Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 215 I want to rest, but my strength does not allow it

After hearing this, Ye Lana shrugged and said, "Sister, just say this, but don't take it seriously and don't spread it out!"

"We can take it as a joke, but it doesn't mean that some people will take it as a joke. It's better not to say such things that affect Mizukage's authority, so as not to be caught!"

"It's hard for us to guarantee that the later Mizukage will also trust the ANBU minister so much!"

He sighed. After all, he had this kind of power because Kirigakure Village didn't have that many people, so he had to go into battle himself.

Kirigakure Village is in dire straits, and there are too many things happening. Terumi Mei, the Mizukage, is too busy alone, that's why he holds so much power,

But in two years' time, when Kirigakure Village is fully developed and there are not so many things to worry about, he will be able to enjoy his leisure time!

"Sister, do you think you should also change the water shadow affiliated organization to make yourself more relaxed? There are so many beautiful scenery in the world, they are worth seeing!"

Hearing Yarana's words, Terumi Mei shook his head and said: "I can't think about these things yet, and don't think about resigning so easily!"

"Even if you don't care about the ANBU, you still have to keep an eye on the Water Kingdom court!"

"Since you have created today's situation, it is impossible not to care about it!"

He directly dispelled Yarana's idea of ​​becoming a hands-off shopkeeper.

Ye Ranna raised her hands in surrender, and said in 'frustration': "Okay, okay, I really have to continue working as a laborer. Once I enter the job, the door is as deep as the sea, and I will be a passerby in my free time from now on!"

Terumi Mei couldn't help but laugh at Yarana's words, and said, "Okay, I'm still young, but I have a lot of emotions!"

"By the way, you asked the Anbu to investigate that man named Shennong. Is there anything wrong with him? The information I have here shows that he is just a parade doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded!"

Terumi Mei was puzzled as to why Yorina was so nervous because she was just a doctor.

"Sister, do you still remember the failed attack on Konoha by the force called Kong Ninja Village?"

Speaking of this, Ye Lana suddenly became serious and said.

"Is there collusion between them?" Terumi Mei asked tentatively.

Ye Lana replied: "No, no, no, they are not colluding, but the man named Shennong is the leader of Kong Ninja Village!"

"What!" Upon hearing this, Terumi Mei couldn't help being shocked.

Yarana continued: "What kind of good thing can a Ninja village leader who dares to attack Konoha do? Will he be a serious doctor?"

"And, according to the latest news, he has colluded with some rebel forces in the Water Kingdom!"

Saying that, Yarana handed the scroll recording relevant matters to Terumi Mei.

"So that's the case, then we really need to take relevant action!"

"Then what are you going to do? This Shennong can't keep him!" Terumi Mei asked after reading.

"Since he likes to use saving lives as a cover, I will invite him out under the pretext of treating an incurable disease, and then capture and guard him!"

"Of course, since he has a good reputation in Suche Town, in order to prevent anyone from inciting people to cause trouble, I will send corresponding personnel to appease the people!"

"If his men know about this, they might come to the rescue. If they come, they can just follow the clues and catch them all."

"If they don't come, then get to the bottom of it and do it at the same time as the rebel forces. We can always catch them all!"

Ye Lana was talking eloquently and her arrangements were clear. She had already created a big net, waiting for the target to enter and then closing it.

"Xiaoye, I have to say, after listening to your plan, I am really glad that I am your sister and not your enemy!"

"Otherwise, I don't even know when I was targeted by you, and I might have been confused the moment I was arrested!" Terumi Mei said with emotion.

"It's not as powerful as you say!"

"It's a coincidence. I originally only monitored the rebel forces and allowed them to develop under control so that I could better wipe them out."

"I didn't expect that an unexpected prey would break into this net!" Ye Lana said helplessly.

Terumi Mei: "Is it really just a coincidence? Your strategic ability is not like that of a thirteen-year-old boy, but like an old fox who has been immersed in strategy for many years."

"Sometimes I wonder if you are growing several times faster than others! Otherwise, how could you be so capable!"

Hearing this, Ye Lana said helplessly: "Haven't people always said that I am a monster? If that's the case, then naturally I have to feel a little bit like a monster!"

"Okay, I'm going to do something first. This guy is not easy to deal with!"

After all, I left!

And on the other side, somewhere in the Kingdom of Water!

"Doctor, it... hurts so much, you lied to me. You... promised me, you said no... it won't hurt!"

A child with red eyes was lying on an operating table, looking at the kind-faced man in front of him with pain on his face, and said.

"You are so naive. When I say it doesn't hurt, do you really think it doesn't hurt? I bribed you with two lollipops. This is the only value a waste like you has!"

The man with a "kind face and kind eyes" looked at the child with a sneer on his face, "Be my test subject, if you succeed, you still have some value, and it's not in vain for me to adopt you!"

He stared at the child and muttered: "I think I can succeed this time. I have failed dozens of times. I think I won't fail again!"




However, the reality is not what this man imagined.

The child's body suddenly became hot, and the child even let out a miserable scream, and quickly shriveled up in front of the man.

"how so!"

Seeing this scene, the man's mentality collapsed and he punched the operating table hard.

"Doctor, I...I'm so cold! I must be...dreaming, not...such a...bad person, he...will not hurt Xiaoyue..."

On the operating table, the child opened his eyes weakly, looked at the man, and smiled.

However, before he finished speaking, the man's neck was crushed in annoyance, "Trash, where did all this nonsense come from!!"

The man looked extremely ugly and whispered: "How could it fail? How could it fail? It doesn't make sense, it shouldn't!"

He scratched his head and looked at the child who still had red eyes, but the expression in his eyes was gone, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

After a long time, his face calmed down, and he said: "Forget it, if you fail, you will fail! Anyway, there are still many little devils out there who will be my test subjects! One day I will succeed!"

After he disposed of the child's body, he opened the door and changed into a benevolent and kind-hearted look.

Outside, there is a bright hall with many play facilities and many children playing.

After seeing the man appear, these children all rushed over with smiles on their faces and shouted happily: "Doctor is a great benefactor!"

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