"Hahaha, that's right, I am biased, who made her so cute? Hahaha!" Uchiha Wu said without hesitation.

"Hahaha, Wu, I didn't expect you to be such a person." Gojo Wu showed a contemptuous expression.

"That's right!"

Stitch, who has been hanging out with Gojo Wu for many years, is also the same, despising Uchiha Wu together with Gojo Wu!

"Hoohoo~ Don't be angry, don't be angry, anger hurts your body, anger hurts your body." Uchiha Wu muttered to himself, and then continued: "Nilu, you and teacher Gojo Wu have a competition. If you don't complete the task and leave without taking action, Pein will be suspicious."

"Okay, but you have to prepare delicious food for me!" Nilu said reluctantly.

"No problem." Uchiha Wu made an OK gesture.

"Hey, hey, I suspect you are deliberately taking revenge on me." Gojo Wu looked at Uchiha Wu with a strange look.

"Ah! You guessed it all!" Uchiha Wu deliberately made an exaggerated expression and said.

Gojo Satoru looked at Uchiha Wu speechlessly, but still agreed: "However, what you said makes sense, let's have a competition."

Then, several people came to an open place. They couldn't fight in Longyin Village. After all, it was Doflamingo's territory.

Nel changed into a queen form and confronted Gojo Satoru. Uchiha Wu and the other two took three chairs, each holding a coconut in their hands, ready to eat melons and watch the show.

Nel gently swung the knife in her hand backwards, and the powerful spiritual pressure caused the ground behind Nel to crack in a fan shape, and then reminded: "Be careful, I'm going to attack."

"It's okay, you can't hit me!" Gojo Satoru was very confident in himself, with his hands in his pockets.

"In that case... Xiang Zhuan."

Nel took the lead in launching an attack, using Xiang Zhuan, a fast movement skill, to quickly get close to Gojo Satoru, and came behind Gojo Satoru, slashing the knife in her hand at Gojo Satoru.

However, Gojo Satoru's six eyes have a 360-degree field of vision. Gojo Satoru only bent slightly to avoid the attack, without even taking his hands out of his pockets, but Nel's slash cut a deep gully in the ground in front of him.

Uchiha Wu, who was watching the show from a distance, clapped his hands and cheered: "Wow, Gojo Satoru teacher is so good at pretending."

Doflamingo was more concerned about the two people's fighting methods and strength, "So fast, so strong!"

Stitch was watching the excitement and cheering for the two people with his hands and feet, "Go Gojo Satoru! Go Nel!"

After Gojo Satoru dodged the attack, he also activated his teleportation skill, and then kicked Nel's head.

Nel raised her arm to block and jumped backwards with the force. However, Gojo Satoru's teleportation was too fast, and he came behind Nel in an instant.

"Well, it's too slow." Gojo Satoru teased.

"Tsk~" Nel was disdainful, but still used the ringing to distance herself from Gojo Satoru.

But Gojo Satoru can always keep up with Nel's speed. Seeing this, Uchiha Wu couldn't help but say with some bitterness: "Sure enough, he is a bug. If he doesn't have some special abilities, the Six Paths level may not be able to defeat him!"

"You can't beat me without full strength." Gojo Satoru said.

Nel also understood, so she crossed the knife across her chest, holding the back of the knife with her left hand, her blue hair fluttering, and the blade gradually emitted a pink light.

"Here it comes, the return to the blade is coming!" Uchiha Wu said a little excitedly.

"Return to the blade?"

"Return to the blade?"

Doflamingo and Stitch didn't understand why Uchiha Wu was so excited, but seeing that Uchiha Wu was so excited, he should be using a big move.

In the field, Nel chanted a spell: "Sing, Antelope Knight!"

As Nel chanted the spell, a huge spiritual pressure burst out from Nel's body, forming a huge purple-red spiritual pressure sphere that rushed straight into the sky.

"What a strong aura." Gojo Satoru took out his hand from his trouser pocket and became a little serious.

After a moment, the purple-red spiritual pressure sphere disappeared, and the ground under Nel's feet was washed into a hemispherical basin by the spiritual pressure.

And Nel changed drastically, becoming an antelope knight similar to a centaur. The mask on her head turned into a sheep-horned mask, and the long sword in her hand turned into a double-headed heavy gun.

"Is this the return to the blade?" Doflamingo said.

And Stitch seemed to have seen something new, "Wow, she can actually transform, so powerful, I want to transform too!"

As he said that, Stitch turned into a four-handed appearance and went crazy on the seat.

Fortunately, there was no one else here, they were all his own people, otherwise Uchiha Wu really wanted to bury him.

In the field, Nel raised the double-headed gun in her hand and made a throwing motion.

Gojo Satoru did not dare to underestimate this attack, and slowly stretched out a hand, saying: "Reverse the technique 'He'"

Then, a huge repulsive force was formed, sweeping towards Nel.

And Nel was ready, "Green Shooting Spear!"

With her low shout, the double-headed gun in her hand was thrown out fiercely, carrying a thousand-pound force, spinning and shooting towards Gojo Satoru.


The two attacks collided, making a huge roar, and the repulsive force and the double-headed gun were in a stalemate. In the end, the two forces were exhausted and ended, and the double-headed gun returned to Nel's hand.

Then the two started a close combat again. Gojo Satoru's teleportation skill was better, but Nel did not suffer any damage relying on the defensive skill of Steel Skin.

It's just that Nilu felt that her attack didn't hit Gojo Satoru at all.

And that's exactly what happened. Gojo Satoru's unlimited technique made all attacks close to him infinitely far away, similar to the feeling of being close at hand and far away from him.


Nilu condensed a purple-red flash in her mouth, ready to launch at any time.

"Well, this move is quite powerful. Forget it, it's time to end it." Gojo Satoru said confidently. Then he took off his eye mask, revealing his blue star-like pupils, raised one hand, and placed his middle finger on his index finger.

"Domain, expand!"

"Infinite space!"

As Gojo Satoru whispered, Nilu felt that time had stopped, and even the condensed flash dissipated.

The whole person seemed to be in the void. Where did I come from, where did I die, where did time start and where did it end?

Nilu felt that her brain was instantly injected with a large amount of memory, causing her thinking to stagnate and her brain to crash.

"He is indeed an invincible person of the same level. Is he cheating or am I cheating?" Uchiha Wu complained in his heart.

Fortunately, Gojo Satoru did not go too far. He only injected about a month's memory and then lifted the domain. With Nilu's strength, it only took one or two minutes.

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