Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 70 The God of Death under the Setting Sun

"The military advisor has rebelled!"

"Stop them quickly, the military advisor has rebelled!!!"

At this moment, another shout of surprise came from Emurazawa's team.

It's the ninja force under Emurazawa!

Emurazawa didn't dare to look away, he just looked at Ye Lana and said: "What a good plan, very good!"

"Dong dong dong!"

At this moment, the sound of war horses treading the ground came.

Then someone else exclaimed: "The general has also rebelled, and he is attacking us!!"

It's Emurazawa's five thousand private armed force!

Then, there were screams and screams, as well as the neighing of war horses!


Emurazawa's heart was bleeding, he clenched his fists louder, and the veins on his forehead kept popping up.

"Aren't you going to go up? Then I will go up!"

Emurazawa was seen standing still, but Yorina rushed towards him again.

"Don't try to succeed!"

"Stop being so arrogant, kid!"

"I won't let you hurt Mr. Emurazawa!"

Immediately, a group of people rushed towards Yarana, blocking his way.

"Thunder Release·Grateful Wave!"

No one saw Ye Lana forming the seal, as if he was covered with lightning, he collided with everyone.


Suddenly, a group of people screamed, and the group of people they saw were wrapped in lightning and were continuously injured.

Then, Nao Nao rushed forward, and all these people fell under his knife.

"Swallow Tail Slash!"

But at this moment, an extremely cold voice came from Yerana's ear.

The swordsman I saw was holding a long knife in his hand, and he was about to slash through Yerana's waist.

Yerana couldn't help but his hairs stood on end immediately, but he was on guard against this swordsman, so he retreated in time.

"You guy, die!"

But behind him, came the voice of Huimurazawa again.

I saw an astonishing thunder and lightning flashing in his right hand, and he shouted: "Thunder Escape·Thunder Blade Slash!"

He stabbed directly at Yerana's chest, intending to kill him directly.

"Thunder Release: Thunder Pillar Wall!"

Even in a hurry, Yerana still made a seal to block in front of her.


The wall of the Thunder Pillar was broken through forcefully, but Hui Cunze was also immediately attacked by the autonomous lightning on the wall of the Thunder Pillar, so he could only retreat unwillingly.

"It's not that easy to retreat!"

Seeing this scene, Yerana's hands flashed, and the aura on her body continued to increase.

"I won't let you succeed!" Behind him, the swordsman shouted when he saw this.

"If you can stop it, then give it a try!"

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Array!"

Ye Lana shouted in a deep voice and pointed to the sky!

The next moment, the sky suddenly brightened and thunder rolled.

Two thunderbolts as thick as buckets came crashing down on Hui Cunze and the swordsman!


Facing the thunder, the swordsman couldn't help being cold all over, his body tensed up, and he quickly stepped back without thinking.

The same is true for Hui Cunze, with a frightened expression on his face, muttering something like: "I don't want to die, stop me" and the like.


Yerana's teammates were stunned when they saw this scene!

What's more, some people's eyes are so round!

"Is this the strength of Jinghong!"

" strong!"

"With such strength, would Raikage-sama throw him into our assassination team?"

They were so surprised that they were speechless, and their hearts were rolling like waves.

"Of course, he is a person who participated in the suppression of Erwei. How could he not have this kind of strength!"

At this time, Dou Lang said coldly: "His strength is not inferior to mine, so don't treat him like an ordinary newcomer!"

"We have ever tried to bully such a person?"

"Our fate is really big, ha ha!"

After hearing Dou Lang's words, all the members of the assassination team thought happily in their hearts.


After the terrifying thunder fell on the earth, it was like a strike from an angry god. The entire earth trembled violently, and a huge crater was exploded.

A large number of the surrounding ninjas were suddenly blown away.

Originally, this should be the end of an attack!


"Look, that guy Jinghong actually attacked again!"

Someone from the assassination team pointed at Yorina who turned into a phantom and rushed towards the wandering ninjas who were blown away and exclaimed.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look in shock again.

The sight of Yorina seemed to be transformed into the Phantom Death, and her long sword was like a cold light, brushing past the wandering ninjas.

"So... so elegant!"

I don’t know who made such a sigh, and it was immediately recognized by many people.

Isn't it? One person and one sword are like leaping elves.

With the blood splattering all over the sky, against the background of the setting sun, he looked like a murderous god coming out of hell, which was chilling.

But his smooth and sharp movements couldn't help but attract everyone's attention!

The whole process lasted only a dozen seconds, but to everyone around it, it felt as if it had been many years.

It feels so good!

And when everything was over, Yorina stood alone with a sword, and the setting sun was like blood, reflecting his body covered in blood.


At this moment, a voice of reluctance came from not far away from Ye Lana.

When everyone looked at it, Hui Cunze barely stood up in a mess.

The right arm was hanging limply, the whole body was covered with blood, the skin and flesh were festered, and he was panting endlessly.

"Not bad, you can survive the thunder formation, Hui Cunze, you still have some strength!!"

Seeing this scene, Yerana showed a smile and said.

Then, he disappeared in place again.

Megumi's hairs all over his body immediately exploded! !

He knew that Yerana's target was definitely him!


But the moment Yerana appeared and swung the knife, another knife stood in front of him and saved Huimurazawa.

It's the swordsman named 'Jian Xin'!

"Mr. Emurazawa treats me well after all, and I won't let you take his life!"

"Mr. Huimurazawa, maybe I have to say sorry to you!"

Kenshin knocked back Yorina and said: "This may be the last time I protect you! Take care!"

After saying that, he rushed straight towards Yorina and shouted: "Flash Shadow!"

The person disappeared immediately, but the sharp sword intent made Yarana's whole body tense!

Hearing this, Emurazawa turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Where there is life, there is hope! He can't die!

He doesn't want to die either!

"Don't even think about running away, Emurazawa thief!"

But inside the venue, there was someone who desperately wanted Emurazawa's life!

The man I saw named Dekang Haoyue led a team with white cloth belts on their arms and rushed towards Hui Cunze!

And the general's team suddenly turned into a torrent of steel and stopped in front of him!

"Feiyun Arrow, shoot!" someone in the army shouted.

"Explosive arrow, shoot!"

Dekang Haoyue also shouted loudly, attacking from both sides!

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