Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 461 The war is about to break out

"You actually fought so fiercely with the admiral. You're too strong, Captain!"

"It's a good thing we're far away, otherwise, just this temperature would burn us to ashes!"

"I guess even an admiral wouldn't feel comfortable facing such a terrifying high temperature!"

Fuzifu and others were completely convinced!

Such Yarana…

It is definitely not something they can resist!

"Hahaha, happy!"

"Come on, come on, Mr. Yisheng (smile), fight!"

Nakwon Nagara is Fujitora's sparring partner...

Let him truly master this surge of power!

"Phoenix Strike!"

"Phoenix Fire Feather!"

"Phoenix Feather Slash!"

"Breaking the false, assassinate him!"

"Unlimited assassination!"

The whole island…

Totally broken!

Completely became a victim of the battle between the two!

"Although the captain is feeling comfortable, it's almost time for us to leave. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to face those guys!"

Nous looked at the sea ahead of them...

A row of ten warships lined up!

The lieutenants they were familiar with stood at the bow of the ship, looking murderous!

Behind is a huge team of sailors!

"Weihaha, if the entire navy headquarters comes, then we still need to be cautious, but if there are only ten warships, hehe..."

It was Bashas who spoke...

He looked eager to try, he actually wanted to take action!

"I also want to try to see if these people in the Navy have made any progress after more than a year!"

Luli touched the big hammer behind her back, feeling equally excited!

Nous look at the others!

They all look like they can't help but want to make a move!

"That's all. In that case, let's have a good fight!"

It’s hard to disobey public opinion…

Nous can only fight once!

"What a bunch of arrogant guys. When facing us, they don't even think about escaping, but attack us!"

"I've been underestimated!"

"Tch, this time, I won't be knocked down by you as easily as before!"

"Mr. Yisheng is dragging the Lightning Killer. We only need to concentrate on dealing with Nous, Luli, and the former flying six cells. The rest are not a concern!"

Onboard a navy warship…

The lieutenant generals leading the team are also discussing tactics!

Ghost spider!



Burn the mountain!

Flying squirrel!


And several giant lieutenant generals!


There are also a few familiar faces worth noting!

The new rear admiral…

Captain of the scientific force, fight Momomaru!

A member of the Navy's secret force and one of the original six members of the Beast Pirates, Drake!

Rear Admiral, Smoker's best friend, Hina Kurosaki!

A member of the Navy's covert force, the young Navy Colonel, Kerby!

A member of a certain naval base, a rebellious kid who vowed to destroy the Four Emperors, Gurant with a demon arm!

Behind a group of sailors...

And there are rows and rows of pacifists!

Such power…

It might be a bit weak to use to destroy a Yonko-level pirate group!

But if you restrain it!

That's probably enough!

Not all Yonko Pirates are as perverted as the Whitebeard Pirates, who have dozens of external fleets!

It’s so powerful that it’s scary!

Such a lineup…

It is enough to deal with any force other than the Whitebeard Pirates!

With one more general, five lieutenant generals, and tens of thousands of sailors, it would be enough to severely damage the Yonko-level pirate group!

"It's a pity that the two Lieutenant Generals Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin could not come. Otherwise, it is really possible to give them some good looks!"

A major general said so.

"Concentrate, these guys are not easy to deal with!"

Smoker spoke out, his face serious!

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