“Ben Meng sister eats and drinks with her, just asking which big guy to tell Naruto world intelligence! Ben Meng Mei Jincheng Middle School ranked fifteenth on the flower list, the big guy is coming soon…”

“My father is Li Gang, sister flower foot bath city owner, whoever gives me a copy of the “Naruto” world information, I will arrange three girls to make you cool !!!”

“Hmph! Thanks to the new world, if we can’t compare to those famous middle schools in some other old worlds, we haven’t logged in to the world twice after three years of study, but the students of famous schools have logged in more than a dozen times…”

“What about the new world, which of those with backgrounds did not get information in advance, they have more chances to be admitted to prestigious high schools and even prestigious universities than us…”


“Okay, okay, don’t complain, wait a minute the head teacher will give us some information, although it is not much, but it is better than nothing!”

“Why haven’t I seen the head teacher yet, there are only more than half an hour left!”

“Is the world difficult this time, the head teacher has not come yet!”

“Here it comes, look, the students who eavesdropped on the class teacher and the principal are talking to them!”

With a commotion, two or three excited boys ran over and started shouting before they could stand firm

“The latest information on the world of Naruto… Combat classes are all a class called ‘ninja’…”

In the large auditorium, more than five or six hundred young men and girls, about fifteen or sixteen years old, were talking excitedly, and they all rubbed their fists, eager to howl up to the sky

However, in this group of boys and girls, Lei Luo was confused, frowning and combing through the information in his mind.

From memory, I know that this world is not an ordinary world at all, more than five hundred years ago, the world barrier was broken for some reason, one dimensional door after another appeared all over the world, from which countless creatures that only existed in legends poured out, and the earth has since entered the apocalyptic era, and hundreds of millions of human beings have been killed.

Even, major countries and cities around the world have instilled one information after another about the dimensional world since human beings learned to ensure that they can survive safely after logging into the dimensional world for the first time.

Recalling the information about this world in his mind, Lei Luo’s eyes couldn’t help but be a little excited.

Especially now, his identity, an ordinary high school junior in the seventy-two of Jincheng, is taking the college entrance examination.

And the content of the college entrance examination is also the first time they have landed in a complete dimensional world: “Naruto”!

Suddenly, a light cough interrupted the discussion of many boys and girls, and I saw seven or eight imposing old men walking in on the high platform, and the old man at the head was the principal of Jincheng Seventy-two Middle School, Principal Yang Weihua.

“The world of this exam is the world we newly discovered a year ago, the third-order advanced world Naruto, and since this world has only been discovered for more than a year, we have obtained very little information…”

“The strongest force in the world of Naruto should be the Mist Ninja Village in the Land of Water, followed by the Iwa Ninja Village in the Land of Earth, and the third is the Sand Ninja Village in the Land of Wind. Therefore, after you log in to the dimensional world, you will choose these three worlds as the first place to come…”

“Don’t choose the Cloud Ninja Village in the Land of Thunder, the strongest ninja in both of their villages is already dead…”

“There is also a confidential information, when you name yourself, you must choose a name related to the family in the world of Naruto, so that you can become a ninja faster…”

“The strongest physical technique is called the three-body technique, and you must spend a lot of effort to learn…”

“Water Ninjutsu is the strongest, and the strongest known Water Ninjutsu is the Great Waterfall Technique…”

Principal Yang was talking, and the students below were also fascinated, these are precious information worth thousands of dollars, especially a few of them, which are exactly what they urgently need!

Listening to Principal Yang spit on the podium, making up nonsense, Lei Luo was dumbfounded.

However, as an old fan of “Naruto” for ten years, what is this special thing?

You know, the war plot of the entire “Naruto” world is a civil war in Konoha Shinobi Village. In a few decades, the twelve small strongmen of Konoha Shinobi Village will be able to turn over the Shinobi and challenge the shadow-level characters by casually…

“Well, that’s all for the specific information, I hope all of you can return safely from the world of Naruto…”

“Teacher Wang, send the login device to the students…” Principal Yang wiped the sweat droplets oozing from his head and said to the other teacher.

“Yes, Principal Yang.” After that, Teacher Wang twisted his fat buttocks and signaled a few students with login devices behind him to come down and distribute it to the senior students who were about to take the exam.

Just as he was about to try it, he suddenly rubbed his fingers and actually took out a folded white paper from under the login machine.

Almost subconsciously looked forward, and saw the student who had distributed the login device to himself before, a girl with bright eyes and a delicate face, quietly blinking his eyes.

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