
A group of graduates were silent and nodded repeatedly.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow your guidance and practice Jnin, you won't be ashamed. But if someone doesn't take it seriously, it's not necessarily true! Okay, that's all I'm going to say! Prepare well for the graduation assessment! "

After saying that, the man left, and all the graduates looked serious.

Some things that person didn't say, they also know.

If he loses face, he will definitely not get any good results.

Although the current education environment in Kirigakure Village is no longer as cruel and bloody as before, it is still strict.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished accordingly.

And for losing Ninja Village's face, the punishment is especially severe. It is very likely to be related to their own future. Naturally, no one dares to joke about the future.

Graduation assessment is coming soon.

Compared with five years ago, today's graduation assessment has changed a lot.

Five years ago, we were still participating in a life-and-death battle, and we had to compete to select qualified candidates.

Now, it's just a simple test of ninjutsu. As long as you pass the assessment, you can graduate successfully.

Of course, unlike Konoha Village's simple method of testing clone techniques and throwing kunai, Kirigakure Village's is slightly more difficult.

Not only these are tested, but also swordsmanship, ninjutsu, and actual combat effectiveness.

Each item is worth ten points, and only when the final total score reaches the passing line can you graduate successfully.

Naturally, the selected people are naturally stronger than those from Konoha Village. But as for future development, it depends on personal opportunities.

School only provides a starting point and lays a solid foundation for them. As for how high your future development will be, it all has something to do with personal opportunities, hard work, popularity, and the correctness of the path you choose.

The senior officials of Kirigakure Village fully believe that there will always be a few people who can change their fate and achieve great achievements in the future.

In the end, the twenty-seven qualified people were divided into nine teams according to the principle of three people per team, called classes one to nine.

Among these nine teams, the best nine people form three special classes. The remaining eighteen people were evenly distributed according to the mixture of excellent, good and ordinary grades.

Promote excellence with excellence, spread education with excellence, and distribute educational resources as evenly as possible.

After being divided into teams, they were immediately informed to gather in the candidate room in the afternoon and wait for their respective mentoring jounin to arrive.

Those who failed were sent back to school to study again and strive to graduate successfully next time.

"I wonder who our Jonin will be! I'm so excited, I can't sit still at all!" All nine people in the team thought this way.

Soon, the candidate room welcomed its first instructor jounin.

"Class 9, come with me! I am your instructor, Makoto Kimura!"

This was a man with a huge scar on his right eye, and his face was full of ferocity, which made the people in Class 9 feel a little uneasy.

This guide Jonin doesn't seem to be very easy to get along with!

"Class Eight, follow me!"

"Class Seven, follow me!"

"Class Six..."


The instructing jounin arrived one by one, and those present here also discovered a pattern. The lower the class, the more they were called away first. The later the mentor jounin arrived, the greater his strength and reputation.


At this moment, the door to the candidate room was opened again, and a female ninja walked in.

And when they saw this female ninja, everyone couldn't help but be surprised!

"Master Yumuren, why is it you!!"

All the ninja graduates present looked at the cold female ninja who came in and couldn't help but exclaimed, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why, are you surprised that I became a mentoring jounin? Are you not welcome?"

The people who saw him were so surprised by his arrival, the wooden man couldn't help joking, and immediately, he didn't have the indifference of rejecting people thousands of miles away when he entered the door.

"No, no, how could it be! We are just surprised that you would serve as the instructor for the Jonin in your capacity!"

A ninja sitting in the fourth class stood up and said very respectfully.

"Hmph, you can talk, that's great. If anyone comes to trouble you in the future, I'll protect you! Come with me, Class 4!"

Yumu Ren waved his hand to the fourth class with great enthusiasm, and was taken away amidst the envious gazes of everyone.

"Oh, by the way, I have something to inform you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared!"

When Yukito was about to walk to the door, he suddenly seemed to remember something, looked at the three people in the second class playfully, and said: "You are very lucky, your guide Jonin is a very good guy , I think the entire ninja world will envy your luck!"

After speaking, he left with the fourth class. But what she said caused huge waves among the remaining three classes.

"The entire ninja world will be envious? Doesn't that mean..."

The nine people looked at each other, and suddenly had a very bold guess, could it be, their guess was really successful, did Yerana really become the guide Jonin?


Thinking of this, the nine people couldn't help but feel an unreal feeling.

"Hey hey hey, you guys are so lucky to be able to get the personal guidance of that adult, ah ah ah, I envy you so much, shall we change classes!"

There was a girl in the third class who said excitedly to the three people in the second class.

Of course, the second class chose to refuse. They suppressed the excitement in their hearts and said modestly: "Don't, what if it's just our imagination? How could that adult come in person! You must be thinking too much!"

Even though they said this, the excitement in their hearts could be seen by looking at their smiles that almost reached their ears.

"You still say it's not, how could it be! The entire ninja world is envious, and only that adult can have such a comment!"

Someone in the first class ruthlessly exposed the modesty of the second class, and looked envious, eager to swallow up the luck of the second class.

Yes, if I can get guidance from Yorina, my life will be worth it!

From now on, it will be revealed that they are Ye Lana's disciples, so that would be very honorable.


At this moment, the door opened again, and everyone looked over immediately, only to see a handsome young man with long hair, wearing a sky blue topless shirt, walking in.

"Lord Yugao!"

Seeing this young man, the nine people hurriedly greeted him. This young man is none other than the Vulpix Jinchuriki Yugao.

"Class 3, come with me!"

Yu Gao glanced at the people in the third class, cherishing his words like gold, and was very silent.

"Is it still Master Yugao from the third class this year? He and the third class are really destined to be together!"

Seeing Yu Gao took away the third class, the remaining six people thought this in their hearts.

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