As night fell, the sky was covered by thick clouds. The light of the stars and the moon could not penetrate the dark night, and the whole earth was shrouded in a mysterious darkness.

At this moment, the Hidden Cloud Village was brightly lit, with people coming and going, extremely busy, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding darkness.

A muscular ninja wearing the unique off-shoulder outfit of the Hidden Cloud Village swiftly crossed the streets of the village and finally stopped in front of the Raikage's office.

He knocked on the door gently, and after getting a response, he pushed the door open and reported to the Raikage respectfully:"Lord Raikage, all the troops have been assembled and prepared, and can set off at any time.

" The Raikage raised his head from the pile of documents,"I will lead the team personally this time, and the Hidden Cloud Village will be handed over to you.

If I have any accidents, the name of [Ai] will be inherited by you.


He walked to the window, his deep eyes penetrated the darkness and looked into the distance. This is the look of an ambitious man. He knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Hidden Cloud Village to rise, and he must not miss it, even if it costs his life.

���Let's go!"The Raikage waved his hand, his voice firm and decisive.

With this order, the entire Cloud Village began to move. The elite troops quietly left the village in the night. Their target was, of course, Konoha.

In order to catch Konoha off guard, they deliberately chose to act at night to better conceal their whereabouts. As the night deepened, the clouds began to gradually disperse, and the bright moonlight fell on the earth, bringing a ray of light to this dark land. Under the shining silver moonlight, the ninjas of the Cloud Village shuttled through the woods like ghosts in the dark night. They were extremely fast, but silent, as if they were passing through the woods like a gust of wind......

The Hidden Mist Village

"Lord Bai Lian, I just received news that the death of Hashirama Senju has been confirmed. It is worth mentioning that the Hidden Cloud Village has already taken action, led by the Raikage himself. We...."

"No hurry." Before Hozuki Huanyue finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mizukage Bailian. As the first generation to establish the Hidden Mist Village, Bailian rose from the war and was always cautious in his dealings with others. He was brave and resourceful.

"Since the Hidden Cloud Village wants to be the first to take action, let them do it. Even if the Uchiha Class and Senju Hashirama are gone from Konoha Village, the other major families are not pushovers, not to mention that the second generation Hokage is now headed by Senju Tobirama."

"Although this guy's strength is not as good as his elder brother Senju Hashirama, his scheming and intelligence are much higher than Senju Hashirama, but he is a tough nut to crack."

Bai Lian smiled slightly, with a sly look in his eyes. He knew that this game required patience, not simple impulse. He was not like those guys in the Hidden Cloud Village who had muscles on their heads.

"Pass the order down, strengthen the monitoring of Konoha and Kumogakure, especially the marching route of Kumogakure. Report to me immediately if there is any disturbance."Bai Lian gave the order to Gui Deng Huan Yue beside him, and his tone revealed unquestionable majesty.

"Yes, Lord Bai Lian, I will go down and make the arrangements."

After Gui Deng Huan Yue promised, he quietly left and disappeared into the vast night.

The night became darker, but the Hidden Mist Village was quiet. Bai Lian stood in front of the window, looking at the starry sky, thinking about future plans in his mind. He knew that this war would disrupt all existing situations, and he needed to plan and layout more carefully.

However, he didn't know that he was not the only one who had this idea.....

Iwagakure Village.

As a ninja village built on a mountain, the rocks here are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Most of the buildings are made of stone, solid and rough, blending in with the surrounding rocks. At the highest point of Iwagakure Village, a towering stone fortress stands. This is the residence of the first Tsuchikage Ishikawa.

""Lord Tsuchikage, the Hidden Cloud Village has already started to act." A deep voice broke the silence of the night. It was Ishikawa's personal bodyguard Wu, who quietly appeared behind Ishikawa like a shadow.

Ishikawa tilted his head slightly, frowning slightly,"Oh? Are they finally unable to resist and want to take action?"

"Yes, they plan to attack Konoha at night."Wu answered concisely.

Shihe sneered,"The Hidden Cloud Village is always so impatient. They think this is a good opportunity, but they don't know the traps hidden behind it."

He turned around and walked towards the meeting room in the stone fortress. The hall was brightly lit, and a huge map was spread out on the table, marking the location and sphere of influence of each hidden village.

"We can't act rashly." Shihe pointed to the Konoha Village on the map,"Although Konoha has lost Hashirama Senju, their strength should not be underestimated. The first bird to stick its head out gets shot, so let's be the hunters."

Wu nodded in agreement,"Then how should we respond?"

"Wait and see what happens." Shihe took a deep breath,"We have to wait for the best time to attack. Let's notify them to prepare supplies first."

As Shihe's order was issued, the entire Iwagakure Village began to move......

It was late at night in Konoha Village.

In the night, the lights of the Hokage Building were like a guiding beacon, shining brightly in the darkness. Senju Tobirama stood by the window, his eyes as sharp as torches, staring at the darkness in the distance.

The actions of the Hidden Cloud Village could not be hidden from Senju Tobirama. As early as when Senju Hashirama was dying, he had already anticipated everything that would happen next.

"Lord Tobirama, just as you expected, the Hidden Cloud Village is the first to lose its temper."

Nara Xunlu, the head of the Nara clan, is the chief advisor to the Hokage. At this moment, he is standing next to Senju Tobirama, his face full of solemnity.

Senju Tobirama nodded slightly, his eyes flashing with sharp light,"The Hidden Cloud Village has always coveted our Konoha's land and resources. When my eldest brother was still alive, they didn't dare to come forward. Now that my eldest brother has passed away, they will definitely come out in full force this time."

"Then how should we respond?" Nara Xunlu asked. He knew that this war was a severe test for Konoha. The Hidden Cloud Village alone was not a concern, as it would affect the entire body. This time it was only the Hidden Cloud Village. What about next? He didn't believe that other ninja villages would remain indifferent.

Senju Tobirama turned around, walked to the map, and swiped his finger across the map."The elite troops of the Hidden Cloud Village have been dispatched, and their village must be empty at the moment. We can use this to give them a feint to the east and attack in the west."

He looked at Nara Xunlu,"The Nara clan has always been the think tank of Konoha. You shouldn't have entered the battlefield in person, but now I need you to lead a team. Sneak into the Hidden Cloud Village quietly and create chaos. I will let Duanmu Yeqi go with you. Over the years, he has been famous for his alchemy, but few people know that his strength is also unfathomable."

Nara Xunlu nodded,"I understand, Lord Tobirama."

Senju Tobirama continued to look out the window,

"It's time for the Uchiha clan to take action. Notify everyone. The Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan will be responsible for security work inside and outside the village. The Hyuga clan will be responsible for the outside of the village, and the Uchiha clan will be responsible for the inside of the village to ensure that our rear is not lost."

"Yes, I will make the arrangements right away.

A dark troop captain walked out from the darkness, answered, and then disappeared into the darkness again.

"I will personally lead the elite troops to meet the attack of the Hidden Cloud Village." He took a deep breath,"We must not only win this war, but also win beautifully."

As the order from Senju Tobirama was issued, the entire Konoha Village began to move intensively. The ninjas quickly assembled and each went to the designated location according to the instructions.

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