Naruto: Obito

Chapter 057

“Let Hanzo feel pain.”

Tiandao looked at the Yuyin Village where night was about to fall, and chanted words in his mouth.

After a year of cultivation, the vitality of Yuyin Village, which had been destroyed by Nagato’s outer path golem, had also recovered most of its vitality.

The war finally passed, and Hanzo felt that Xiao’s leader had been killed, and he also stayed safely in the village of Yuyin to recuperate.

Obito emerged from a whirlpool, and Heavenly Dao could already sense it without looking back.

“Here you are.”

“Do you need me to make a move?” Obito said lightly.

“No, I brought all six Dao today.”

“Well, then I’ll watch the battle.”

Hei Jue drilled out half of his head from the ground, “Hanzo is now in his own mansion. ”

From the top of his head, another orange-haired Payne appeared, falling from the sky to the front of the Heavenly Dao, and the prototype was the female Payne Beast Dao of the Hydrangea.

A cute-looking girl was made into a puppet, and her tone was extremely ruthless, and she slapped her palm on the ground and shouted:


The smoke cleared, and the other five Payne also appeared above the psychic array.

Obito saw that this scene was also happy, and he really didn’t have to make his own action when the six paths were here, anyway, the six ways of Payne would definitely be right to abuse Hanzo.

The Heavenly Dao floated directly into the sky, as if a god was checking his territory.

The other five Payne raided directly from the main entrance, killing all of Hanzo’s men in the mansion.

Hanzo is resting in his mansion, and since he was a child, he has never liked others to be near him, even his own subordinates must wear gas masks.

Heavenly Dao floated above the mansion and stared indifferently at the entire mansion.


Hanzo heard a deep voice coming from the roof of the house, as if he had been sentenced to death.

When the sound fell, the roof of the house burst in an instant, and debris splashed on Hanzo’s body.

Although Hanzo is old, he still has the ability to react, and immediately holds his scythe in his hand to resist the broken wooden planks of the roof.

Standing on the roof was a man wearing a red cloud robe on a black background, and a pair of purple eyes looked at Hanzo.

The orange-haired Hanzo only felt a little familiar, but he didn’t remember it immediately, “The people of Xiao actually attacked my Yuyin Village. ”

“Hanzo, feel the pain.” Tendo said slowly to Hanzo.

“Pretend to be a ghost.”

Hanzo jumped up from the ground, bit his finger and channeled a huge pepperfish in the air, which made the ground shake as soon as it landed.

From the gray skin, green poisonous gas continued to emanate, infecting the body of Heavenly Dao.

Hanzo only felt that this person who knew the organization was really a brat who did not know the height of the sky, and did not avoid the poisonous gas of the pepperfish.

Obito sat on the roof of a house in Yuyin Village from a distance, looked at Hanzo with a self-righteous look and shook his head: “Hanzo is really a fool. ”

The Heavenly Dao hand slowly lifted up, and the mouth covered by the collar said again: “Shinra Tianzheng.” ”

The huge repulsion erupted with the Heavenly Dao as the center, and the broken roof was completely shattered by this repulsion, and the originally stable body of the pepperfish was uncontrollably swept away after contacting this force!

Hanzo immediately jumped away from the pepperfish, this power he remembered too deeply!

The red-haired youth who almost killed him a year ago against those guys from the Xiao Organization used this trick.

As if facing a great enemy, he sank down and looked nervously at the Heavenly Dao in front of him, this repulsion force was too strong, and if he was rubbed, he would lose the ability to act.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead.”

Tendao’s palm pointed at Hanzo in the distance.

An unknown gravitational pull dragged Hanzo up, causing him to unconsciously begin to be pulled.

“This is!”

Hanzo nailed his scythe to the ground, trying to get rid of the gravitational pull, but it didn’t take long before he was drawn to it.

Tendo directly grabbed Hanzo’s neck at the floating over, and pressed down to make Hanzo directly kneel on the ground.

Only then did Hanzo finally see who the person in front of him was.

“Are you… It’s Yahiko of the Xiao Organization! You should be dead! ”

Hanzo’s eyes stared at Tendo’s face and said in disbelief.

His body was completely immobile, and this strange Yahiko was so powerful that Hanzo was terrified.

“Hanzo, join forces with Danzo to betray us, and now Yahiko’s pain is all inflicted on you.”

Through Tendo’s eyes, seeing Hanzo’s fragile appearance now, Nagato was full of anger and pain in his heart.

Tendo let go of his hand, and Hanzo fell to the ground and sucked in the air fiercely.

Nagato only felt that the current Hanzo was like a dog who had lost his family, completely lacking the demeanor of a demigod in the past.

“Hanzo, do you know why you failed? You used to be so powerful, but now you are a waste who only cares about your own life. ”

Hanzo said in horror, “What the hell are you?!” Why have such great power! ”

“It seems that you still don’t see why you failed. Hanzo. ”

Five other Payne appeared behind Tendo, and Humanway walked in front of Hanzo, one hand attached to Hanzo’s moon murderer’s mouth, bent into claws and slowly pulled out a ball of blue shape.


Hanzo’s eyes rolled at it, and the soul in the mouth of the Moon Murderer rose upwards as the human path was extracted.


The humanoid soul was completely extracted and struggled on the hand of the human path.

Obito stood up after watching this good show, and came to the side of Heavenly Dao through Shenwei.

“It seems that Hanzo is just a waste, and it can’t last a few times. I thought I needed to do it. ”

Obito laughed and looked at the Hanzo soul in the hand of the human way.

“This is just the first step in giving him pain, and I will make everyone who is connected to Hanzo feel how much pain God’s wrath can cause.”

“After clearing out all those who support Hanzo, let’s transfer the base of the Xiao Organization here.”

Tiandao glanced at Obito, “I understand, first clean up all the garbage, and then rule.” ”

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