Naruto: One-click enhancement at the beginning

Chapter 88 I was shot even while lying down

Yunyin Village!

"What failed?"

"Huh? The other two ninja villages also failed? Was it taken away by the fake white cold light that suddenly appeared?"

"The white cold light was killed by the mysterious strong man?"

The Fourth Raikage looked at Fighting Wolf with a face like "Are you kidding me?"

This is too dreamy!

Where did the mysterious strong man come from, and what happened to that fake white cold light?

No matter how you look at it, they all look like a group of people!

"The mysterious strong man and Bai Hanguang are really not the same group?" Fourth Raikage looked at the fighting wolf and asked confirmingly.

"Maybe, but I can be sure that the white cold light should not be real!"

"The people in Wuyin Village don't seem to be pretending to be wary of him."

"I and Konoha's people have secretly observed their whereabouts for a few days, and they don't have the slightest characteristic of trying to hide it!"

"So, our focus should still be on that mysterious strong man!"

"I remember the patterns on their bodies. They can't escape. We should immediately send a corresponding search team to find their traces!"

"As long as we can find their traces, we will be able to follow the clues to find their lair, and then take back the famous ancient monument to complete the task!"

Hearing what Wolf Dou said, Raikage Fourth nodded, and said, "Then do you still remember their characteristics? The more detailed the better!"

Dou Lang replied: "Of course, although I only met him for a few seconds, I remember his characteristics very clearly."

"He is wearing a red auspicious cloud pattern imperial robe with a black background, a mask, and green eyes."

"By the way, it's the rebellious ninja of Longin village, he is wearing the rebellious forehead of Longinin village!"

Hearing these words, the Fourth Raikage's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said: "The traitorous ninja of Taki Ninja Village can also kill the white cold light!"

"Emmm, there shouldn't be many people who meet this condition. You have to be an A-level rebel nin after all!"

"Okay, then let's thoroughly investigate all A-level rebel ninjas in Taki Ninja Village and the targets above them!"

Upon hearing this, Dou Lang immediately responded and retreated to carry out the order.

While this kind of thing was being done in Cloud Hidden Village, Kirigakure Village and Konoha Village were also doing it.

In the end, they got the same result!

"Taki Ninja Village traitor, Kakuzu, eighty-three years old?"

"Wait, no, is there such a long-lived person in the world??"

What is the concept of eighty-four years old!

That is to say, he has experienced the chaotic era of the Warring States Period, the era of the establishment of Ninja Villages, and the era of three great ninja wars in his life. What a proper old youkai!

Can anyone really live this long?

The current longest-lived people: Suna Chiyo, Ebizo, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Two-Day Scale Onoki, the highest age is now 70 years old!

But this guy is 14 years older than Onoki, the oldest third-generation Tsuchikage!

It’s so scary!

"A real old monster, no wonder he was able to kill the fake white cold light and kidnap famous ancient monuments. With this experience, it's really not surprising!"

The Fourth Raikage couldn't help but sigh, and then immediately issued a wanted order for Kakuzu.

Later, the shadows from the two villages in Kirigakure and Konoha Village also issued the same order.

In an instant, the name Kakuzu became loud in the ninja world, and the Taki Ninja Village became famous as well.

Isn't it? The eighty-four-year-old old monster is very powerful in itself.

I heard that the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder planned to condemn the Taki Ninja Village and attributed all the reasons for the failure of this mission to the Taki Ninja Village and asked them to give an explanation.

But this made Kagena of Taki Ninja Village look confused. He really wanted to say: "Kakuduna was an immortal from decades ago. What does it have to do with us? This kind of thing can also make them Shot while lying down?"

At this time, the Fire Nation, a small expert in maintaining peace in the ninja world, immediately took action to calm the matter.

This brought the matter to an end.

But secretly, instead of calming down, the waves became more intense.

I don't know how many wandering ninjas have their eyes on Kakuzu's head.

I want to take his head in exchange for the huge reward jointly set by the three countries of Water, Thunder and Fire - 300 million yen!

"The damn five major countries, and that little brat, actually asked me to take the blame for you. I won't let you go!"

In the gathering place of the Akatsuki organization, there is a saying in every corner of the circle, I don’t know whether to say it or not!

Not far behind Kakuzu, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Zero Burial Heavenly Dao Payne said without any emotion: "From this matter, I understand a truth: the existence of the five major countries is an important factor that leads to unpeace in this world. reason!"

"And when we exist, the truth is very reasonable. If we want to change the world, we still have to work hard!"

Regarding Tiandao Payne's words, the expressions of all the members were different.

Approval, disapproval, expressionless!

"Okay, everyone, please continue to work hard. After working hard to strengthen the organization, you can carry out the next plan!"

The next step is to capture the tail beasts and gather them to form a force that can make the entire ninja world tremble, and use this as a deterrent to keep the ninja world in peace.

Everyone nodded and the meeting ended.

Before leaving, Tiandao Payne looked at Kakuto who was about to leave, and said: "Recently, you should try not to show your face, pay attention to safety, there are still many masters in the ninja world!"

Regarding Tiandao's instructions, Kakuzu felt a little depressed. Could it be that he was such an ungrateful person. But he still nodded to show that he understood.

Kirigakure Village!

"Who is the person who pretends to be Saya? Why is the ninjutsu he uses so similar to Saya's!"

"Is there anyone in this world who can use the art of Kirigakure so well?"

"Xiaoye, how are you doing now? Alas, there is no news at all, which is really worrying!" Terumi Mei murmured with a frown.

She was very sure that the white cold light that appeared to snatch the famous monument was definitely not her brother Yorina.

Because Yarana appeared in the Kumo Hidden Village team.

She was very sure that the ninja named Jinghong in Loquat Juuzang's mouth was Ye Lana.

Moreover, the mysterious man pretending to be the white cold light did not match the strength of Yarana.

If what Loquat Juzo said is true, then that person's strength may be inferior to that of Terumi Mei.

No matter how evil Yorina is, she can't become that strong in just four months!

"Don't worry, Xiaoye, I'm still waiting for you to come back and change Kirigakure Village with me!"

Terumi Mei prayed sincerely in her heart.

Yunyin Village!

"Huh? Can I leave the assassination team and be separated from the ANBU?"

After resting for two days, Yarana finally recovered from her injuries and was just discharged from the hospital when she got the news about Wolf Fighting.

Starting today, he was transferred out of the assassination team and ANBU, restored the name "Kira", officially became the special jounin of Kumogakure Village, and went to the Sleeping Dragon Cave to guard the two jinchūriki and two Yukito!

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