"I'm looking for the murderer who attacked my parents, and I'm going to punish him." Li Zhenwu replied.

"What does that have to do with these two ninjas?" Uchiha Shishui was puzzled.

Li Zhenwu smiled slightly: "Do you know the 'root' department?"

Uchiha Zhishui frowned. In fact, at his current level, he already knew something about this department...

Li Zhenwu didn't wait for him to answer, so he explained in a simple and slow manner: "The one who attacked my parents was from the 'root' department, so I came to find justice."

call out!While speaking, another breath also arrived, wearing a mask, revealing one eye.

"Zhenwu, what happened?" Hatake Kakashi's eyes were solemn, and he recognized the ninja with two shoulders pierced, which was the 'root' part.

"After investigation, I found out that my parents were attacked before, which was actually done by the 'root' department." Li Zhenwu explained it briefly.

In fact, Li Zhenwu didn't need to explain, he could just go straight to Shimura Danzo and avenge his parents.

However, Shimuradan's position in the village is, after all, a veteran!

Therefore, in order not to fall into the limelight afterwards, when Li Zhenwu felt the arrival of Kakashi Hatake and Shisui Uchiha, he could stay and say these words.

The reason is that after the event, the two of them are a witness.

That is him, Li Zhenwu, not to find trouble for 'root' for no reason, but to provoke him with 'root'!

"Please help the two 'root' ninjas deal with their injuries. I'm going to go in and find Danzo and ask them clearly."

Li Zhenwu didn't tell the truth. In fact, he was preparing to send Shimura Danzo to another world.

It's just that Li Zhenwu sent the two away at the moment, not wanting to wait for his actions to cause any trouble.

Hatake Kakashi was worried when he heard the words, he knew who Shimura Danzo was.

Uchiha Shisui is in a dilemma: "Should I ask Hokage-sama to decide first?"

"no need."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and the next moment he moved, his figure flashed, and the whole person swept into the external building that was used as a cover by the 'root'.

When he entered here, he was not afraid of getting lost, because he had always locked in the aura of Shimura Danzo, so he knew the route of Shimura Danzo just now.

What Li Zhenwu has to do now is to follow Shimura Danzo's route, go there, find him, and send him to hell!

This is Li Zhenwu's punishment for Shimura Danzo touching his own inverse scale!

Chapter [-]: Frontal Danzo (Second)

Li Zhenwu was about to enter the base camp of the 'root' department, but Hatake Kakashi outside was a little worried.

Another Uchiha Shisui is also a little embarrassed.

"I'm going to report to Hokage-sama." Hatake Kakashi took the lead and decided to report to one of them, and one to stay here and wait for Li Zhenwu to come out.

After Li Zhenwu entered the building, he found that there should be an underground base here.

And he followed Shimura Danzo's trail to go deep into the underground base, but there were also various obstacles along the way.

"It is forbidden to enter inside!" There were 'root' ninjas wearing masks and stopped in front of Li Zhenwu, ignoring Li Zhenwu's identity and intentions, but they did not act the first time, and just wanted to persuade him with words.

"Get out of the way, or die!" Li Zhenwu said coldly, not ready to show mercy.

Immediately, the ninja began to seal: "Fire escape!"


Li Zhenwu slowly put away his fists, and continued to move forward without looking at the ninjas who flew out many meters and slammed into the wall.

"Stop!" At first, a ninja with such a small character was blocking Li Zhenwu.

However, under Li Zhenwu's boxing, they were not one enemy.

The ninjas of the 'root' group believe in cruel training, so most of their ninjas are very capable of fighting. Everyone comes from the line of death, almost all of them are killing machines.

But in front of Li Zhenwu, these ninjas are just scumbags, they treat them equally, and they are all just one punch.

"Bang!" With one punch, the enemy flew away.

"Bang!" With another punch, another member of the 'Root' team flew up and slammed into the wall, the wall was a little cracked...

Said to be ruthless, but Li Zhenwu didn't waste much energy, and he didn't use all his strength with every punch, so these ninjas were not blown up by him.

But even in this case, after they were punched away, life and death were decided by fate.

Li Zhenwu was very fast. Because of Shimura Danzo's previous route, he came all the way, but wasted some energy because of the obstruction of some 'root' ninjas.

All the way down, Li Zhenwu found that the base under the root was not small in scale.

"What I saw in my previous life, Danzo will also conduct some taboo experiments at the base. I don't know if it is at this base." Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

Li Zhenwu knew a lot of the darkness of the 'root' department, and Shimura Danzo's metamorphosis.

It's just that even if he knew about it before, he didn't bother to care about him.But now Shimura Danzo is an active move, which makes Li Zhenwu rise. After he kills Shimura Danzo, is he able to expose the darkness of the 'root'.

While thinking about it, Li Zhenwu was getting closer and closer to Shimura Danzo.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu has also made full preparations for the battle.

Although it may be because of the sudden arrival of Li Zhenwu, Shimura Danzo had no time to make any arrangements, so the base of the 'root' department at the moment was a little empty, and Li Zhenwu had only relaxed before.

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