"The power of true martial arts is melted into flesh and blood. Now, let me portray a spirit gathering formation to replenish all the luck lost by my parents."

Li Zhenwu opened his palms and stared down at the two jade wares with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

With this formation, even if he does not interfere, the fate of his parents will completely bid farewell to the current bad luck in half a month.

Chapter [-], my friend Chen Hailong!

The arrangement of the spirit gathering array, and it is still small, for Li Zhenwu, it can be said that it is easy to capture.

In just one minute, he used a small knife to condense the power of true martial arts to depict a mysterious formation on the jade jade.

The lines are complex, like a blooming rose, with a misty brilliance, very beautiful.

"All right!"

When the knife finally fell, all the lines and rays of light gradually became introverted and hidden in the jade.

Li Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief, and returned the jade bracelet and beads to his parents during dinner.

"I just studied it. This jadeite is very pure. Parents, you have been carrying it all the time, and it can also ward off evil spirits and maintain health." Li Zhenwu smiled.

Of course, his parents had no objection to his words. After all, the whole body was their most valuable item.

In the business field, if there are no precious jewelry that supports the facade, it will definitely make customers look down.

At the dinner table, Li Zhenwu talked a lot with his parents, from the past to the future.

This made Li Guohao and Liu Shizhen feel incredible that their son finally recovered from his failure in the high school 14 exam.

Looking at it, he is more cheerful and optimistic than before.

After dinner, Li Zhenwu told his parents about his life, and then went out

The sun sets in the west, and the sky is full of colorful clouds.

Walking on the street, the whistle of the car, the high-rise concrete buildings, and the feasting and feasting of the city, all gave Li Zhenwu an illusion that he was like a world away.

Although, the air is not flooded and fresh.

But there is a wonderful attraction that makes people indulge in it and enjoy the prosperity of the world.

This is life!

"You are my little little apple..."

Inside the trouser pocket, the phone rang suddenly, and it didn't seem harsh on the noisy street.

Li Zhenwu took out his mobile phone and looked at the name on the screen, and couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

"Chen Hailong?"

Dusty memories immediately emerged like a tide.

In the previous life, Li Zhenwu became inferior because of his failure in the college entrance examination.

Chen Hailong thought about taking him out to relax before school started, but he finally refused, and it was because of this rejection that the two were separated by yin and yang.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu answered the phone.

"Zhenwu, where are you? School starts in a few days. Brothers will take you to have fun tonight, and there are a few nice girls..."

"Okay, I'll go now."


Having said that, the phone hangs up.

At the entrance of the Golden Beauty Bar, Chen Hailong was holding the latest fruit phone and froze in place.

"Is this Zhenwu? Or did he drop his phone?"

But soon, within a few dozen seconds of being stunned, he was shocked again.

At the corner in front of me, I saw the familiar figure of the young man, dressed in casual sportswear, walking over with a faint smile.

In fact, the location where Li Zhenwu was just now was right on the street behind this bar.


Li Zhenwu said hello, causing Chen Hailong, who was still in a daze, to wake up suddenly.

"How did you know I was here?" he smiled wryly.

"I was in front and just saw you, so I came here." Li Zhenwu shrugged and said lightly.

In fact, this time in a previous life.

Chen Hailong had an accident at the Golden Beauty Bar, and he was not rescued in the end, which made Li Zhenwu feel quite sorry for this young brother.

Now that he is back, he will never let this happen.

Chen Hailong's family is good. He owns a supermarket and has more than one million assets. He is considered a well-rounded person in a small city like Hanhe City.

At this time, beside him, there were still a man and three women.

The man was tall and proud, and when he saw Li Zhenwu coming, he just nodded lightly, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

The other three women were beautiful and curvy, with a height of one hundred and seventy centimeters.

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