
Facing the grinning Bashas in front of him...

Ghost Spider gritted his teeth and spoke unwillingly. He was a majestic vice admiral, but he was no match for a pirate.

What a shame!

Ghost Spider asked himself if he had ever captured an enemy like Marco.

Now that he was actually put at a disadvantage by a pirate of Basas's level, he felt that his abilities had deteriorated over the years.


How could such a thing happen.

But actually…

He wasn't the only one feeling stressed.

"What's wrong, Lieutenant General Smoker? You seem to be having a hard time dealing with it!"

Shimoge swung the big knife and chopped on Smoker's ten hands, grinning.

Tall stature brings great strength.

The ability of the animal-type fruit brings super defense and superb physical strength.

Even though Smoker is no longer what he used to be, he still feels very strenuous.

After all, he was once the sixth volleyman, and his strength should not be underestimated.

"Drake, you traitor!"

Peggy Wan has been bitter about Drake being undercover in the Navy.

As long as you meet Drake, you won't let him go!

Always haunt him!

As for Wuerti, Fuzifu, and Dougs...

Urti violently collided with the flying squirrel, which made the flying squirrel feel very uncomfortable.

Urti's attack was too dense and violent.

The power is amazing!

This is more dignified than dealing with the empress Boyahan Cook.


It was the result of the broken bones all over his body after being hit.

Flying squirrels start...

Just because he despised Wuerti, two ribs were broken.

Huo Shaoshan is probably the easiest one among so many lieutenant generals!

His opponent, Douglas, may not be inferior to people like Wuerti and Zamu.

But he is not as violent as these people!

It's not that difficult to deal with it.

Not far behind him, the saber-toothed tiger Fuzif was engaging in a violent physical battle with Dalmecia.

Fozifu was also a member of cp9, and he was extremely skilled in navy six.

Just like a replica of Rob Lucci!

Very strong!

The World Government reinforcements, Rob Luqi from CP0, who were violently clashing with Fire Fist Ace, naturally noticed Fuzifu, a former CP9 senior.


He didn't dare to distract himself too much!

After all, his opponent was Fire Fist Ace, and he didn't dare to overdo it!

He was once defeated by his brother Straw Hat Luffy on Justice Island.

Rob Luqi was deeply ashamed!

he swears...

Never lose to anyone again!


In all future battles, he will not be careless again.

He must never be so ashamed again!




A sharp shadow flashed past Rob Luqi, bringing up a piece of beautiful petals and scarlet blood.

Rob Luqi's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and then shouted angrily: "You bastard!"

But not far behind him, Foil Bista grinned: "What's wrong, Mr. Robluchi, why are you so angry?"

"You probably want to say, don't you feel ashamed that someone like me actually attacks by surprise?"

Rob Luqi's eyes flashed, he was obviously right!

Foil Bista couldn't help but laugh when he saw this, "Please, I'm a pirate. Isn't it normal for pirates to attack by surprise?"

"Don't be mean to me. It's normal to use this tactic against a strong person like you, isn't it?"

"Just like you did to Dad!"

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