The next morning.

The east had just turned white, and a layer of ethereal mist was like clothes draped over the bodies of the four people with soil.

They got up early and were ready to go.

"Everyone! Yesterday's enemy just happened to scout alone, next, you will face team battles, be careful! There

was a hint of worry in Bofeng Shuimen's eyes, and he instructed Kakashi: "Kakashi, although you are the captain, you must follow the advice of the team members and avoid arbitrariness!"

Kakashi bowed, "Yes, sensei!" "

Hmm! So everyone, come on! Watergate

made a gesture.



"Kakashi, I suggest the next action, I will take the lead, Rin in the middle, you break off!"

Obito said to Kakashi.

Obito stands at the front of the team, not only will not expose the eyes of the double god power blood chakra, but also can detect danger in advance, which is undoubtedly the best for the entire team!

And this way, Lynn can also be best protected!

Kakashi thought of Watergate's instructions and agreed.

Next, Obito led the two to quickly shuttle through the bamboo forest.

The traps encountered along the way could not be hidden under the insight of the Blood Chakra Eye.

"Fire. The art of fireballs! "

With a mighty fireball, the bamboo spears that fell from the sky were burned to ashes.

Then, he reached out and stopped the latter two from moving forward.

Rin and Kakashi stopped where they were, looking admiring.

On this road, there was soil opening the road ahead, and they traveled very easily and at a very fast speed.

Because Obito can always avoid or destroy traps set by enemies in advance.

This made the whole team march almost without stopping.

Suddenly, "Lin" suddenly raised her hand and signaled her teammate to stop.

"Two mongrels, let me meet you!"

Naturally, he was referring to the other two companions of the leech.

In the previous life, one of the two robbed Rin and the other blinded Kakashi.

In this life, he wants to play with them.

At the same time, behind the boulder not far from the three people with soil.

Iwain Shangnin Shinobu Dashi looked at the figure of the three people with soil, and said disdainfully: "That guy from the demon leech, after going out to investigate for so long and hasn't come back, shouldn't it be folded in the hands of these three little ghosts!" What a waste!

Yanyin Shang Shinobu smiled coldly, staring at the "Lin" standing at the front of the team with a hint of lewdness in his eyes, "Isn't it, just try it!"

He pinched the seal with one hand: "Ninfa. Camouflage hidden. The

whole person then disappeared into the surrounding environment, like a chameleon.

"Eager guy!"

Dashi snorted coldly, then threw out a detonation charm, and then jumped.

The violent booming sound attracted the attention of the three Obito, and the sudden appearance of large stones made them all on guard.

Kakashi drew his sword forward and engaged Dashi Short.

The sound of weapons colliding is endless.

Obito frowned slightly: "Kakashi, this idiot, the number of enemies is unknown, you should keep the formation and observe first!"

Suddenly, he sensed a transparent figure approaching behind him.

"Finally here!"

Firelight's figure appeared, and he stunned "Rin" with a slash of his hand.

At this time, the big stone in front of him also arrived to meet with the firelight.

"Then this girl, I will take it!"

Firelight's treachery succeeded, and he smiled proudly.

Dashi also smiled, this is the usual trick of the two, and you can taste the taste of the little beauty in a while.

He licked his lips, he had been worried for many days, and now he needed to find a place to vent.

What a female ninja of this age! The most is the water spirit, like a flower bone with buds waiting to be put!

The two looked at each other and decisively threw out a smoke bomb.


Not long after the two left.

Kakashi, who remained in place, looked at each other with Obito.

Suddenly, "Obito" lifted the transformation technique and returned to its original appearance, and it was Lin.

Kakashi frowned, "What the hell is this guy with Obito?"

Ten minutes ago, Obito suddenly proposed to swap looks with Rin.

Obito becomes Rin's appearance, and Rin becomes Obito, but the position remains the same.

At first, Rin and Kakashi didn't understand, but now it seems to have a deep meaning?

Lin's pretty face was full of worry: "Thanks to Obito, it should have been me who was kidnapped!" Kakashi, let's hurry up and save Obito!

"This guy with soil always seems to be able to anticipate the enemy plane first, Lin, let's finish the task first!"

Kakashi said towards Rin.

"Kakashi, what are you talking about? What do you mean?

Rin stopped and turned her head to ask in disbelief.

"The two of us, just continue the mission!"

Kakashi's eyes dodged.

"That... What to do with soil?

Rin got a little agitated, trying to suppress her volume and trying to convince Kakashi.

"Save after bringing soil, he dares to pretend to be you, which shows that he is confident, and the enemy will probably not kill him immediately in order to know our plan!"

Kakashi calmly analyzed.

In his eyes, the task is greater than everything, what is the difference between a person who does not follow the principles, and waste?

"These are all your speculations, what if there is an accident with Obito? Kakashi, I think Obito's safety comes first! Lin

, who has always been a good talker, was unexpectedly firm this time, and she couldn't give up the rescue because of a few inferences.

That is Obito, who cares for her and cares for her.

The one who asked her to watch herself become a Hokage, and also threatened to make herself a Hokage lady!

Kakashi still adhered to his principles: "Rin, you must know that if you are a ninja, even if you sacrifice your partner, you have to carry out the mission!"

"But Obito was taken for me!" Or to put it another way, Kakashi, if I were taken away, would you not... Will you prioritize completing tasks?

At the end of Lin's words, her tone trembled slightly.

"Of course! If you delay the mission to save you, it may lead to more deaths!

Kakashi hesitated for a second and gave the answer.

Rin's eyes widened suddenly, her pretty face turned pale, and a flame in her heart gradually extinguished, and a huge disappointment enveloped her body and mind.

At this moment, she seemed to be drained of strength and collapsed to the ground weakly.

All this time, Kakashi has been her light, her role model, and her driving force.

It is the white moonlight in the girl's heart.

But now, she feels that she is looking at the wrong person.

Partners who have grown up together since childhood are not as ridiculous as inferences.

Rin only knew that if Obito died because of a few hypotheses about the pros and cons of war, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

She struggled to her feet, deciding to disobey the captain's order, so she said decisively to Kakashi: "Captain Kakashi, then you go and complete the mission!" I'll go and save Obito myself! "

Lin was reincarnated, her beautiful eyes under her forehead shining with tears and full of death.

A man who is willing to be in danger for himself, and another man who gives up his own for the task.

At this moment, she chose the former!

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