"Disciple retire!"

After leaving the Zixiao Palace, the excitement on the faces of the four could no longer be concealed.

"In the past, the Dao of Heaven was empty, but now, I seem to see a huge door, opening a gap." The Daoist Zhunti smiled lightly.

"You still need to keep in mind that this time, teacher, is for us to maintain the stability of the Three Realms." Taishang Laojun said.

"This time the road is advancing, it is time to display some means."

Yuanshi Tianzun was so excited, he turned around 1.9 and wanted to rush to Wudang Mountain to directly suppress the wild and alien species.

"Wait a minute, although we are diligent in the way, we should not be reckless. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, and it is not in a hurry. The Nuwa and Houtu should also be taken into consideration."

Taishang Laojun pulled Yuanyuan, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice.

They had just digested the dazzling and violet Taoism, and they had not fully adapted to it, and among the saints, there were also three who were at odds with them.

"Forget it, let the Tongtian child and Li Zhenwu be arrogant for a long time, and you also invite me to Kunlun Mountain to discuss it."

The original Tianzun calmed down his emotions, and after thinking about it, he also felt that it was reasonable, so he was not in a hurry.

Western Second Sage, the joy in his heart could not be concealed, but fortunately he followed in, otherwise he would have nowhere to cry if he regretted it.

Chapter [-] Wu Dynasty!

The conferring of gods is over, Heavenly Court gets what it wants, but it gets what it doesn't want.

Three hundred and sixty-five gods, there is no one on the list in the flesh, which makes the Haotian Jade Emperor's hatred for Wudang Mountain, like the water of the nine heavens, endless.

At the same time, after Jiang Ziya was consecrated, under the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety, he retired to Yamada and never appeared again.

Heavenly Court's control over the human world is becoming more and more subtle.

Chengtang, Jiangshan and mountains will last forever, but King Zhou wrapped up a family of beautiful children and abdicated.

When the news came out, the world shook.

What shocked everyone was that the throne of the emperor was actually given up to Su Hu, which was beyond the imagination of the world.

"This king has declared the world, although Chengtang Jiangshan will be forever, but Su Hu has great merit in pacifying the rebellion, has benevolence and righteousness, and should be the king of the new dynasty."

King Zhou drew up the decree, and once the edict came out, there was no possibility of changing it.

This decision made people envious, jealous, and hateful, but the princes did not dare to object.

Today, everyone knows that when the Holy Father returns, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors are still alive, and the future of the human race cannot be controlled by a single prince.

Even if you want to rebel, without looking at the power of the new dynasty, it is simply an unshakable mountain.

Su Quanzhong was the disciple and grandson of the Holy Father, and the Su Hu family took the Wudang Mountain lineage as the holy religion of protecting the country, and even wrote a blood letter.

The new dynasty is known as the Wu Dynasty, the descendants of the Su family, and the princes of the world. No matter how the future dynasties change, the name of the Wu Dynasty cannot be changed.

This iron law can be called the ancestral training of the human race, and at the same time, it also makes the world's human race return to their hearts.

Wudang Mountain, the ancestral hall of the human race.

Looking at the scenery on the top of the mountain, Huang Di couldn't help shaking his head slightly: "The teacher's plan is a matter of the human race. Su Hu's move is indeed wise."

Beside him, Emperor Yan and Fuxi smiled faintly, but there was a hint of worry in their eyes.

"This move cuts off the intervention of the Great Sage and also pushes the Holy Father into the wind and waves. I don't know if it's wrong." Emperor Yan sighed, this is a confrontation with the saints.

In the past, there was still a slight possibility of dealing with it.

But now, the establishment of the Wu Dynasty is absolutely to cut off the idea of ​​​​the saints, and there is no room to stay.

"The saints are not benevolent, and I don't need to care about them. Humans should be self-improvement. This is the most reasonable saying in the real martial arts." Fuxi smiled lightly, and the guqin in his hand sounded a voiceless voice.

In ten years, the establishment of the Wu Dynasty not only touched the interests of the saints, but also touched the interests of the heavenly court.

For the foreseeable future, the Terran will be in trouble.

"Forget it, Su Hu sent an envoy to let me participate in the grand ceremony of the new dynasty. I wonder if the teacher will go?" Huang Di smiled bitterly.

Following that, the three emperors of the human race walked side by side to the Wudang Mountain Dojo.

In the thatched hut, Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged on the futon with his eyes closed, neither sad nor happy.

"come in!"

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, his eyes were indifferent and detached, and his pupils had a reincarnation scene, which was magical.


The door of the thatched hut was opened, and the three Yellow Emperors, with a respectful demeanor, saluted in unison.

"I already know about the affairs of the Wu Dynasty. The day of the grand ceremony will show itself. You still need to make good plans, but in the future, you will be ignored." Li Zhenwu smiled, his tone was relaxed and comfortable, without the slightest pretence.

But in the eyes of Huang Di and others, they were worried.

"Teacher, what do I need to do?" Huang Di couldn't help asking.

Of the three present, he had the deepest relationship with Li Zhenwu, and he naturally spoke it out.

Now all the great supernatural powers in the world know that the saints are very dissatisfied with Li Zhenwu, and they have even exuded killing intent, ready to strike at any time.

As a true martial artist, no matter whether there is a master-disciple relationship or not.

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