"Well, that's a good idea! However, this matter has a lot to do with it, and how to control them is also a problem!"

"It's hard for us to guarantee that they will always be loyal! After all, money touches people's hearts, and people's hearts are separated from the belly!"

Terumi Mei also felt that Yerana's idea was good, but immediately worried about management issues again.

"It seems that a strict supervision mechanism and reward and punishment system need to be established, and it needs to be controlled by rules."

"Leave it to me, I'll think about it!"

Ye Lana volunteered to take over this responsibility.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you then!"

"Xiaoye, don't let yourself get too tired."

"If you can distribute it to your subordinates, give them as much as possible. A person's power is limited after all!" Terumi Mei said distressedly.

Yerana is obviously only in her teens, which is a very good age for having fun.

But worrying about all kinds of things in Wuyin Village all day long, and living the life of a middle-aged person ahead of time, she really felt a little sorry.

"It's okay, sister, this is only for a short time. After Wuyin Village develops, I won't work so hard!"

Naruto showed a big smile, quite innocent, and left the office.

Meanwhile, the Land of Water!

"Hahaha, Wuyin Village did a really good job this time, and brought us such a big benefit."

"It's not in vain that I have raised them for so many years, and finally know how to repay me!"

The daimyo of the country of water was sitting on a high seat, his fat face was full of happy smiles, and his small eyes were shining with greedy green light.

"That's all because the Daimyo has good leadership!"

"Without the training of the big names, how could they be where they are today! Isn't it right for them to respect you?"

"That's right, they, as daimyo's knives, have to do their job well."

"How can lowly people like them get involved in the aftermath of this kind of thing!"


"That's right, lowly people like them don't know how to maximize their profits. They can only maximize their profits if they are put in our hands."

"We have contributed a lot to the development of Kirigakure Village over the years!"

"Besides, if we hadn't patiently communicated with the lord of the Kingdom of Thunder, how could the lord of the Kingdom of Thunder have surrendered so easily."

"How could their Kirigakure Village end the war so quickly? This is all our fault!"

All the ministers below congratulated each other, but they belittled Kirigakure Village as nothing!

Hearing these words, the great name of the Kingdom of Water was elated!

At this time, the daimyo continued to speak, quite dissatisfied: "Wuyin Village has such a good opportunity but only asks for so little. I really don't know how to negotiate! Such a good opportunity was wasted!"

"We've obviously won, but we still don't know how to maximize our profits. How dare we not agree to Yunyin Village's demands for more?"

"Where our troops from the Kingdom of Water are heading, the Kingdom of Thunder must not surrender obediently!"

Well, the confidence of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water has grown to the point of arrogance, and he feels that he can crush the Kingdom of Thunder.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"What you said is absolutely true. It's such a waste of such a good opportunity. The Mizukage Terumi Mei is really useless!"

"Delaying the opportunity to fight and not knowing how to maximize profits is a serious crime in itself. He must be tried properly!"

"Yes, we must judge her properly!"


"Perhaps he has some shady secret agreement with Raikage. Otherwise, how could he only have such a small amount of compensation!"

"Daimyo-sama is so benevolent. Even if they are like this, I still give them a reward!"

"It would be nice if I didn't punish them. If there is no reward, just dream!"

A group of ministers were no longer satisfied with the immediate interests and felt that Terumi Mei was guilty.

He felt that she was an incompetent person and wanted to judge her.

Many people who listened shook their heads directly, looking embarrassed.

"My lord, Mizukage-sama of Kirigakure Village is very good at being able to do this."

"According to the situation at the time, if we go too far, it is very likely that the Raikage will be forced to stand on the hostile line again."

"When the time comes, both sides will fight to the death, which will only allow the third party to take advantage!"

"Mizukage-sama's request for compensation is already the most reasonable solution."

“We avoided losses and also brought us huge profits!”


"If this reasonable disposal method is not enough, then there is really no other reasonable way!"

"The princes in the court are really good at talking, but I don't think there are many down-to-earth people. They are all talkers."

"How many people know the original situation? Don't deceive the daimyo into making wrong judgments before you understand clearly."


"If something goes wrong in a major national matter, which one of you can take the responsibility? I don't think any of you can take the responsibility!"

"Lord Daimyo, I request that some incompetent people be eliminated."

"Lest them continue to be in their prime position, let truly talented people come forward to better plan and develop the Kingdom of Water!"

This is a person from the etiquette department. His official position is not high, but he is very brave in speaking.

"Hmph, even a kid with a yellow mouth dares to talk nonsense. Could it be that you and Mei Terumi are in the same group?"

"Or are you a spy sent by the Kingdom of Thunder? I think you are very suspicious."

"Lord Watanabe, you must take good care of your subordinates!"

A middle-aged man with a big belly and wearing a purple official uniform squinted his eyes and said to a skinny old man next to him.

"I think that's correct. When we talk, is it your turn to interrupt?"

"Who do you think you are? You just want to share the worries of the Daimyo? Are you worthy?"

"So many of your seniors haven't spoken, so why are you shouting? You don't understand any etiquette."

"It's a shame that a loser like you can stand here. It's really embarrassing for us. I think there's a big shady story behind this."

"Minister of Criminal Law, you have to check this person carefully to see if he got here through a dirty deal!"

Another middle-aged man spoke, also wearing a purple official uniform. He was a minister in charge of officials. He was not angry but had authority!


Upon hearing these words, the minister of etiquette's face suddenly turned red with anger.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the daimyo: "Okay, step back, it's not your turn to remind me."

"What to do, naturally your seniors will discuss it with me!"

"Some things are not as simple as you see. If you want to discuss national affairs, give it a few more years of experience!"

When the daimyo spoke, he had no choice but to retreat, but when he returned to the queue, he could not help but be ridiculed by his colleagues around him.

If he wants to be in the limelight, is he worthy?

"Minister of Finance, please tell Terumi Mei to be more comprehensive next time and don't be so timid."

"Lest we lose so much profit for no reason!"

"Oh, by the way, due to their poor performance this time, one-tenth of their annual funds will be deducted."

"Wait until they perform meritorious service in Kirigakure Village, and then return to their original state!"

After saying that, the daimyo left. The finance minister obeyed the order with a smile, and then withdrew.

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