"Okay, it's rare that you have such a heart, then I will leave the commander-in-chief of these armies of the dead to you."

"Go, don't let me down!"

Jie Zhilang was very happy when he heard this, and he generously handed over the command of this army of the dead, which numbered more than 60,000 and had been collected from all major battlefields with great difficulty, to Muranaka Yu.

"Wat Sensheng, you listen to Murakami's command and cooperate with him to fight this battle, do you understand?"

Jie Zhilang said to a young man with blue hair and a smart suit behind him.

This young man is the manipulator of all the dead ninjas in the dirty land.

"Yes, Master Jiezhiro!"

Wat Sensheng glanced at Muranaka Yu, with a trace of disgust flashing in his eyes.

He despises people like Muranaka Yuo who rely on flattery to get to power!


"Mura Nakao, behave well and don't let me down!"

Jie Zhilang waved his hand, indicating that the two of them could leave.

"I must live up to Sir Jie Zhilang's expectations. Even if I am a mess, I will still do something for Sir Jie Zhilang to repay the kindness of knowing me!"

Look at the excited and grateful look on Murakao's face.

No matter who it is, it is impossible for him to act.

Jie Zhilang was very pleased to hear that and laughed heartily.

I thought to myself that this Murakami was really good, and he was very good at being a good person, which made him look good!

"Set off!"

The moment Muranaka Yu stood up and turned around, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"After this battle, there will be no Murakao in this world!"

No matter it's Jie Zhirou or Yorina.

He knew that neither of these two people would let him go.

Needless to say, Jie Zhirou, if Muranaka Yu betrays him, he will definitely die.

As for Yorina, he would never tolerate someone who would betray his original master without hesitation for the sake of his own life.

Therefore, if Muranaka Yu really wants to survive, he must take advantage of the chaos and disappear into the ninja world.

"You'd better not interfere with my normal command."

"Also, don't give me some strange and wrong orders. Don't think that Lord Jie Zhilang values ​​you and I will recognize you!"

On the way to catch up with the fog ninja army, Wat Sensheng looked at Muranaka Yu with a cold face and warned.

"Don't worry, I will never interfere with your normal command. You have absolute freedom of command. If my order is wrong, you can refute it and follow your own ideas."

"Even if something goes wrong by then, I will bear it for you, so just go ahead and do it!"

Murakao was unusually easy to talk to, which surprised Watanabe.

According to the general plot.

Aren't these people who rely on flattery to rise to power always look arrogant and domineering, thinking they know everything, so the layman guides the expert and gives blind orders?

They may not be happy if you refute even a little bit, and will threaten each other with their common master at every turn!

Why is it that Muranakao is not like this at all?

Muranaka Yu wanted to laugh when he saw Watori's surprised look.

I'm afraid he still doesn't know what's waiting for him ahead!

Will he interfere with Wat Sensheng's command?


Is 60,000 troops a lot?

Facing other ninja villages, maybe many!


Their opponent is Kirigakure!

This is a bunch of lunatics.

A mere 60,000 troops are just enough to fill their teeth!

He won't give random orders and get himself involved!

Muranaka Yu only wants to do one thing now!

That is to quickly bring the 60,000 troops to the place designated by Ye Lana, and then run away quickly.

As for how Watamori will fight with Yarana, it has nothing to do with him.

"Humph, it's best if you have this self-awareness!"

Du Sensheng snorted coldly, thinking that he could finally become famous in one battle!

"Yarana, today I will use your body to prove that seniors like you have fallen behind, and the future of the ninja world will be dominated by our young people!"

"Become famous in the ninja world today!"

There was a crazy glint in Du Sensheng's eyes, which was the extreme desire for power.

Jiezhiro is here!

"Wait a minute, Muranaka Yuo, I remember, didn't he bring an army of 60,000 as a vanguard to attack the Kingdom of Water?"

"How could he come to meet me alone and ask to be the vanguard again, or use the army of the dead I gathered, where is his 60,000 coalition troops?"

After Jie Zhilang got excited, he suddenly thought of this, something was not right!


He suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat!

"No, it's impossible, how dare he..."

Jie Zhilang muttered in a panic.

He prayed that the truth would not be what he imagined.

That is to say, the whole army of the village hero was wiped out, and then he rebelled and took refuge with Yorina. In turn, he cooperated with the outside and invited him to join the urn!

"No way, absolutely impossible."

"How can a 60,000-strong army be killed in just over an hour? It's unrealistic, it's unrealistic!"

Jie Zhilang is still convincing himself.

However, for some reason, when he realized something was wrong with Muranaka Yu, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Moreover, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

And there is also a strong sense of fright.

"Sukichiro, isn't it!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from in front of Jie Zhilang, which made Jie Zhilang look over and shouted: "Who is it!"

But when he saw the person coming, his pupils shrank, "Why is it you? You're not..."

"Didn't you lead the team to escape? Why did you appear here, right!"

The person who came was none other than Yerana!

With a smile on his face, he said, "You will be alone, but it is all the result of my calculations. Why do you think I am here?"

Hearing Ye Lana's words, Jie Zhilang's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but feel a chilling feeling of biting cold wind.

"You mean... Muranaka Yu... he rebelled...???"

Jie Zhilang's face became extremely gloomy, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"A good bird chooses a tree to roost on, is there anything wrong with that?" Yorina said with a raised corner of her mouth.

"Okay, very good. As expected of you, Ye Lana, I really underestimated you!"

Hearing this, Jie Zhilang said coldly, "However, you are really brave. You dare to snipe me alone. You don't think I dare to stay in the camp alone. I am not prepared at all!"

"Just in time, since you came to the door yourself, I will deal with you first, and then deal with the traitor Muranaka Yu! None of you can run away!"

He looked so confident that even Ye Lana was completely ignored by him.

"Oh, I'm very curious, where do you get this confidence? Come on, show me your trump card!"

Yarana had a calm expression on her face, as if she didn't take it seriously at all.

"How dare you despise me so much!"

"Yarana, you will pay for your arrogance later. I will let you understand what complete despair means!"

"In front of these two people!"

"Even you can only be suppressed powerlessly and beaten like a dog!"

"I'll give you another chance. You can avoid despair by admitting defeat now!"

Jie Zhilang looked at Ye Lana with a look like you'd better be wiser.

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