In the face of the might of the saint, Yun Xiao couldn't resist, he was swept away and smashed down the city wall of Qinglongguan.

Immediately, the boulder collapsed and flew, and most of the Qiangu Xiongguan collapsed in an instant.

"The saint is shameless, and the quan mention is shameless!"

The next moment, Yun Xiao was disheveled, dressed in a tattered long dress, and soared into the sky, clenching his silver teeth in hatred.

The sage did not do anything, but now he has taken action, which is really shameless.

With a smile on his face, Zhun Ti shook his head slightly, and slowly descended from the sky to the side of Guang Chengzi and the others.

"Uncle, save me, wait, Yunxiao is so abominable, insulting the saint, he should be punished!" He rolled and crawled, screaming with a sad face.

However, Zhunti ignored them directly and looked at Master Yuding and the others.

"You have a relationship with me in the West, but you can be a Bodhisattva and Buddha, but now there are no golden immortals, and you can enter my bliss, but there is no problem."

Hearing this, everyone in the field was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the sage Zhunti came here, and it turned out to be a predestined person.

The three masters of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun glanced at each other, and then turned their heads and bowed: "I have seen the leader, I am willing."


As the words fell, golden light flashed on their bodies, but they transformed into Bodhisattva costumes.

Immediately afterwards, the three-headed mount next to Grand Master Xuandu flew straight over and lifted the three Bodhisattvas without daring to say a word.

Clearly, they are connected and cannot escape cause and effect.

"Child Yuding, you and I have a blissful relationship, and now there is a Buddha, are you willing to take refuge in my Buddha?" Zhunti looked at the real person Yuding, and said lightly.

At this time, Master Yuding was stunned.

A series of incidents made his mind almost collapse. Now he raised his head and looked at Qinglongshu's familiar face, he couldn't help but burst into tears.


Yang Jian bowed silently. Although the teacher and the apprentice were silent, they could clearly feel the meaning of the other party.

Seeing this scene, the real person Yu Ding smiled, and he has no regrets in this life.

"I do not want to!"

Chapter [-] Intercepting the internal collapse of the teaching!

I do not want to!

The voice was light, soft, but firm.

Daoist Zhunti always had a smile on his face. In his eyes, the head of Jade Ding was cut off with three flowers, and his mana disappeared. Apart from entering bliss, he had no other choice.

Even Guangchengzi, Grand Master Xuandu and others thought so in their hearts.

Countless people have concluded that Master Yuding will definitely agree.

But now...

"I do not want to!"

Immortal Yuding shook his head and spoke again.

The voice is still very light, but with an unquestionable attitude.

In an instant, Daoist Zhunti's face changed drastically, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

The world of bliss cannot be forced, only the other party willingly and the way is unstable, can they be charmed into it.

But now, the firmness of Yu Ding Zhenren's Taoism is simply beyond imagination.

The prestige of a saint cannot be shaken, it is very terrifying.

"Your cultivation base has been cut for thousands of years. If you don't enter the door of release, in the end, you can't even protect yourself." The Daoist Zhunti opened his mouth and explained patiently.

He told 610 to know the real person of Jade Ding and explained the twelve golden immortals, which has become a thing of the past.

Even if this calamity is over and they return to the teachings, Yuanshi Tianzun will not let them go.

Among them, there is Guangchengzi, even the treasures of saints cannot be preserved, what a humiliating feeling.

"Uncle Zhunti, do you know if I have the fate to enter bliss?" At this time, Guangchengzi asked in a low voice with a wry smile on his face.

"Fate is fate, no fate is fate, you don't have Buddha-nature, and you have no fate with me in the West." Daoist Zhunti shook his head lightly.

After he finished speaking, he ignored Guangchengzi.

In fact, it is the saints who have the final say.

It's just that Guangchengzi, as a major disciple of Chanjiao, if he is transported by the West, the Primordial Heavenly Venerate will probably go straight to Lingshan.

But other golden immortals are different, after all, they are all made up.

After crossing over to the west, at least he can enter the pool of merit and virtue, undergo the baptism of karmic fire, and restore his own strength.

"Child Yuding, have you ever thought clearly that the world is so big that only Lingshan can protect you. If you miss the opportunity, you will have no regrets."

"Uncle, don't need to mention it, Yu Ding knows that he has sinned deeply, and provoked the conferring of gods to kill tribulations, causing countless creatures to die.

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