"No, in the eyes of the saint, even mortals are inferior. It's just too deceiving."

"The saint has the duty to maintain the stability of the Three Realms, but since that Li Zhenwu appeared, I have been bullied by him everywhere, and there is no distinction between heaven and earth. It's really embarrassing!"

For a time, all the saints opened their mouths in unison, and they were about to vomit bitterly.

Since Li Zhenwu appeared, he has been against them everywhere. I am afraid that after the consecration of gods, all spirits in the world will not know the saint, but only Li Zhenwu.

In the foreseeable future, whether Western Lingshan or Sanqingmen, if you want to spread the teachings, I am afraid you have to look at the other side.

How embarrassing is it when a saint takes it like this?

Furthermore, the opponent's strength is strong, and the punishment of fighting the heavens alone at the beginning is still vivid in his mind, which is simply the nemesis of the saint.

Hongjun sits cross-legged on the futon, with nothingness behind him, like Tao, but not Tao, just like the scene of thousands of red dust, everything in the world is constantly evolving.

In the field, it suddenly became quiet, the saints raised their heads, and their expressions were restrained.

Because they talked a lot, but Mr. Hongjun didn't seem to speak, just kept silent.

"Is there nothing the teacher can do?"

Thinking of this, the saints were somewhat disappointed in their hearts.

After all, they really want to get benefits here, maintain the majesty of saints, and cannot be despised by ordinary people.

"The disciple is not filial, disturbing the teacher!"

Seeing that Hongjun was indifferent, they immediately backed off, just wanting to figure out a way in the future.

However, at this moment, the ethereal voice came from the Taoist platform again.

"What do you want?"

Hongjun spoke lightly, and the words he said remained unchanged.

Hearing this, the saints suddenly felt a sudden shock, and the four of them looked at each other immediately, and finally, it was Taishang Laojun, who said bravely.

"Teacher, this disciple doesn't have any greed, it's just that I, as a saint, have the responsibility to maintain the stability of the Three Realms, but after Li Zhenwu appeared, the human race became the ruler of heaven and earth, and I, such as saints, were all marginalized."

If the Jade Emperor Haotian was here, he would definitely hold Laojun's hand tightly, and he would have the same feeling as if he was a fallen person from the end of the world.

"What do you want?" Hong Jun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and the others indifferently.

This time, the tone was slightly raised, causing the saints to shudder.

"I... teacher, what can we want?" Yuanshi Tianzun was crying and regretting in his heart.

You know, this is the first time that they have felt that Hongjun Daozu is like this. They don't ask the reason, but only the core key. It is almost impossible to guard against.

Because it was so abnormal, the saints did not dare to answer.

But the original Tianzun opened his mouth, Hongjun shook his head slightly, and then said: "Daoxing, Lingbao, choose one of them."

The voice fell, and the whole room was shocked.

Inside the Taoist temple, heavy breathing sounded.

The four sages, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieyin, and Zhunti, all had red eyes, gasping for breath, as if they couldn't believe it.

This is completely different from what I imagined.

"Under the way of heaven, saints should be invincible, but if you say that you are bullied, I will fulfill you, Daoxing, Lingbao, whatever you want, I will give them all together, so as not to be biased by the way of heaven."

Daozu Hongjun's faint words sounded, but there was still no sadness or joy, and no emotion at all.

But the two mentioned are like pie that fell from the sky, directly smashing the saints with a stunned face, and for a long time, they were all petrified in place.

This is indeed the Taoist ancestor, and he gave Lingbao Taoxing when he exported it, treating these things as Chinese cabbage.

Chapter [-] Daozu bestows merit!


Road trip?

These two choices, in front of Taishang Laojun and others at this moment, have become difficult problems through the ages.

You must know that among the spiritual treasures they know, even the treasure of Chaos cannot suppress that prehistoric alien.

Although powerful, it is not itself after all.

How high can it be?

Can he be taller than that Li Zhenwu?

Or reaching the height of Teacher Hongjun, which is actually acceptable.

Countless thoughts flashed through the minds of the Four Sages, but they couldn't control it. What was the best choice?

And Hongjun, as if very patient, did not urge them, looked at them flatly, and seemed to flash a hint of disappointment.

I don't know how long they struggled, and finally the four of them negotiated through voice transmission and got a decision.

Taishang Laojun bowed his body and said respectfully: "Teacher, I want to do Taoism."

Daoxing is good, after all, it can strengthen itself. After all, Lingbao does not know what it is. If it only works once, it is not a big loss.

Only when the Tao is in the body can it truly exert its strongest strength.

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