Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 525 I really don’t understand what you are thinking

"Alas, it's fate to be together."

"Besides, I'm not an admiral now, and there's no conflict of interest between you and me, right? Why are you so nervous!"

This tall man with curly hair sat down next to the fire, and a layer of frost instantly formed on the ground.

He used an ice fork to cut off a piece of fish meat. "You don't mind!"

Ye Lana rolled her eyes, you've already done it and why are you asking me?

"So, Mr. Kuzan, the dignified former navy general, suddenly came to me. What was the purpose of creating this adventure?"

Yerana took a bite of the fish, emmm, it was a little fishy, ​​he looked at Aokiji: "Don't tell me, you just came here by chance, I don't believe there is such a coincidence!"

Qingzhi opened his mouth. He really wanted to say that it was just a 'coincidence'.

But I felt that Ye Lana wouldn't believe it either, so she was silent for a moment and then said: "Thank you for your mercy!"

Yorina shrugged: "That's your navy's business, I don't have to interfere."

"However, the explosive rock thing is not fun. If it fails, the sea will be destroyed. So, what are you going to do about it?"

"Could it be that Sakaski gave the order, Porusalino carried out the order, and you Kuzan collected the body?"

Aoki was choked by this answer, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no problem.

Seeing this, Ye Lana showed a hint of ridicule, "Zefa really taught some good students!"

He took another bite of fish and said, "Of course, if your navy can't handle it, then let us do it. We guarantee that there won't be any psychological burden!"

Qingzhi raised his head when he heard this, with a deep look in his eyes: "I'm very curious, how do you know about the explosive rock?"

"Teacher Zefa just stole it, and I only found out about it not long ago. How did you know about it?"

Yorina smiled: "The title of Big Mom Intelligence Queen is not nonsense."

"If this kind of information cannot be disseminated immediately, then there is no need for me to cooperate with her!"

Hearing this...

Aoki couldn't help but scratch his hair. Well, Yorina was right.

"So, what's your next move? March on Ravdru?"

Aoki looked at Yorina, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Otherwise, what would I do if I collected eternal pointers and historical texts?"

Yorina shrugged and asked back.

After thinking about it, Aokiji felt that this was indeed the case, so he sighed: "The world government and navy will fight against you at that time, are you mentally prepared?"

"The power of the world government is more powerful than you imagine!"

Hearing this...

Yorina touched her belly and said, "That's because I am mentally prepared. After all, my opponent is the world government. If you are not careful, you will die!"

"To be honest, I'm really under a lot of pressure. I really don't want to fight against the world government, but I can't help it. I have a reason to go to Ralph Drew!"

He must go back to Naruto World.

This is not his home!

This is just a place for him to relax, and he is just a passerby in this world.

"I really don't understand, all of you are so flocking to Ralph Drew for the treasure of One Piece."

"With your strength and such a great influence, wouldn't it be nice to enjoy life in the New World?"

"The emperor of the sea, how majestic, can't you learn from White Beard?"

"Does it have to be against the world government/government and the navy?"

"This is really a very uneconomical business!"

Aokiji sighed, scratching his head in an incomprehensible manner.

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