Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 517 Give you the highest honor as a swordsman

"Pirate hunter, you... bastard..."

The castle giant was severely injured and transformed back into Becky's prototype while vomiting blood.

But Ye Lana's flame body slowly recovered, and slowly returned to flesh and blood.

The ability to rise from the ashes from the Phoenix.

Not only can it heal injuries, but it can also be used with the ability to foresee the future of high-level vision and color, making it immune to attacks that cover Haki.

When Zoro saw this, his expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

His attack was ineffective, which he never expected.

He finally understood how strong Yorina was.

too strong.

Ye Lana looked at the last person, Drake, and grinned: "But you are the only one left!"

"Aren't you going to attack?"


Totally provocative!

Moreover, when there is a powerful enemy in front of you, provoke another powerful enemy.


Derek narrowed his eyes, but did not act rashly.

"Then it's just you!"

Yorina drew her sword, "As a reward for killing me, I will also give you, the swordsman recognized by me, the greatest respect!"

"I'll use my long sword to break the illusion and give you the final blow!"

He pointed the knife at Sauron, who immediately grinned like a wild beast, "That's really what you want!"

"The Secret of Three Sword Styles: Three Gangli Luo..."

He rushed towards Ye Lana at great speed, and the aura on his body continued to soar.

The fierce and terrifying force tore through the air and blurred everything around it, "One, Three Thousand, One Thousand Worlds!!"

Facing this oncoming blow.

However, Ye Lana was surprisingly calm and said calmly: "Assassinate him... break the illusion!"


A sword strike with a sharpness that could break the sky, and a sword blade that shot out like a rainbow light collided together.


But there was no such violent collision. The sword blade directly tore through the power of three thousand worlds and pierced Roronoa Zoro's chest.

"The it really still that big!"

Zoro knelt down and spurted out a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground, panting.

"It was such a strong blow that my whole arm was numb!"

Yorina said with a look of appreciation.

But no one at the scene or in the stands felt that he was insulting Zoro. Instead, it was a very high praise for Zoro.

"You bastard!!"

But at this moment, an angry female voice rang out, and a sharp silhouette was seen speeding towards them, extremely violent.

Like a cannonball, she quickly approached Yarana, bringing a noble fragrance.

"How dare you beat the man I love the most like this..."

"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!!!"

But he saw one of the Seven Martial Arts, ‘Empress’ Boya Hancock’s face twisted with anger, and her aura was extremely fierce.

The slender white thighs kicked Yarana's chest extremely fiercely.

The petrifying ability of the sweet fruit pervades it.

Yorina dodged to the side, swung her sword and created a fierce sword wave, knocking Boya Hancock away with a bang.

"Assassinate him and destroy the illusion!"


Almost as fast as his words followed, the moment Yorina finished speaking, Boya Hancock's chest was already pierced by Poya.

It was so fast that she didn't even have a chance to react.

"Hey! Don't you show any mercy to the most beautiful wooden person?"

"As expected of the Four Emperors, he is terrifyingly indifferent!"

"A Shichibukai was defeated like this. Is the gap between the Four Emperors and the Shichibukai so big?"

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