According to Ding Si's plan, they are about to conduct half a year of training!

"Let's go, Brother Basas, Dressrosa is waiting for us!"

Luli signaled to Neuss, and then she and Bashas, ​​who looked excited and bellicose, embarked on a trip to Dressrosa on the ship!

Neuss: "Then it's time for me to enter the mountains, welcome the baptism of thunder and lightning, and feel the true meaning of thunder and lightning!"

This island…

It's his favorite place!

To be precise!

Amidst the thunder and lightning, this is his favorite place!

"What a crazy captain!"

"Hmph, I hope he won't disappoint us, otherwise, I wouldn't mind avenging Mr. Kaido!"

Several members of the original Fei Liubao said this.

They can only be ranked among the top five generals, and they are a little dissatisfied!

Nous, they have no problem with Luli being among the top three heavens!

These two are very powerful!

But Bashas is so virtuous and capable that he can occupy the position of the three heavens!

This is unfair!


Their dissatisfaction will not be expressed for the time being!


If Bashas' future performance is not worthy of his position, then they will have something to say!

"Karibu, the captain specifically asked me to 'teach' you the armament color Haki. At the same time, you will refine the knowledge color Haki and develop the fruitful abilities!"

On the way to training...

Dougs looked at Caribou with a smile on his face, and Caribou looked a little flustered!


Caribou couldn't help but think of the previous training again!

He almost lost a layer of his skin!

It's true that he is so strong now!

But that was paid for with blood and tears!

Are you still envious?

"I'm afraid it will be a little more difficult than last time. The other five generals will participate in the training. You don't want to disappoint the captain!"

Dougs looked at Caribou and grinned.

Carib nodded, of course he didn't want to!

How do you think he has improved his fruit ability so much in such a short period of time, and he has learned all about the domineering and domineering?

It’s because of Yarana’s training!

The Powan in Yerana's hand pointed directly at Caribou, covered with arrogance!

Cariboo dodged a little slower, it was a blood hole!

Caribou really doesn't want to go through that kind of despair anymore!

He felt that Yerana really wanted to kill him when he was training!

"If we don't want to disappoint the captain, we must train hard. The other four members of the five generals are all capable of competing in the three major heavens. If we don't want to be underestimated by them, we must work hard to improve our own strength!"

When Dougs said this, his face was serious!

Caribu nodded!

Naturally, he doesn’t want to be looked down upon either!

Yarana is here!


The moment you enter the ocean…

Endless powerlessness and gloom swallowed Yerana in an instant!

He immediately showed a look of pain!

I choked on my saliva several times!


"How can you give up here!"

After getting the historical text stele, he knew exactly what would happen next!

With his current strength, which is only slightly higher than Jiang Xing's, it's not enough!

It must be at a level similar to that of a general, and that will do!

"Ascension begins!"

Yorina releases all her abilities!


He turned red like a hot water stick, and his whole body exploded with extremely powerful heat!


The water around him was boiling!


"hold head high!!!"

The sea kings who were originally surrounded by him all fled away in panic!

Originally thought it was a delicious food, it turned out...

It was so terrifying, the terrifying heat made them feel like they were going to be cooked!

"Phoenix Haori!"

"Phoenix Feather Slash!"

"Phoenix Fire Feather!"

"Phoenix Strike!"

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