At this moment, his aura rose to the extreme, as vast as the universe revolving, not inferior to the four Taishang Laojun.

"Zhenwu child, you are so loud, do you think we will let you go today?" The original Tianzun looked cold and grinned: "Unfortunately, after you are gone, the pattern of the Three Realms may have to be rewritten. "

"It's okay, I can guarantee that what you are planning will not have any results." Li Zhenwu shook his head and laughed, not panicking.

Seeing this scene, the four Taishang Laojun were all stunned for a moment.

You must know that according to the world, the Three Realms should have already acted. Why is Li Zhenwu still fearless?

This is very strange, and makes them feel an ominous premonition in their hearts.

"Do not believe?"

Seeing their expressions, Li Zhenwu calmed down, shook his head and smiled and said, "Wait, Da Ke Yuanshen, and Western Spirit Mountain, let's see if the means you left behind can shake the current power of the human world."

The voice fell, and the four saints' faces changed drastically.

"You dare to act like this? Aren't you afraid that Daozu will be blamed?" Taishang Laojun's hands and feet were shaking, and he pointed at Li Zhenwu and asked sharply.

"Anita Buddha, the benefactor of true martial arts, what you do is amazing!"

Connected to the sage, his face was ashen at this moment, and he no longer had the slightest mercy.


In the human world, after the separation of the three worlds, decades have passed, the Wu Dynasty has never been more prosperous, and the land is thriving.

Suddenly, in the distant direction of Buzhou Mountain, the sound of war drums resounded throughout the nine days.

dong dong dong...

The drums of war sounded, breaking the peace of the human world.

Heavenly Court, the boundless Nantianmen, Haotian Jade Emperor is wearing a battle armor, holding a Haotian mirror, majestic.

Behind him, thousands of soldiers and generals are lined up neatly.

There are also hundreds of generals, each of them powerful and solemn, waiting for the order of the Emperor of Heaven.

Suddenly, Taibaijinxing held the will in his hand and stepped out, facing countless immortals.

"Emperor Qiyu's will, Taishan Yaochi in the human world, disturbing the three worlds, causing the people to suffer, and detrimental to the will of God..."

Taibaijinxing spoke loudly, clearly conveying it to the ears of every immortal.

This is to crusade Mount Tai, set an example for the world, and restore the majesty of the heavenly court.

Tens of thousands of troops in the heavenly court assembled, it can be said that they came out of the nest, and the combat power was infinite, which could suppress any force.


The Jade Emperor's face was indifferent, his eyes were full of madness, and he waved a flag and a list of lists.

The plain-colored Cloud Realm Flag can gather immortals from various clans, and the Conferred God Ranking can control [-] righteous gods, which can be described as a powerful fighting force.

"set off!"

Following an order, countless heavenly soldiers and generals rode the immortal clouds, like a tide, heading towards Mount Tai.

at the same time.

The Lingshan Mountain in the west blooms with splendid Buddha light, illuminating the nine heavens and ten places.

Under the leadership of Duobao Tathagata, followed by hundreds of millions of Buddha soldiers, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas flew all over the sky and headed towards Wudang Mountain.

At this moment, the Three Realms shook.

Countless supernatural powers can clearly sense that this is going to change.

You know, both Mount Tai and Mount Wudang represent Li Zhenwu's disciples.

If it is destroyed, the human world will definitely fall into chaos. Without a strong unity of will, the newly established Wu Dynasty will even collapse in an instant.

Western Lingshan has the Bodhisattva King Kong as the general, countless Buddha soldiers, and the Buddha as the marshal.

However, before they reached the east, the army stopped.

"Lingshan is so laborious, but you want to preach in the East?"

A sneer came from the front, and the tone was extremely ironic.

I saw that on the road leading to the east, Kong Xuan was the leader, Hou Yi, Zhu Rong, Xuan Ming, Jiufeng, and Jiojiao Wanxian were waiting there in their spare time.

"Anita Buddha, all benefactors are polite!"

Duobao Rulai squeezed the orchid finger in his hand, and the five guardians of the Ming Dynasty beside him, the peak cultivation realm of the prospective leader, exploded in an instant.

At this moment, the faces of the Western Lingshan army were extremely difficult to see.

"My Buddha is merciful, Kong Xuan child, I will save you today."

Among them, the Great Sun Tathagata is dazzling, like a sun, rushing out from the army.


The monstrous flames came surging, like a vast ocean, swept through.

"Playing with fire with Lao Tzu? You're still a little younger."

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