"If I absorb this giant Samsara Eye, will the Byakugan evolve into Samsara Eye?" Uchiha Wu thought to himself.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Uchiha Wu became. Just when he touched the giant Samsara Eye with his hand, Uchiha Wu suddenly stopped.

He thought of a problem. The Byakugan evolves into Samsara Eye and there is a fetal movement process. Moreover, this is the moon, which is the territory of Otsutsuki Hamura. It is not safe to have a fetal movement here.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Wu quickly retracted his palm and thought to himself: "Damn Hamura, you dare to seduce me. I will beat you so hard that your mother won't recognize you!"

Hamura: It's obviously your own greed (;Д`)

Kaguya: ? ? ?

"However, this giant Samsara Eye cannot be left here. If we fight with Hamura later, the existence of this giant Samsara Eye will be a threat."

"System, do you have any solution?"

When you encounter a problem, find the system, it's definitely right.

[Host can store the giant reincarnation eye into the system space]

"Okay, store it into the system space. I haven't used this system space yet. I forgot that there is such a thing. It has become a decoration."


Who told you that your own pupil technique has space, and it can also improve the speed of practice and is very convenient to use. It's strange that you can remember the system space.

With a flash of golden light, Uchiha Wu put the giant reincarnation eye into the system space.

After doing all this, the white eyes in Uchiha Wu's eyes disappeared and turned into the reincarnation eyes. After all, he was against the Six Paths-level characters, so he had to be vigilant at all times.

Then, Uchiha Wu began to look for the statue of Otsutsuki Hamura. If Otsutsuki Hamura was still on the moon and his soul had not entered the world of the dead, then the most likely place for him to exist was in his own stone statue.

Soon, Uchiha Wu found the statue of Hamura. Looking at this stone statue that was comparable to the Nine-Tails, Uchiha Wu silently complained in his heart, "It's so ugly!"

"Otsutsuki Hamura, come out and answer me." Uchiha Wu shouted at the stone statue of Hamura.

However, no one responded. Uchiha Wu only felt a group of crows flying over his head...

"Ignore me? If you don't come out, I will destroy your stone statue."

After more than ten seconds, there was still no response.

"Could it be that Hamura's soul really returned to the world of the dead? If he really entered the world of the dead, it would be troublesome. At that time, I would have to face the combination of these two brothers!" Uchiha Wu frowned and thought.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Wu wanted to try again. He stretched out a hand and pressed it against the stone statue. At the same time, he instantly turned on the Sage Mode and used the powerful perception of the Sage Mode to perceive the inside of the stone statue.

After a while, Uchiha Wu's face lit up, thinking: "Sure enough, you are still here."

Uchiha Wu felt that there was a strong force inside the stone statue, and it was a physical body, not a soul. It just seemed to be sleeping.

"Is it a seal? You sealed yourself in the stone statue, Hamura, you are a ruthless person!" Uchiha Wu said secretly.

"You actually sealed yourself, which saved me from taking action, but should I deal with this threat?"

Just as Uchiha Wu was thinking, Hamura, who was in the seal, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Fuck, it's a dead body!"

This scared Uchiha Wu who was exploring, and at the same time regretted that he should have taken action earlier.

"It seems that fighting is inevitable."

Uchiha Wu quickly pulled away, and at this moment, Hamura's stone statue exploded, huge stone fragments flew all over the sky, and raised bursts of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Uchiha Wu stared ahead and saw an old man full of fairy spirit sitting in the air.

"Ah, is the seal so careless? Can you break it yourself?" Uchiha Wu couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I sealed myself just to accompany my mother, and this seal is just to prevent outsiders from disturbing me, so it is difficult to break the seal outside, but I can break it easily inside the seal." Yucun did not do anything, but explained to Uchiha Wu.

"So that's it." Uchiha Wu suddenly realized, but thought of something else, and then asked: "By the way, why didn't you die?"

Yucun: "..."

How do you want me to answer this? What's the matter? I deserve to die?

Uchiha Wu seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his words, so he changed his words and said, "What I mean is that Yuyi has died of old age, why didn't you die? Is your life span so different?"

"No, the seal I set will lock my body mechanism at the moment of being sealed, so I still have a few days to live." Yucun replied.

"Then how did you wake up? After breaking the seal, wouldn't you be dead soon?" Uchiha Wu asked in confusion.

"It was your power that woke me up. After I woke up, I felt that your power was extraordinary, and it was somewhat different from the power of my lineage. I was afraid that my clansmen would be hurt, so I could only come out to see if I could use some of my remaining heat."

"Now it seems that all my clansmen are dead." As he spoke, Yucun's eyes gradually became unfriendly.

It's just that the more he looked at Uchiha Wu, the more familiar he looked. In the end, Uchiha Wu's figure overlapped with the person who cursed himself and Yuyi a thousand years ago!

"So, you are here." Yucun sighed, and then continued: "Did you kill my people? Are you here to avenge your mother?"

"Hey, don't put the blame on me. Your people were killed by your own people a long time ago. I just killed the last person of your people." Uchiha Wu said honestly.

"Huh? What happened?" Yucun asked in confusion.

"Your people were later divided into the main family and the branch family. The main family believed that the world created by the Six Paths Sage Yuyi should be protected, while the branch family believed that the world created by the Six Paths Sage should be destroyed..."

"In the end, the main family was destroyed, and the branch family was not much better. To this day, there is only one person left in your family, and I killed him!" Uchiha Wu briefly described it.

Then, he answered another question from Yucun: "Revenge for Kaguya is not enough, it can only be regarded as collecting some interest!"

"Will you let your mother out?" Yucun looked at Uchiha Wu with a serious look and said.

Uchiha Wu's expression also became serious, and he said: "Yes!"

"If mother returns, the world will start a war again, and countless people will die. I can't watch you do such a wrong thing!" There was a dangerous light in Yucun's eyes.

Uchiha Wu laughed after hearing this, and said a little crazy: "Hahaha, world war? Haven't there been few wars in the world in the past thousand years? The number of deaths is even much greater than that of Kaguya back then. In this case, it is better to kill them all at once, kill enough, so that they will never start a war!"

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