This Yun Ren was flushed and panting heavily.

"At this point, what can be good for us."

Kirabi's voice was low and lacking in spirit. On the one hand, the eight tails in his body were severely injured, and on the other hand, because of the loss of Yunyin Ninja Village, he felt guilty until now.

When he said this, Yun Ren, who hurried to announce the news, couldn't help but feel a little low.

Yes, their Yunyin Ninja Village sent more than half of the living forces to fight the war, but most of them were destroyed independently by Li Zhenwu after he turned into a gorilla, which also forced their Yunyin Ninja Village to surrender, darling. It is expected that Konoha will sign a peace treaty with them, and pay a lot of price for it.

However, remembering the news he got, this Yun Ren still had to cheer up: "This news is related to Konoha! It's also related to that Konoha monster Li Zhenwu!"

"It has something to do with these two?"

Hearing this, Kirabi also cheered up, and couldn't help but ask with concern, "What's the news?"

Yun Ren couldn't wait to say it: "According to our information, the Konoha monster Li Zhenwu and the village almost broke! Now they have left Konoha!"

"What? What's the matter?" Upon hearing such news, Kirabi couldn't help but be all curious and attracted.

"That's it." Seeing Kirabi's curiosity, Yun Ren couldn't help but tell all the information like a bean.

"According to the news we sent back from the Konoha messenger group, at first Li Zhenwu wanted to hold our Yunyin Ninja Village accountable. Before the war, there had been an attack on his parents... But the Lord Darui of the messenger group proved that The innocence of our Yunyin Ninja Village."

"Later, the Konoha monster Li Zhenwu investigated and found that the murderer who attacked his parents was Konoha's man, and he was also one of the elders of Konoha! Then Li Zhenwu had a conflict with this elder."

Yun Ren talked eloquently, and the more he talked, the more excited he became. Obviously, he was in a good mood for Konoha's bad experience.

"What happened later, tell me now?" Kirabi urged.

"Later, the conflict between the two broke out, and Li Zhenwu almost killed the Konoha elder! But two other Konoha elders came forward to stop them, and scolded the Konoha monster Li Zhenwu... Then, the conflict became even bigger!"

"Because Li Zhenwu wanted to kill the murderer who attacked his parents, and the other two elders wanted to cover up, the conflict between them was irreconcilable, and there was a melee!"

Yun Ren's tone was gloating: "It is said that in this conflict, the Konoha monster alone dominated many ninjas, but unfortunately there were no casualties."

Saying that, Yun Ren shook his head with a sigh, obviously feeling a pity, then continued: "Then Konoha's Hokage shot and reconciled."

"But the two sides can hardly reconcile, because Li Zhenwu smashed half of the body of the elder murderer who attacked his parents!"

"So, in this case, the other two Konoha elders are also constantly fighting against Konoha monsters, and the team leader wants to punish him..."

"The Konoha monster was in a fit of rage, and it was another battle. After he taught the two elders the strength of the faction, he decided to leave the village temporarily!"

"Betraying the village? Becoming a betrayal?" Hearing this, Kirabi couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"It's not the 110 betrayal village." Speaking of this, Yun Ren, who reported the letter, sighed with regret: "Even if there is such a riot, but for the entire Konoha, the Konoha monster is still a' Hero'! Prestige."

"So in the end, the Konoha monster left the village temporarily, but Konoha Hokage claimed to the outside world that he was just traveling to hone himself."

"It turns out that I haven't become a traitor yet!" Kirabi sighed heavily, which was also a pity.

"Although it's not betrayal, but it's almost the same." Yun Ren, who reported the letter, said: "Although Hokage claims that the Konoha monster is just going out to travel, in fact, he just relies on his Hokage's prestige to suppress things. For those Konoha As far as the elders are concerned, he still insists on classifying the Konoha monster as a traitor."

"And in the ninja world, someone anonymously issued a sky-high reward, and the object of the reward is the Konoha monster!"

Because the matter in Konoha was not small, the entire ninja world, well-informed ninjas, learned of this information.

That is the Konoha monster whose reputation is so high, and the whole world of Shinobi has left Konoha!

Chapter [-] The first step of traveling! (fourth more)


The two wandering ninjas were kicked away with an easy kick.

"The fourth batch is here to die." Li Zhenwu withdrew his feet expressionlessly and calculated silently.

Since he came out of Konoha, this is the fourth wave of naive and stupid wandering ninjas who want to 'take him down for a bounty'.

"When I go back, I find out who placed the reward, then he will be completely unlucky!" Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

He had doubts, because someone posted a sky-high bounty for him, and he let some wandering ninjas who were not afraid of death and were confident in their own strength come to die.

It's just that the object of his suspicion... is a bit more.

And he won't go back to Konoha for the time being, because he made too much trouble before!

And he didn't hold back his temper for a while, and beat up too many people... So if Li Zhenwu guessed who would post such a bounty, then he could make a table!

"Hey, I'm impulsive." Li Zhenwu shook his head and sighed lightly.

On that day, he originally wanted to kill Shimura Danzo, but he didn't expect two elders Konoha to stop him and stop him from doing so, and no one brought a large number of subordinates.

At that time, Li Zhenwu's temper was soft and not hard. The more the other party was like this, the more he wanted to kill Shimura Danzo.

So, accidentally made things bigger.

He had beaten too many ninjas, the strong ones were weak, but those who dared to stop him were beaten by Li Zhenwu.

He was beaten into serious and minor injuries, and finally the hospital wards of the medical department were full!

And Li Zhenwu finally got close to Shimura Danzo, and almost exploded half of his body, even Shimura Danzo's arm with a transplanted wheel eye was also blasted into a cloud of blood!

And then...because the trouble was a bit big, his teacher Sarutobi couldn't help it.

Then Li Zhenwu made his own choice and left Konoha temporarily!

If it is said that he really becomes Konoha's rebellion, Li Zhenwu is still unwilling, after all, his family and friends are still in Konoha.

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