Naruto: Obito

Chapter 006

When the pain finally eased a little, Obito braced his hands in front of the mirror and struggled to open his eyes.

A sense of sourness filled the entire eyeball, like countless small insects biting, and dense pain continued to emerge. But Obito insisted on opening his eyes.

The blood-red eyes made his whole person look very cold, more importantly, there were three gouyu in his eyes slowly turning, and what he could clearly feel was that the power in his body was constantly filled, as if the strength jumped several stages at once, if he fought with Kakashi now, the title of five or five may end in his hands.

Is opening an eye a three-hook jade? The look in the blood-red eyes is very complicated, it is obvious that this is the original owner’s gift to himself, this kind of strength that others have painfully gained, but finally achieved it to himself, no matter how I think about it, I feel a little guilty.

However, now he is Obito himself, so he will not reproduce all this in the tragedy that happened to Obito before.

The mood stirred, and Obito saw that the gouyu in his eyes continued to rotate wildly.

Is it, is it going to evolve again? No, it’s already in the state of Sangouyu, and it’s also so painful, I’m afraid my body will not be able to support it if I go down.

Chakra is constantly emerging and filling the whole body, but this eye-opening pain is indeed not a pain that ordinary people can endure, especially for this leapfrog evolution.

Negative emotions also gushed out with the pain of opening the eyes, and the sadness in Obito’s heart became more and more obvious, and no one would understand the pain of losing Lin, and the whole world was dark.

Just when Obito stared at himself in the mirror with his eyes wide open, the three gouge jade were connected together, and a triangular windmill-like pattern appeared, but finally some could not be supported, the pattern only appeared for a moment, and it stopped before it was completely fixed, and the state of the three-hook jade was also lifted.

“Million, kaleidoscope.”

His consciousness gradually darkened, his tired body, his aching eyes, and Obito realized that he was about to pass out.

I don’t know how long it took for Obito to slowly wake up from his coma, and in a daze, he could see a white voice kneeling on his bed.

It didn’t take long for Obito’s vision to gradually become clearer, and he saw that it was his grandmother who was looking at him worriedly, and there was deep concern buried in a pair of old eyes.

“Grandma, how long have I been in a coma?” Obito sat up with his body supported by his hands.

“Have you finally woken up? Why would you faint in your room, if grandma hadn’t come up and told you for dinner, grandma wouldn’t have noticed that your child fainted on the ground! Did something happen? Can you tell grandma? “Grandma saw that Obito’s consciousness was already sober, so she asked everything she wanted to say, a good child, when he returned home, he was still fine, how could he suddenly faint in the room.

“This… Grandmother…… Actually, I, the eyes of the chakra have opened my eyes. “In the end, he still told the truth, which shocked his grandmother for a long time.

“You… Did you really open the Sharingan? ”

Obito nodded.

Grandma happily hugged Obito, which was great news for their family.

In the Uchiha family, the chakra eye is an important force, not to be underestimated, you know, this year’s Obito is only nine years old, and Uchiha, who opened his eyes at the age of nine, will be immediately named a genius, so Obito’s grandmother will be so happy.

Obito felt nothing special in his heart because of the original, and this pair of eyes can be said to be the things that the original owner gave him, holding the power that others painfully obtained, and he got these things without much effort, which made him feel a little guilty, but also very grateful.

“But, Grandma, I don’t want anyone else to know about it.” Obito hesitated, but still told his grandmother what he was saying.

Although grandma is puzzled, because as long as you show your talent within the Uchiha clan, you will get a lot of cultivation resources, and Uchiha is a family that values the strong and talented. But in the end, he still respected Obito’s idea and would not tell others about it.

“In that case, grandma will not tell other people about this, but with soil, even if you open your eyes, you can’t fall behind in practice, you know? Also, don’t forget to eat dinner on the table, grandma will come back later. “Grandma didn’t forget to tell her to bring soil before going downstairs.

When Grandma left her room, Obito got up from the bed, and on the table was the dinner that Grandma left for herself, but now Obito had no intention of eating dinner at all, thinking of Grandma’s words, I was afraid that if she didn’t eat it would make her sad, she still reluctantly ate a meal, the taste was very good, and she had an appetite while eating.

But Obito is now more focused on his physical changes, and he can clearly feel that his physical fitness has far exceeded his weak body before, and Chakra has also increased nearly tenfold.

It is true that Uchiha has geniuses for generations, this ability to grow strength quickly by relying on blood succession limits is too buggy, as long as the talent is enough, the eyes continue to evolve, and the spiritual energy and Chakra will be greatly improved.

In his current self, Kakashi will not be his own enemy, I am afraid that he also has the power of Shinobi.

Obito was secretly happy in his heart, but soon he found that his hard verification power was indeed indistinguishable from Shangnin, but the training in ninjutsu, physical arts and so on was far inferior to those veteran Shangnin who were already experienced and practiced well. So I have to train hard!

Obito swore in his heart that now he was more energetic than ever, and he didn’t feel sleepy at all.

“Good! Then let’s go and practice! ”

Putting on his signature blue coat, he looked at the pair of goggles on the table, and picked it up, but decided to open the drawer and put the goggles in.

“In the future, it will slowly mature.” Obito muttered to himself, and the brace on the table was pulled up and smoothly tied to the back of his head.

It was completely dark, and Obito opened the window of his room, feeling the cool breeze coming to him, and the sound of Xi Xi brushed his cheek and caressed his ear.

“Sharingan!!” Take the soil and drink low.

The field of view suddenly became simpler but clearer and wider, the movement of objects in his line of sight became sluggish, and the flow of Chakra was revealed in front of his eyes.

What I want is this feeling of control, squatting on the windowsill with soil, and a jumping figure disappears into the night.

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