You must know that the method he cultivated was a family heirloom, but it was a pity that it was incomplete.

However, although it is incomplete, only the head of the Su family has the qualifications to cultivate.

When you cultivate to the extreme, you can feel the mysterious energy between heaven and earth. The only shortcoming is that when you want to go further, it is almost impossible.

Because just like what he just did, it will lead to madness.

"I'm sorry little brother, we were reckless."

Seeing that Su Lao's attitude was solemn, Chu Tianjun and the others, gritted their teeth and endured the pain, also stood up and apologized.

With a faint glance, Li Zhenwu said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm just a student and I don't know anything. I just caught a mouse just now."

For this, people naturally do not believe it, but it is not easy to refute it.

At this time, the flight attendant came from a distance, and many passengers stood up and looked at this side from a distance.

"Go and explain!" Su Lao frowned and instructed Chu Tianjun and the others lightly.

Several strong men with bitter faces, endured the piercing pain, reluctantly left their seats and stepped forward to stop everyone's curiosity.

After they left, Mr. Su stared at Li Zhenwu with a low attitude, and said, "Little friend is really a master of the world, and his energy is exuded. I thought it was a legend, but I was fortunate to see it with my own eyes today."

He introduced himself to Li Zhenwu as a member of the Su family in Jiangnan.

As for who they are, there is no explanation, but it is stated that if you encounter trouble in Jiangnan, you can find them.

"It seems that your identity is not simple, old man. It really makes me curious that you can cultivate to such a level."

Li Zhenwu was not interested in Old Su's identity, but the exercises that the other party practiced contained some curiosity.

"If the little friend doesn't dislike it, you can come to my house to watch it when you arrive in Jiangnan. Maybe the little friend will have some thoughts." Su Lao said.

He is very generous. After all, Li Zhenwu is too young, and he has already achieved the legendary strength, which is absolutely beyond the imagination of the world.

If he can win over him, it will be of great benefit to his future cultivation.

But Li Zhenwu shook his head and refused decisively: "No, I still have to go to school!"

For this sentence, Su Lao naturally ignored it, and then chatted with Li Zhenwu about family affairs.

I have to say that he is very good at chatting, but Li Zhenwu's indifferent personality was provoked by the desire to chat.

Of course, most of the time, it is Su Lao who is talking, and Li Zhenwu occasionally answers a few words.

After a while, the two got acquainted with each other, Su Lao thick-skinned, called Li Zhenwu a little brother, and said that he was a good friend.

"Brother Zhenwu, in Jiangnan City, I also have a certain status. If you encounter anything, you can tell me. No matter what, I will never say anything."

Old Su took out a card and shoved it into Li Zhenwu's hand.

On the back of the card, this quaint garden scene is engraved, and there are only four big characters with strong strokes on the front - Jiangnan Sujia.

Chapter [-] Jiangnan College!

The four simple characters of the Su family in Jiangnan show the prestige of the old Su family and their confidence in their own family status.

Li Zhenwu glanced at it lightly, then put it away, his attitude was still indifferent.

Seeing this, Su Lao's expression moved slightly, and a hint of surprise appeared in his heart.

"Little brother, I heard you always say that you are a student, is it a student of Jiangnan College?"

You must know that Jiangnan College is the top school in the entire Jiangnan City. He sees Li Zhenwu's skills, and naturally thinks that he is a person from that school-.

After all, the students of that college are almost all in the south of the Yangtze River, and they are either rich or expensive.

But Li Zhenwu shook his head and smiled helplessly: "It's just a freshman from Jiangnan Vocational College."

Hearing this, Su Lao was stunned for a moment.

Jiangnan College and Jiangnan Vocational College differ by two words, but the social status of the two is the difference between clouds and mud.

It can be said that the students from Jiangnan College are at least rich.

However, Jiangnan Vocational College was only two middle and lower-level colleges, so Mr. Su could never have imagined that someone like Li Zhenwu would enter Jiangnan College.

However, as soon as his mind moved, he quickly became active.

"Why don't you choose Jiangnan College, little brother? As far as I know, Jiangnan College is one of the top famous universities in the country."

Su Lao smiled and said, the implication is that he also inquired about Li Zhenwu's identity.

"The state was not good during the college entrance examination, so I was not admitted to Jiangnan College." Li Zhenwu said with a hand.

In the previous life, the university he applied for the college entrance examination was indeed Jiangnan College, but due to family changes, he failed.

However, in the eyes of Li Zhenwu today, there is no difference in which university he enters.

"So that's the case, it seems that the little brother is cultivating his true qi, which caused the difference in grades." Su Lao nodded and continued: "I don't think the little brother is a mediocre person. Let the little brother in."

He is very confident, and it is not difficult to get someone in, and the Su family can speak.

Moreover, not only can you have a good relationship with Li Zhenwu, but you can also keep an eye on this genius. Isn't it the best of both worlds?

Old Su knew very well that such a powerful cultivator could not use a strong one, but could only be influenced slowly.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, cultivators have become mythical. They look at all living beings with a kind of arrogance that looks down.

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