The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight quietly penetrated the gap between the curtains, Duanmu Yeqi raised his head from a busy night, with a satisfied light in his eyes.

After a night of careful refining, he finally turned the basement into a secret room for future practice.

He used alchemy to refine most of the metal deposits in the space of the Samsara Eye into a series of fine parts and components. These parts are not only exquisite in appearance, but also cleverly combined by him to build a stable and fully functional underground space.

After traveling through time and space, Duanmu Yeqi found that he had not forgotten his previous knowledge of mechanical manufacturing in college, and with the significant improvement of his physical fitness and mental strength, he had a deeper understanding of this knowledge and better application ability.

With such a large amount of work, even if there was an engineering team in the past, it might not be possible to install all the machinery in the underground space in one night, but now he has done it alone.

The entrance to the basement is designed to be extremely concealed, and it can only be opened by emitting sound vibrations of a specific frequency.

In order to achieve this unique design, Duanmu Yeqi has modified the design drawings many times to strive for excellence. As a purely mechanical structure, the opening mechanism of the entrance does not require any electronic equipment to assist, and relies entirely on a sophisticated mechanical transmission system to work.

When sound vibrations of a specific frequency are transmitted to the mechanism center of the entrance to the basement, it will trigger a series of complex mechanical reactions to open the door to the underground space.

The door is located in an inconspicuous corner of the room. The stairs leading to the underground space are paved with a layer of exquisite marble slabs. These slabs are naturally made by his alchemy. Although the earth escape technique can also achieve this goal, the objects made by the earth escape technique are very rough and cannot be preserved for a long time. Even if natural energy is added, it will only make the process last a little longer.

Only the trees created by the BUG-level ninjutsu of Wood Release can be preserved for a long time, because it is itself a kind of life and can absorb various energies to maintain itself.


Looking at his masterpiece, Duanmu Yeqi nodded with satisfaction. Although he had not slept all night, his mental state was not at all sluggish. He had another class in the morning. He had promised his students that he would teach them alchemy in this class. Although he had only found an excuse to look for metal deposits before, he was tricked by Senju Tobirama because of it.

But for him, this alchemy class was now a must."Come on, let me create a new school for this boring world."

Duanmu Yeqi recited an incomprehensible line in a childish way, but his eyes were shining with an unprecedented light.

Duanmu Yeqi had already conceived the outline of today's alchemy course in his mind. What he wanted to teach students was not only the basic knowledge of alchemy, but also to combine alchemy with modern technology to create an unprecedented discipline.

As a time traveler, he possessed knowledge and technology that this world did not have. He wanted to integrate this knowledge and technology into alchemy and create a new path.

The living standards of people in Konoha Village in this era were still very backward, compared to the period when Naruto was in charge of Hokage, it was a world of difference, so he planned to bring some changes to the world.

Duanmu Yeqi straightened the corners of his clothes and walked out of the house. The streets in the early morning were already crowded with people.

""Mr. Duanmu, good morning!" A vendor greeted enthusiastically, the shurikens and kunai on his stall sparkling in the sun.

He knew this vendor, Duanmu Yeqi, who was the grandfather of Tiantian, one of the Twelve Little Strongmen. Now he is still a young man, not very strong, only at the level of a Chunin, but his level of making ninja tools is extremely high, and he is deeply loved by the majority of ninjas in the village.

Duanmu Yeqi stopped and responded with a smile:"Good morning, business is good today."

"TOEFL, TOEFL, all thanks to the support of the ninjas in the village."Grandpa Tiantian smiled modestly.

Along the way, Duanmu Yeqi met several familiar villagers, and they all greeted him warmly.

These are the results of his efforts in the past year. In order to integrate into this world, he has a good relationship with the people in this village.

As a mentor at the Ninja Academy, he is also respected by many people.

The Ninja School is not too far from where he lives, and he arrived there in a short while.

Walking into the classroom, there was no"hidden weapon" attack, and the students were already sitting neatly. Duanmu Yeqi glanced around, nodded with satisfaction, and then started today's class.

"Dear students, today, I will show you a brand new skill, which has infinite potential and possibilities."

Duanmu Yeqi smiled slightly and said mysteriously to the students below.


There was a burst of exclamations at the scene, and the fat kid from the Qiu Dao family was the loudest.

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

Duanmu Yeqi pressed his hand and continued,"This skill is called alchemy. It is not only a technology, but also a philosophy of understanding and changing the material world."

He picked up an ordinary stone from the podium and continued,"The basic principle of alchemy is 'equivalent exchange', that is, in order to get something, we must pay an equal price. Just like this stone, if we want to turn it into gold, we need to pay the corresponding price."

Duanmu Yeqi naturally would not really turn the stone in his hand into gold, but just to give the students below some ideas. With his current level of alchemy, he can only change the form between the same material elements. To turn stone into gold requires a higher realm. At present, he can only barely achieve the change of material structure between the same elements.

For example, turn a piece of charcoal into a diamond.

Of course, in order to attract the interest of students, Duanmu boasted a lot, and the students listened with relish. The little fat ball of Qiu Daojia's eyes were shining, as if he had seen the scene of himself becoming a billionaire.

Duanmu Yeqi smiled slightly and continued,"The basis of alchemy is to understand the structure and properties of matter. In this world, every substance has its own unique properties and structure. Alchemists need to master the properties of these substances through learning and practice, and then use alchemy to change them into the form they want."

He paused, looked at the expectant eyes of the students, and continued:"Of course, alchemy is not omnipotent. It has its own rules and limitations. At present, we cannot create substances out of thin air, nor can we completely transform one substance into another. Alchemy is more about changing and optimizing existing substances."

In fact, it is not that alchemy cannot do it, but that the alchemy laws of this world are not perfect, and countless people are needed to perfect it.

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