Naruto: Our Goal Is to Dig the Corner of Konoha

Chapter 736 Smart face-changer? [Subscribe]

"This... is this... Mr. Prophet? The first time I met, I'm Lana!"

Lana directly salutes Jin Yang, it looks like...a prince and noble, but this is nothing but gold and jade.

"Warrior Geoff, can I chat with Mr. Prophet alone"

Lana asked with a smile.In this regard, Gegefu had no idea about it, and left straight away.He happened to be going to the army to check it out.After all, he was a warrior, and to put it bluntly, he was an Admiral army.

"What do you want to say if you deliberately distracted Geoff?"

Jin Yang looked at Lana with a faint smile, this woman deliberately distracted Geoff, and basically he knew the purpose.

"Allah, Lord Prophet, please don't play dumb riddles with me, you are a prophet, then naturally you will know my purpose!"

Lana still has a smiling face, and I have to say that her ability to change her face is indeed very strong.

"There is no need for temptation. You want to see if I know your true face, right? If your true face is exposed, it won't have much impact, but you don't want to see it!"

Jin Yang naturally knows what this product is doing, and intends to test whether he can really predict it. If it is a counterfeit, then for Lana, it is undoubtedly the best, but with Jin Yang's words, pull Na's heart sank.

"Actually, you don't have to worry at all. Since I asked Gu Geoff to find you, it will naturally be no good. Your talent is good enough to be the king. Compared with those idiot princes, you undoubtedly have this share. qualifications."

"Your temptation is completely useless to me, and I won't tell you your secret!"

Jin Yang said very calmly.At this time, Lana also put away her smile, her face became a little weird.

"The Prophet is worthy of being the Prophet. It is really amazing. My secret is of no use at all, but to be honest, a word of yours does not reassure me. So, the Prophet, tell me your conditions, what? Only conditions can help me keep this secret!"

People like Lana will not easily believe other people, at least she will not easily believe what Jin Yang said. In her opinion, it is best to have conditions. In this world, there is no free lunch, no She can't worry about the conditions.(Read more @

``As expected to be the Golden Princess, this gloomy heart is really incredible, but you are a little wrong, I don't need any conditions, because this is just a game for me, not a big deal. "

"Let you be the king, and let Gu Geoff support you, also because of your ability, you are more suitable than others, and let you be the king, the subsequent games will be more interesting!"

Jin Yang said indifferently, but didn't believe it very much.

"I don't know what the game is, but I won't believe it!"

Lana shook her head again. She ordered these things by herself and replaced them with Clem's character. It is estimated that she has left with a lot of gratitude, but Lana is different. As a face changer, she does not want to see It appeared unexpectedly.

"It's interesting, so let me know the content of the game in advance. This game will definitely become more interesting!"

Jin Yang's evil taste came up again, and directly released the projection of the future of this world.

"The Great Master of the Undead, the Necropolis, Ainzurgung, are the 100 aftershocks in a hundred years really incredible!"

Looking at these pictures, Lana also knows that the 100-year aftershocks are coming again.Every 100 years, there will be a 100-year aftershock.This 100-year aftershock is...some special existence will come.

These people possess the power comparable to the gods, completely crushing all warriors, magicians and races, and the other party still has very incredible horror items in their hands. Of course, these things are actually not very clear to Lana, only the religious country knows it. .

The reason why I know it now is also because Jin Yang put everything in front of her, the existence of 100 aftershocks every 100 years in the past.

"My Lord Prophet, if it is the existence of 100 aftershocks in a hundred years, then we have no resistance at all, and only the people of the country who still have the same scary props can compare with it!"

Lana shook her head.In her opinion, fighting against each other is undoubtedly self-defeating. The content of this game is to have their kingdom fight against these guys, but is it possible that she has seen the other party's means, and the kingdom's army goes out. No, what happened in the end was directly hit by a big move by someone for a third, and turned this third into a few monsters, and then furiously counterattacked.

She couldn't imagine how she would win after facing such an existence, there was no chance at all.

"Since I want you to play the game, naturally I won't make the game very vulnerable. You can look at these... right!"

After that, Jin Yang trained Gu Geoff and Brian for more than two decades to become: the extremely powerful picture was also projected.

"It took a total of more than 20 years. Now, in terms of heads-up, Geoff and Brian are not counted as very heaven-defying props. They can kill their opponents 100%, but it is not enough for now. , I still need to train a few people, one of them is... you, the golden princess Lana, it will be very interesting if you become stronger, right!"

Jin Yang looked at Lana in front of him and said that he didn't hate it.

Lana, on the contrary, he thinks that Lana is much better than those... vases, those... vases don’t know how to protect themselves, and Lana is like It is a Lion Majesty hidden in the dark.

Always staring at the target, looking for the opportunity, and then bite, this method, if Lana has enough strength, her courage is not comparable to others.

"It's great that I can have this kind of power. If I can, then I will definitely win this game!"

Lana is very confident.As long as she has this strength and now has the intelligence of the other party, she is confident that she can resist the opponent's attack, and it is not impossible to even defeat the other party directly.

Of course, the premise is that the battle strength of the two sides is equal, and now even if she is added, there are only three people.

The three are not...people's opponents, they are the guardians of any class, their strength is extremely terrifying, they may not be afraid of singles out, but they won't be singled out with you.

Seeing that your partner is doing something, others will not just sit back and watch....

Yes, at least from the picture that Lana saw...So, flying squirrel cares about her companions very much. Besides, Lana doesn't have to fight each other. After showing enough strength, she can completely use the necropolis to change It is not impossible to become an ally.It can only be said that Lana is indeed very powerful.

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