Naruto opened the Mangekyō because he was afraid of death

Chapter 29 The conspiracy of the three holy places

The next morning, Uchiha Wu was busy for a long time and made some lean meat porridge. After tasting it himself, he expressed that he was very satisfied with his cooking skills. Then he served himself a bowl and another bowl for Kaguya, and shouted: "Kaguya, it's time for breakfast."

After that, the nature of a steel straight man broke out. He ate with big mouthfuls of food on an empty stomach.

Kaguya slowly walked out of the house, sat at the table, and quietly watched Uchiha Wu eat deliciously.

That is, Kaguya's temperament is indifferent, otherwise another woman would try and slap him to death.

"Hmm? Huilie, why don't you eat it?"

Uchiha Wu said vaguely with a big mouthful of porridge in his mouth.

After swallowing it, he continued: "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Then he ate it with big mouthfuls again.


Seeing this, Kaguya also picked up the bowl and chopsticks and ate in small mouthfuls. Although she didn't need to eat, she didn't refuse Uchiha Wu's kindness.

Maybe it was because she had never eaten before, or maybe it was because Uchiha Wu's cooking skills were better. Kaguya ate two bowls before she put down her bowl and chopsticks.

"Hehehe~" Uchiha Wu saw Kaguya finish eating and laughed foolishly.

I thought: Kaguya finished eating. She actually finished the porridge I made. As the saying goes, if you want to conquer a woman, you must conquer her stomach first. I will definitely succeed.

I don't know who gave him the confidence. It's that Kaguya basically doesn't contact the secular world, and it's possible to be deceived. Otherwise, he really has to be single... for two lifetimes!

In the next few days, Uchiha Wu was with Kaguya. He was not in a hurry to find the dragon vein. Anyway, he had to wait until the fruit of the sacred tree matured to get the branches of the sacred tree, and then he could seal the dragon vein.

In the past few days, Uchiha Wu only talked to Kaguya Otsutsuki a few times when eating. At other times, he just wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back when it came to his lips. He was a coward.

In his spare time, he studied the Qingxin Daodian, hoping to cultivate immortal arts.

That night, Kaguya Otsutsuki stood in the open space and looked at the starry sky, with an indissoluble sorrow between her brows.

At this time, Uchiha Wu came over, took the cloak made in the pupil space, and put it on Kaguya.

This was also the first time that Uchiha Wu mustered up the courage to approach Kaguya.

"What are you looking at?" Uchiha Wu asked softly.

He knew what Kaguya Otsutsuki was worried about. She was worried about the pursuit of the Otsutsuki clan and the destruction of this world.

But Uchiha Wu couldn't say it out loud, so he could only find some topics to distract Kaguya's attention and let her relax her heart that was worried all day.

He didn't want to promise anything, because his strength didn't allow him to promise Kaguya.

Because, before you have the strength to make a promise, even if you promise, let's not talk about whether you can do it, even if you can do it, others will not believe it.

So, it's better to improve your strength steadily.

"That's my hometown."

Kaguya Otsutsuki's simple words made Uchiha Wu's heart twitch slightly.

Yes, that's her hometown, but she can't go back!

"You are still injured, go back to the house, rest more, and heal your wounds first." Uchiha Wu said with some heartache.

"Well, thank you, Wu."

Kaguya Otsutsuki thanked her, and then turned and walked into the house accompanied by Uchiha Wu.

However, what neither of them noticed was that not far away, a pair of eyes saw all this.

And the owner of those eyes was a red toad, it was Gamamaru!

"Is he the variable that the master said?" Gamamaru muttered and turned away!

After Gamamaru returned to Myoboku Mountain, he went directly to see the master, that is, the toad sage of this era.

"Master, what did you dream about?" Gamamaru asked after he came back.

Sitting high up, a huge and old toad answered after hearing: "I dreamed of a person who did not belong to this time and space, who changed the trajectory of the world, the decline of the three holy places, and gradually went to extinction."

"What! The person you asked me to observe will change the trajectory of the world?" Toad Pill was surprised.

"Toad Pill, contact the three holy places, we must keep the original operation of the world!" The big toad immortal explained.

"Yes, I know."

With that, Toad Pill left.


Toad Pill moved quickly, and in one day, he gathered the white phosphorus snake (the future white snake immortal) and the slug immortal clone together. (There is only one big slug in the Wet Bone Forest, so the author believes that the current slug immortal and the future slug immortal are the same)

"Hey, stinky toad, what do you want us to do? If it's nothing important, I will definitely eat you!" The white phosphorus snake said while spitting out the core.

"Gamamaru, is there something important? You want to bring together our three holy places?"

Compared to the white phosphorus snake, the slug seemed much more stable.

Gamamaru ignored the white phosphorus snake's intimidation and said: "Yes, there is a very important thing."


"What is it?"

Now, the white phosphorus snake also became interested. She believed that Gamamaru would not dare to deceive her, or rather, dare not deceive the two holy places!

Gamamaru didn't waste any words and said directly: "You should all know that we Toads rarely dream. Once we dream, then the things in the dream are likely to come true."

"Some time ago, the master predicted that a person who did not belong to this time and space would appear and disrupt the development trajectory of this world!"

Hearing this, the white phosphorus snake and the slug still didn't quite understand. What impact would this person who disrupted the development trajectory of the world have on us?

The hot-tempered white phosphorus snake couldn't help asking: "Just appear, what impact can it have on us? We are not walking in the world."

"You should be familiar with that foreign sacred tree."

The words of Toad Pill instantly attracted the attention of the two. If this person is related to the sacred tree, it would be no small matter.

"Hurry up." The white phosphorus snake urged impatiently.

"Since the appearance of the sacred tree, the natural energy in the world has been decreasing, and it has had a great impact on the three holy places."

"And this sacred tree has always had a guardian, so the three holy places cannot destroy the sacred tree. Even if she is injured, it is difficult for the three holy places to deal with her. If she eats the fruit of the sacred tree in a hurry, the three holy places will face a devastating blow."

"However, if the world develops according to the original trajectory, she will be sealed in the near future, and the sacred tree will be sealed together."

"However, a variable suddenly appeared a few days ago. That variable is now staying with the guardian of the sacred tree, so if we want to ensure the development trajectory of the world and protect the three holy places, we must make him disappear. At least before the guardian of the sacred tree is sealed, let him disappear for a while!"

Toad pill's words made the white phosphorus snake and the slug fall into deep thought!

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