
They are not the only ones who realize this...

The other Kages of the Five Ninja Villages also realized this at the same time!

"I didn't expect this guy to show up again after disappearing for so long. Why?"

Except for Hidden Fog Village...

The Kages of the other four great ninja villages thought so in their hearts.

Why did Yorina, a person who was rumored to have disappeared for a long time, suddenly appear again now?

Is something about to happen?

They have a feeling of not being very stable!


Yorina's sudden appearance is definitely great news for Kirigakure Village!

"This guy Xiaoye is finally willing to show up!"

Terumi Mei looked unhappy and relieved.

In the past few years since Yerana left, Wuyin Village has been questioned a lot!

There are also many challenges to face. If it weren't for the strength of Wuyin Village, they would have been attacked by other forces long ago.

"Brother Ye is finally coming back, hehehe, I'm so looking forward to it!"

Reiko said happily, with a look of anticipation on her face.

No one can tell that this is a cold-blooded killer.

"Is Mr. Ye finally back? That's fine. In this way, we don't have to worry about Orochimaru anymore!"

Who is the biggest threat to Kirigakure Village at the moment?

The other four major ninja villages and those dark forces may not be ranked!

But Orochimaru who was imprisoned in Kirigakure Village!

This is a very dangerous and very charismatic man.

A little carelessness will bring disaster to the ninja world!

after all…

In the dark, Dashewan's apprentice, Yaoshidou, has used his research results to reintegrate the people of Yinnin Village.

It is also a turbulent force that cannot be underestimated in the ninja world today!

Here at Yarana…

"After so many years, I don't know how Wuyin Village is doing now!"

Get out of the hot spring and dry yourself off...

Feeling quite refreshed, Yerana went to talk with Duke Zhou and his sister about life and ideals after eating.

the next day...

Yorina is on her way home again!

Before reaching the Land of Fire from the Land of Earth, one has to pass through the Land of Grass!

"It is a country in turmoil!"

Along the way…

Not to mention that life is unsustainable, hungry skinny people...

Even the sturdy bandits along the way are enough to reflect the instability of this country.


The wave of ninja who robbed Yerana is endless!

"It's so similar to the world of One Piece!"

same turmoil...

Likewise, only the strong can survive!

"But obviously, you guys don't intend to let me pass!"

Naruto stopped in her tracks...

Seeing that the two in front of him were obviously different from those Lang Nin who had met a few times before, they still had a smile on their faces.

The reason why they are strange is that they are different from the previous wave ninjas...

It's because their faces are plump and their eyes are aggressive...


Their life was very good...

This is different from those wandering ninjas in the country of grass!

"Hmph, kid, it's your misfortune to meet us."

"Remember to give birth to a good child in your next life!"

The man on the left didn't give Yerana any chance to speak, and slashed at him with a knife.

It really has such a look, the wind is howling, and it does have some strength!

"What if I don't?"

Yerana shifted to the left to avoid the knife, and flicked on the blade with her fingers.


The long knife shattered at the sound, and the man vomited blood and flew upside down as if hit by an invisible force!

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