Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 26 White cold light, famous in the ninja world

On some island.

Yerana and the others fled here in one breath, and after confirming that there were no pursuers, they stopped to rest.

"It's really... really walked... from the gate of hell..."

Yerana leaned directly against the tree, swallowing the air as if trying to gasp out her lungs.

He felt his throat was smoking, and his chest was about to explode!

"Hey, but...let's not talk about it, it's really...exciting..."

Only Ye Lana still had the leisure to talk.

In the past, Yerana's behavior would definitely be reprimanded.

But today, everyone's mission can be successful, he has half of the credit.

It can be said that he is a great hero, and everyone can only be grateful to him, and completely ignore his behavior beyond the rules.

Eagle and White Wolf looked at Yerana with extremely firm eyes.

They won't always be left behind, for sure!

This time they are not as good as Yerana, but next time, they will definitely not!

A day later, the crowd returned to Wuyin Village like refugees.

Bring back this piece of medical information that is of great significance to Wuyin Village.

Naturally, Yerana's excellent performance and shocking record also spread in Wuyin Village.

Everyone was immediately shocked!

He even escaped twice from copying the ninja Hatake Kakashi, and fought to a tie with the geniuses of the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, he also killed two special jounin-level enemies and several chuunin-level enemies.

Forget it, after all, this is already so evil.

Even the jounin in the village may not have such a terrifying record as him.

But he actually delayed the necessary time for the success of the mission to ensure the smooth completion of the mission!

Is this really something a twelve-year-old boy can do?

It's so magical that it's hard to believe.

But two days later, a piece of news from Konoha convinced everyone.

"If you encounter the white cold light in Kirigakure Village, please be sure to get rid of this person!"

"This person is a great threat, we must not let him grow up!"

Konoha's personal approval is more convincing than anything else.

Not to mention, Yorina's head bounty was also listed on the black market list, worth 30 million taels.

At this time, Yarana was completely famous and famous in the ninja world.

"Is it the white cold light? Hehehehe, I don't know who is better than the golden flash of that year!"

"The Kirigakure Village has been closed for so many years, and yet a monster appears without any notice. It really shouldn't be underestimated!"

"Will there be a second white cold light appearing? It seems that it is necessary to strengthen the vigilance of Kirigakure Village!"

The five major ninja villages and even the entire ninja world suddenly changed their strategies towards Kirigakure Village.

The previous forgetfulness and wait-and-see attitude has been changed to active monitoring.

Intelligence is always a very important strategic material and indispensable.

Konoha Village!

"What is the origin of this white cold light? How could such a monster suddenly appear in Kirigakure Village!"

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, looked out the window with sharp eyes and murmured.

He feels a little uneasy!

"Obviously, his strength is close to the jounin level, but he can resist Kakashi's attack twice! His speed and agility are too high!"

"There is also the Kirigakure Jutsu that even Uchiha Itachi finds difficult, and the Genjutsu that the Sharingan cannot rebound."

"And how did he do it when he was able to withstand the water formation wall of Kakashi Reiki!"

If all this was done by a person of his level, he would naturally not find it strange.

But the key is that Yorina is only a teenager, and her strength is only close to the Jonin level.

This is as magical as cheating, and your ninjutsu skills are too high!

Using low ninjutsu against high ninjutsu is simply unheard of!

"I'm afraid Uchiha Itachi has never seen such a monster in his level!" The Third Hokage sighed with emotion.

For the first time, he saw Uchiha Itachi suffer at the hands of his peers.

This was completely unthinkable before.

He still remembered the completely unconcealed surprise in the eyes of Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi during the report.

There are not many things that can surprise these two geniuses so much.

And Yarana did it!

Not only did it surprise and frustrate these two geniuses, but it also successfully allowed the Mist Ninjas to take back the medical information.

A series of horrific achievements, enough to make people look up to the despair.

Ordinary people may never have such a wonderful experience in their lifetime, but this is just a mission for Yarana.

Kirigakure Village!

"It's really beyond my expectations, Yarana!"

"In that case, then this task will be left to you!"

In Mizukage's office, Yagura said with sparkling eyes.

In front of him, there was an open scroll, which read: Plan to sneak into Yunyin Village!

If Yorina knew that Yagura planned to let him sneak into Kumogakure Village, he would probably scold her!

You can do this kind of thing, okay?

I have just made such a great contribution, and you let me go through fire and water again, walking on the edge of a knife, don't you blush!

It's a pity that he doesn't know!

He now looked at the three people in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you three want to do??"

In front of him, Lin Eoyu Yuri, Ghost Light Suigetsu, and Shima Isshin were looking at him with sharp eyes.

"Yarana, let's compete with us. Let us see how big the gap is between you and yourself!"

Lin Yuyu said, but his tone was not as sharp as last time, but seemed a little urgent.

Lin Eoyu, Yuri and the others never expected that.

I thought that Yorina's killing of an A-level rebellious ninja Yuguchi Mitsuda was extremely outrageous, enough to make them work hard to catch up.

However, before they could catch up, Yorina was able to keep up with Ninja.

Moreover, he influenced the direction of the mission and became famous in the ninja world.

This sudden huge gap was so overwhelming that they couldn't breathe, and there was no hope of catching up.

Therefore, she just wants to confirm how strong Yorina is so that she can formulate the next plan.

"Are you sure? I'm not a measured person. If I hurt you, don't blame me!"

Ye Lana had some time to say. He had just come back to take a bath, and he was woken up by Lin Yuri and the others. Is it easy for him?

"It doesn't matter, just use your full strength. What I want is the most real gap!"

Lin Yuyu said without any hesitation. Ghost Deng Shuiyue also had the same expression.

"In that case, let's go!"

Now that the matter has come to this, what else can Yarana say? She can see Zhenzhang under her command.

"Have you heard that Yuri Lin is going to challenge Yorina? Do you want to go and see it?"

"What? There is such a good thing! Go, go quickly, how could such a thing happen!"

As soon as the unemployed fog ninjas heard about this good thing, they immediately rushed to watch the fun.

"Yarana vs. Ringo Yuri? It's interesting, let's just pass the time and check it out!" Loquat Juuzang said with a grin.

Naturally, Black Hoe Thunder Fang, Zabuza will not miss such a scene.

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