【Yarana here】

"Everyone, don't be so nervous, I'm not a monster!"

He landed on one of the ships, looked at the panicked pirates, even looked terrified, and waved his hands.


But how could the pirates not be nervous!

The Yerana they were facing was a devil who could kill more than a dozen masters in one minute.

"Stop... stop talking nonsense, go to hell!"

If you strike first, you will be stronger, if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!

A group of pirates rushed towards Yerana in a swarm.

"That's such a shame, folks!"

Facing the rushing pirates, Yerana snapped her fingers helplessly.

The next moment, a violent thunderbolt directly enveloped all the pirate ships on the sea.


Amidst the thunder and lightning, heart-piercing screams sounded one after another, and the pirates struggled desperately amidst the thunder and lightning.

Many people want to jump into the sea to escape!

But unfortunately, there are also thunder and lightning in the sea, even more powerful.

It can be said that from heaven to sea, there is no life anywhere!

"Thunderstorm Thunderbolt Formation!" Yerana said so.

"Then, it's time to watch the show!"

Yarana sat on the boat, watching the battle on the sea, and said this.

"It's not bad, it's the feeling of watching others fight!"

Yerana put her sword back into its sheath, rested her head with her hands on her head, and lay in a semi-curved place, turning into a spectator.

The captain's strength is close to the Jonin level.

Without the support of Kaifangzhu, facing an opponent like Tianxin, he fell into decline within a few rounds.

Then, after more than a dozen rounds, after Oruiyi violently defeated Qianzhan, he also lost to Tianxin!

"Damn it, I won't give in!!!"

Yuda was also tortured by a group of cloud ninja Anbu, pierced the heart with a thousand swords and died!

But the most unwilling person is probably the captain.

His eyes were wide open and his chest was bleeding profusely. He lay on the sea and said intermittently: "If I had known...if I had...just handed...Yuda over, I would...won't...fall into...this situation..."

"That guy... what he said... is true, I am indeed... just a... a frog in a well..."

After all, he died of anger!

"Captain, it's amazing!"

When Tianxin and others came to the boat where Yerana was, Yerana immediately got up and praised.

"In terms of splendor, no one can compare to you!"

"You are very good. I hope you can be recognized by Raikage-sama as soon as possible!"

"For people like you to leave Kirigakure Village, it is really a great loss to Kirigakure Village!"

Tianxin looked at Ye Liana uncertainly and said.

He was praying in his heart: "God, please protect him from being a spy!"

"If he really joins Yunyin Village, he will definitely become an important combat force of our Yunyin Village within a few years."

"Perhaps the hope for the revitalization of Yunyin Village in the future lies with him!"

The backbone of Yunyin Village so far is only one Darui!

And now, here comes Kira, who is only seventeen years old and has a promising future!

"Captain is ridiculous!"

Ye Lana smiled, and then said in her heart: "Maybe I should change my little habit of trying my best. I can't be so outstanding in Yunyin Village!"

"Otherwise, it might have a counter-effect!"

He couldn't help but reflect on his behavior, and then found helplessly that in this battle, he was still too good.

He almost influenced the situation of the battle. Even Tianxin, the captain, could not compare with him!

Tenshin and the others didn't know what Ye Lana was thinking, but the looks that Olui and the others looked at him were not that unkind.

On the contrary, some recognized him!

In Yunyin Village, the most recognized is the strong!

As long as you are strong enough, you will get enough respect.

After everyone rested for a few hours, they set off on their way home!

A few hours later!

A team of ninjas from Konoha Village appeared here!

When I saw that this pirate tribe had been wiped out, I couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yun Ren did it. How did they come here? What is their intention?"

Immediately, the Konoha ninjas became vigilant.

Cloud ninja suddenly crossed the border and appeared within the Fire Country. Could they have some conspiracy!

Especially at such critical moments——

Inside, the Uchiha clan was quite restless, and traces of Kumogakure suddenly appeared outside.

This must not be a coincidence!

"Investigate carefully and report this matter to Hokage-sama in detail. You must not let down your guard against Kumogakure!" the leading ninja said in a cold voice.

Then a ninja used the Konoha Ninja to convey the situation here to the Konoha Village.

And this news was also known to the ninjas arranged by the Kingdom of Water near the Kingdom of Fire.

In an instant, because of Yunyin Village's action, the three great powers of water, fire, and thunder all began to be wary of each other.

If Yerana knew——

Because of an ordinary mission, the Konoha ninja directly connected it with the Uchiha clan, fearing that they would laugh out loud.

He’s going to say: ‘That’s too much nerves, guys! '

However, he didn't know it!

After returning to Yunyin Village, he was given two days off.

Of course he is not slacking off and is working hard to earn strengthening points.

While he was earning strengthening points, the Raikage's office.

"Is this guy's record so terrifying?"

The Fourth Raikage couldn't help but be surprised after listening to Tenshin's mission report, especially the description of Yorina's achievements.

A group of special jounin were killed, and the chuunin had no power to fight back and single-handedly turned the tide of the battle.

With such strength, Kirigakure Village gave a B-level rebel nin the title?

Let him come, no matter how you say it, it will be A-level. Even if it is more dangerous, S-level is not a bad idea!

He felt like he had found a treasure.

"Lord Raikage, if you subdue this person, you will definitely gain another solid arm. This will truly be a great blessing to our Cloud Hidden Village."

"Therefore, we need to be more careful, lest it is a spy deliberately released by Kirigakure Village!" Darui next to the Fourth Raikage said.

He naturally understands things that Tianxin understands, and he naturally knows the great significance of Yorinai to Yunyin Village.

In the original work, he is known for his calmness and wisdom, and he has the same 'virtue' as Kakashi, making him a very difficult opponent to deal with.

"Darui, aren't you worried that he will grow up and take your place?" The Fourth Raikage couldn't help but joked after hearing this.

"In Yunyin Village, we have always respected the strong. If I am not as strong as him and I am robbed of my limelight and position, then I deserve it!"

"However, I won't admit defeat!"

"Lord Raikage trusts me so much. I can't embarrass you no matter what. I have confidence in my own strength!"

Now Darui is only 17 years old, the same age as Kira played by Yarana, and he is at the age where he is young and energetic and competes for superiority.

Hearing his confident and firm words, the Fourth Raikage couldn't help laughing and said: "Go and fight him and see the difference in strength between the two of you!"

"Darui, if you want to grow up, you have to fight more powerful people!"

The Fourth Raikage patted Darui on the shoulder and said, placing high hopes on him.

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