuke have crossed the gate and entered the clan land.

As Uchiha Itachi walked, he tried to find the relevant information of these two Uchiha clan members in his memory, but then he smiled and gave up.

Forget it.

There is no need to think about it, it is just fooling people anyway.

"Sasuke, I will be home in the evening. Show the recent training results to father and mother. They will definitely be very happy."

"Ok, Onii-chan!"

Soon a magnificent and magnificent mansion came into view.

In the huge mansion, only the four members of the Uchiha family lived, and of course there were several members of the Konoha Guard of the Uchiha clan at the door.

They were Uchiha Fugaku's loyal subordinates, standing guard at the door of Uchiha Fugaku's house to protect the safety of their leader.

Although Uchiha Fugaku's strength did not require it.

Seeing Uchiha Itachi coming over and Uchiha Sasuke jumping and looking happy, the members of the Uchiha clan of the Konoha Guard just nodded slightly, and then continued to stand guard.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke walked straight into the yard.


Uchiha Itachi, who was serious and expressionless, greeted the middle-aged strong man standing in the corridor, with one hand in his robe and one hand behind his back, who was also looking at him expressionlessly.

Although Uchiha Fugaku was not good at speaking, he felt that there was a successor in his heart when he looked at his eldest son. He was very happy and felt that he had not failed to cultivate the Uchiha clan and cultivated a very good and perfect younger generation helmsman for the Uchiha clan.

His son is good in every way: he has great ninja talent and a very good character. He always puts the interests of the clan first and even accepts a spy mission to infiltrate the Anbu of the Hokage faction to collect intelligence and act as a spy for the Uchiha clan.

Spy mission.




We belong to the same village, so why do we need spies?

A spy is a name for people sent by hostile forces to spy on each other.

The Uchiha clan and Konoha Village have different positions, so they are enemies? That's not the case, so of course they can't be called spies.

Looking at his father's eyes, Uchiha Itachi knew what he was thinking.

Sure enough, the Uchiha clan has been rotten from the root since his father, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan!

If the top beam is not straight, the bottom beam will be crooked!

That's why many Uchiha clan members below are arrogant and conceited, clamoring to destroy the peace and stability of Konoha Village every day, intending to start a war again.

They deserve to die!

They are really guilty of a heinous crime!

They are really unforgivable!

The two expressionless riddlers stood face to face, only a few meters apart.

The two people's words were very neat and matched.

But their hearts were far away from each other, and the image of each other in their minds was completely different from the image of each other in real life and their real goals.

If Uchiha Itachi told Uchiha Fugaku his true thoughts at this time, Uchiha Fugaku would be surprised and sincerely responded that he would try his best to appease the Uchiha clan, and he only verbally catered to the arrogance of the Uchiha clan. He did not really follow the ideas of the Uchiha clan and really do anything to Konoha Village.

Otherwise, please look at their current location. His Uchiha clan moved from the prosperous area and the expensive city center of Konoha Village to a remote border area far away from the economic and political center.

To be honest, the losses suffered by the Uchiha clan this time are immeasurable.

The apparent losses are acceptable, and they can be replaced with equivalent methods.

However, the current situation in the inland area, which has been excluded by the entire village, is an immeasurable loss.

The geographical distance means that the Uchiha clan first obtains information much slower than those ninjas, forces or individuals living near the center of Konoha Village.

This will cause the Uchiha clan to be very passive, and it is a comprehensive passive situation.

If the father and son can be open and honest, and have a good heart-to-heart communication, there may be new variables in the future.

But the Uchiha clan is a riddle man by nature, and it is their nature to think about everything in their hearts. Everyone has their own ideas and their brains are extremely active.

That may be because the Uchiha clan inherited the bloodline of the Six Paths Sage's Sharingan, and it has been like this since Indra, and their brains are a little abnormal.

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