Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 14 Ambition makes people progress

"Absolutely no outsiders should be allowed to know the secrets of Kirigakure Village."

"Otherwise, the situation is likely to be beyond my control, and I will never allow this to happen!"

Uchiha Obito was hiding in the dark, watching this scene and thinking in his heart.

After the battle, Terumi Mei took the initiative to ask for inspection to prevent Orochimaru from causing sabotage.

Yagura didn't feel uncomfortable with this request, so he agreed.

But is Terumi Mei’s real purpose to patrol?

Of course not, she was just an excuse to look for Yarana.

Yorina left suddenly, which might have been fine in the past.

But today was different. The appearance of Orochimaru instantly increased the possibility of Yorina being in danger countless times.

"Saya, please don't let anything happen to you!" Terumi Mei prayed in her heart.

And when Yorina, who was humming a little tune and looking carefree, met the worried Terumi Mei, a good show was immediately staged.

"As an ANBU member, how can you run around in the village? Do you know how dangerous this is?"

"Yarana, do you know you are wrong!"

Terumi Meihou shouted with an extremely cold voice, her face covered with frost.

Hearing this, Ye Lana couldn't help being stunned at first, then immediately lowered her head and admitted her mistake: "I know I was wrong!"

Of course he was not stupid enough to contradict Terumi Mei in front of all the ANBU and damage her dignity.

In front of outsiders, you should admit your mistakes when you should, because they are just in a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

At home, the relationship was between brother and sister. At that time, it was okay to contradict each other as much as we wanted.

Although he didn't know why Terumi Mei had such a big reaction.

Didn't he just take a walk around the village? Could he still encounter danger? Is it so severe?

But no matter what, you must have a good attitude towards admitting your mistakes. Only in this way can Terumi Mei have steps to climb down.

"Huh, just know you're wrong and come back with me quickly."

"I want to teach you a lesson on what it's like to be a qualified ANBU member!"

Mei Terumi snorted coldly and asked several ANBU behind her to escort Yorina back.


"Sister, what happened in the village? You are so serious!"

Yorina rubbed his arm. The two Anbu were so strong that they almost tore off his arm.

"Just now Orochimaru invaded, do you think I can be less serious!"

"If you run around like this, if you meet him, will your life be saved?" Terumi Mei said angrily, frowning.

"This... is really dangerous. It's impulsive, it's impulsive!"

Yarana couldn't help but click her tongue and pretended to be scared.

When he went out to recruit Kimimaro, he knew that he might encounter Orochimaru.

Therefore, he is still very careful.

Fortunately, he was lucky and didn't encounter Orochimaru along the way.

However, if he really encountered it, he could only use the Kirigakure Technique to delay time and run away.

He couldn't defeat a Kage level master like Orochimaru.

"Then why did you rush out in such a hurry? It's worth taking such a risk!"

Terumi Mei finally asked the question.

Hearing this, Yorina smiled, then recruited Kaguya Kimimaro, and told everything about Minazuki Shiro in detail.

"You... this, this, you are too bold, aren't you afraid of being discovered by Master Mizukage?"

"Leaving the Kaguya clan privately, and the remnants of the Mizuzuki clan is a capital crime!"

Terumi Mei pointed at Yerana in shock, and lowered her voice.

"Hey, it's all worth it, sister!"

"If you want to change Wuyin Village, you can't do without your own team!"

"Only when one's own strength is strong, can one have the capital to gain more voice."

"Master Mizukage, the elders of the Great Elder, which one is not strong. If we want to fight against them, we must also become stronger!"

Ye Lana grinned and said softly.

At this moment, Terumi Mei seemed to see two words from Yerana's shining eyes: ambition!

"Sister, don't you think Mizukage-sama has a problem?"

"At least judging from what he has done in recent years, he is no longer a qualified actor."

"Let him take charge of Wuyin Village again, and the conflict in Wuyin Village will definitely continue to deepen!"

"I've never heard of a ninja village who would persecute his siblings and reduce his strength, he...!"

Before Yerana finished speaking, she was interrupted by Terumi Mei.

"Hush, don't talk about it, I have a sense of proportion! But now is not the time!"

"When the time is right, I will try my best."

"Xiao Ye, next time you do this kind of thing again, you must discuss it with me."

"The revitalization of Wuyin Village is not your business alone, understand!"

Terumimei said seriously, there was a sharp light flickering in her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Yorina smiled!

He also saw ambition in Terumi Mei's eyes!

They both felt really comfortable!

But Orochimaru is depressed!

I originally planned to take advantage of the chaos in Wuyin Village to see if I could do something.

But in the end, he didn't get anything. Instead, he got into a fight with Yakura and ran away in despair.

Extremely worth the loss.

The next day!

Yarana, who was given a three-day vacation and was wielding a sword to earn reinforcement points, was interrupted by Zabuchi who came to visit suddenly.

"I don't know if I won't kill Jonin for a sudden visit, what's the matter?"

If you don't kill such a lonely person, it's rare to take the initiative to visit him.

"I want to see your Kirigakure Jutsu. I can feel that your Kirigakure Jutsu is superior to mine!"

Zabuza got straight to the point and stated the purpose of his visit.

"Zabuza Jounin is joking, how can I, a mere genin, deserve such praise!"

Ye Lana couldn't help but smile, with a 'don't dare' look.

"You can handle it! If you're a man, just be honest and be honest!"

Zabuza couldn't help but frown when he saw this, he didn't like Yorina's lack of straightforward attitude.

"If that's the case, then it's embarrassing!"

"I have long admired Zabuza-dono's silent killing technique!"

After Yorina finished speaking, she almost didn't see him forming a seal before releasing a cloud of mist, covering Zabuza in it.

"It's so fast, it's several times faster than me!"

Although Zabuza knew that Yorina was a monster and was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by Yorina's strength.

"Then, Zabuza Jonin, be careful!"

"Next, please don't trust any of your senses and use your 'mind's eyes' to perceive my existence!"

Ye Lana's voice came, vague and indistinct, and it was completely impossible to locate his existence.

"I can't sense it! It's interesting, I came to the right place!"

Zabuza immediately released his senses, and as a result, it was like running into iron walls in all directions.

His sense of water mist couldn't be dispersed at all, which made him suddenly excited!

People of his level can't sense it.

Yorina's Kirigakure technique is really good.

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