Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 327: I Can Finally Exercise My Muscles and Bones

When Yarana heard the news, the ninja who reported the information was surprised.

Yorina's first reaction was not anger, nor murderous intent!

His first reaction was excitement!

Yes, he was sure that he had read it correctly!

Yarana's face turned out to be excited!

Like someone who has found some interesting toy, his eyes are shining.

"Yarana-sama, you..."

He couldn't help but remind him. He even wondered if Ye Lana had lost his mind?

Why is Yarana so happy when encountering such a serious matter?

Shouldn't it be serious?

"Back off, I understand!"

Yarana glanced at the ANBU and knew what he was thinking by seeing his expression, but she didn't say anything.

This ANBU will not understand Yarana's thoughts!

He doesn't understand Yorina's mood that because he is too strong, he always looks forward to having a strong person come to him to fight and kill time.

He wanted someone to cause trouble, but he didn't want anyone to make a big deal out of it.

It's just within his control and will relieve his boredom!

Yarana really wanted to say that after being idle for so long, I finally encountered something interesting.


There are still many people in Kirigakure Village who can't help but look forward to the war.

Zabuza, Kisame the dried persimmon, Yubokuto, Yagura...

Which of these people is not looking forward to a bloody battle?

Everyone feels so idle and uncomfortable!

Now that the war is coming, they are probably very excited!

Besides, it would be nice to have a war!

Think of it as a social practice for this class of graduates from Kirigakure Village!

Of course, Yarana was excited to know the news.

Terumi Mei is so dignified!

"What is the specific situation and where is the enemy?"

The ninja world has been peaceful for so long, and the Water Kingdom alliance model has been developed for so long, why did the alliance countries inside suddenly rebel.

Is peace so unworthy of cherishing?

"Mizukage-sama, it's like this..."

The ANBU quickly reported all the news he knew.

"Is Jie Zhilang the mastermind behind this?"

"Where did this person come from? Why do I have no impression at all?"

After listening to the ANBU report, Terumi Mei found out that the culprit who caused all this turmoil was named Sukenoro, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She has never heard of this person!

But now is not the time to dwell on those things.

The enemy has already arrived, and they are less than a thousand miles away from the Land of Water. It can be said that they will arrive in the Land of Water within two or three days. When that time comes, there will be panic again.

Therefore, there was not much time left for her to strategize.

The matter is extremely urgent, and a Jonin Conference needs to be convened immediately to gather manpower to defend against the enemy.


As a result, the emergency summons that had not been sounded for several years sounded again in the Kirigakure Village.

All of a sudden, all kinds of jounin and high-level officials gathered.

The first to arrive, of course, was Yerana!

However, Terumi Mei could clearly see the excitement on his face. This made Terumi Mei very helpless.

"That's the way it is!"

Terumi Mei briefly explained the situation to the senior executives and jounin sitting there to let them understand what happened.

"The enemy lineup is quite spectacular!"

"There are tens of thousands of ninjas in the ten countries of the Land of Waves alone, which should not be underestimated, not to mention that we don't know what this method called Jie Zhilang is!"

"How many troops does he have? How strong is the overall strength?"

"We have no news at all. This is a very serious war. I hope everyone will work together to overcome this difficulty!"

"We will protect the peace of the ninja world ourselves!" Terumi Mei said with a very serious face.

"The overall strength of this guy who is attacking this time should not be inferior to that of the entire Konoha!"

Yerana also spoke at this time, with a serious face: "I understand that everyone is very excited to be able to step on the battlefield again, but I want to remind you that the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated!"

"At that time, if anyone dies in battle because he underestimated the enemy, he will probably become a joke to my Kirigakure Village!"

Yorina glanced around and said, "None of you want to be a joke, right?"

After hearing what Ye Lana said, everyone suddenly looked more serious.

Lian Yerana said that the enemy should not be underestimated, so it seems that they really can't take it lightly!

"Okay, let me arrange for the commander-in-chief of the army!"

After seeing Ye Rana's words, everyone present put away their contempt.

Terumi Mei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She was afraid that these people would be conceited and underestimate the enemy.

At that time, the ship capsizing in the gutter will not only cause the loss of Wuyin Village, but also threaten the safety of the Water Country.

She definitely doesn't want to see that kind of thing happen!

"Yarana is the commander-in-chief of the army, the chief of staff is Ao and the captain of the intelligence team, and all the advisers are members of the staff group."

"Yakura, Yumu, Dried Persimmon Kisame, Don't Kill, Loquat Juzang, Yu Gao, each of you leads a team!"

"Hayashi Yuri, Onito Suigetsu, Chojuro, Natsume Yuki and others each choose a captain to join the battle!"

"The number of mobilized ninjas this time is 20,000!"

"Among them, 15,000 combat ninjas, 1,000 intelligence ninjas, 1,000 perception ninjas, 1,000 medical ninjas, and 2,000 special operations troops!"

"The safety of Water Country and Wuyin Village is up to you!"

Terumi Mei looked at Yerana and the others, and said with a very solemn expression.


Everyone present nodded in response, everyone's face was full of excitement, and there was no trace of panic or fear at all.

"I think we can also add the ninjas who just graduated this year. They are all pretty good. We can let them follow and learn from various teams as reserve troops!"

"Just treat it as their first real mission!"


Hearing Yerana's words, Terumi Mei categorically refused, "There is no need to let them go to the battlefield, lest they die prematurely!"

It’s not like Kirigakure Village can’t produce other ninjas!

There is no need to send a group of freshly graduated kids to the battlefield!

Terumi Mei glared at Yerana, as if saying, "Do you think everyone is as evil as you!"

"Then it's okay to let them participate in the transportation of materials!"

"This will not only make them feel the atmosphere of war, but also reduce the danger!"

"The young eagles have to face the blue sky after all. They can't stay in the greenhouse all the time. Such a good growth opportunity should not be wasted!"

Yorina said with a wink at Terumi Mei.

"All right!"

Terumi Mei made sense when she heard it, so she pondered for a while and agreed.

However, in order to ensure the safety of these people, she will still send capable people to join the material transportation team to protect such seedlings.

that's all…

After a brief meeting, Wuyin Village started to operate, and 20,000 troops were recruited, and under the leadership of Yerana, they rushed to the battlefield.

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