Regarding Tsunade's conjecture, Uchiha Takashi said that you are overthinking, and I am really afraid of death.

"How is it? Have you thought about it?" Uchiha said in a playful tone.

Tsunade's face was very ugly. I didn't expect that one of the three great ninjas would be threatened by a kid of fifteen or sixteen years old!

"Tsunade-sama, don't promise him!" At this moment, Shizune suddenly suppressed her fear and shouted.

"How disobedient."

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha knocked Shizune unconscious with a blow from his hand.

"What are you doing?" Tsunade was anxious and wanted to run over.

But Gojo Satoru suddenly appeared in front of her and blocked her.

"Don't worry, I just knocked her out, it's fine." Uchiha said calmly.

"I advise you to agree to it, he is actually a pretty good kid." Gojo Satoru persuaded.

Good boy? Is this how you, a teacher, teach your students?

In fact, this is not to blame Gojo Satoru. If it is to blame, it is because the system is too powerful. Everyone summoned will have an identity and memory related to Uchiha Taka. Some are teachers and students, some are family members, and some are brothers.

But without exception, his loyalty to Uchiha must be full.

"Okay, if you can really cure my hemophobia, I will perform surgery on you." Tsunade had no choice but to agree because the situation was stronger than others.

"Teacher Gojo Satoru, I will leave this little girl to you. If anything happens to me, I will kill her." Uchiha said in a cold tone as he handed Shizune to you, Gojo Satoru.


Gojo Satoru took Shizune and disappeared in the next moment.

"Where did you take Shizune? Answer me, bastard." Tsunade was furious. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to want to kill someone. Now, Uchiha Takao made her relive this feeling.

At the same time, I even had doubts about myself in my heart. Am I too weak, or am I just a disaster? Everyone close to me is dead, Broken is dead, Rope Tree is dead, is it Shizune’s turn now?

"Don't worry, as long as the operation is perfect and successful, you will not harm me, and Shizune will not lose a hair. So, please pack your mind now and come with me. This is not a place for surgery." Uchiha Takashi smiled. He waved his hand and said.

But this smile seemed so evil to Tsunade.

Forehead? Evil? I just want to live, what's wrong with me?

Being invincible, no one can kill me, so I can live, well, that's right.

Soon, Uchiha Takashi took Tsunade to a secret room. There was an operating table and some medical equipment in the secret room. Stitch stood guard at the door.

"Now let's treat your hemophobia first." Uchiha said standing in front of Tsunade.

"Okay, how can I cooperate?" Tsunade also hopes to cure her anemia, although she doesn't have much hope.

"Just do as I say."

Uchiha Takashi directly opened the three Magatama Sharingan. Hypnosis requires a medium, and now the Sharingan is the medium. Then he spoke softly, as if it could melt people, and said slowly: "Now, look into my eyes."

"Tsunade, recall the days when you were with Kato Dan and Nezuki, and recall those happy times with them."

Hearing this, Tsunade closed her eyes and began to recall slowly. Uchiha continued: "Listen to my words with your soul and imagine some scene that can calm your brain."

"Tsunade, you are now walking out of a noisy casino and drifting to another place where there is no one around and the light is soft, as if there is no one else here except yourself. Here, your body floats for a while, sinks for a while, until To achieve the desired depth…”

Tsunade's spirit was completely relaxed, and Uchiha Takao began deep hypnosis.

"At this moment, a drizzle started to fall in the sky, and I was showering in the drizzle. The raindrops fell gently from my head, and my body gradually floated, as if it was there or not, as if I had entered a wonderful fairyland... "

Ten minutes later, Tsunade slowly opened her eyes, and what came into view was Takao Uchiha.

And Uchiha Takashi suddenly grabbed Tsunade's hand and lightly scratched it with a knife. A medium-sized wound appeared on Tsunade's palm, and blood slowly flowed out.

"What do you want to do? Ah!"

Just when Tsunade was about to violently hurt someone, Uchiha interrupted her and said: "Look, are you not afraid of blood anymore?"

Why? ,,^,,

As if she realized something, Tsunade looked at the blood flowing out of her palm repeatedly. It seemed that apart from a trace of pain, she really wouldn't be sick anymore.

"I...I'm really healed!" Tsunade was so excited that she couldn't speak, and even hugged Uchiha in front of her.

He didn't expect that this Uchiha could really cure his hemophobia.

Damn it, are you trying to suffocate me? And then kill the donkey?

Although I like it very much, I am bored to death. Hey!

Uchiha Takao pushed Tsunade away hard, and then took a big breath of fresh air.

"Uh, sorry." Tsunade said a little embarrassed.

"Since it's healed, then help me with the surgery." Uchiha waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

"Okay, what surgery do you want to do?" Tsunade asked.

"Eye replacement surgery."

"Eye replacement surgery?" Tsunade didn't understand. She already had the Mangekyō Sharingan, so she still had to change it?

"Don't ask any questions, just do it."

After that, Uchiha Wu took out the Mangekyō Sharingan that he had taken from Uchiha Fugaku and handed it to Tsunade.

"Another pair of Mangekyō!" Tsunade exclaimed.

Looking at Uchiha Wu again, he had already consciously laid on the operating table.

"Where is the anesthetic?" Tsunade looked around but couldn't find the anesthetic, then asked.

"No need for anesthesia." Uchiha Wu said.

"Aren't you afraid of pain?"


"Then why don't you take the anesthetic?"

"I'm more afraid of death, afraid that you will kill me while I'm anesthetized!"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment.

She thought the rumors were true, this guy was really afraid of death, but she didn't expect it to this extent.

Tsunade stopped talking nonsense and started the eye replacement operation.


Soon, two hours later, the eye replacement operation was finally completed.

Uchiha Wu's clothes were completely soaked with sweat, and you can imagine how painful this operation was.

Don't think that in the original book, the eyes are just taken off, snapped, and then snapped back on.

Except for the Six Paths, Madara-sama has a strong body that can regenerate infinitely and nerves can automatically connect to the eyeballs.

It is still very troublesome to change eyes below the Six Paths realm, but Uchiha Wu, who has a sage body, does not need to spend time to merge the Mangekyo like Sasuke after the eye change is successful.

This is the power of the sage body!

Uchiha Wu sat up, feeling the powerful power from his eyes, and couldn't help but directly open the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. The three magatama rotated wildly and finally connected into a weird pattern.

Tsunade only felt an indescribable momentum coming to her face!

Who do you think the third summoned character is?

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