Everyone couldn't help but talk about it, and they could see that the relationship between the two was not what Liang Yu said.

"However, there is a backbone, but in Jiangnan City, it doesn't work."

Someone sighed softly.

Sure enough, when Liang Yu heard the words, his face could not help changing, as if he had been greatly insulted, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Dude Wu, I only gave you a chance for the sake of acquaintance. Don't think that I have some relationship with my family, just think that I will give you face, I ordered you to go down, and you will not be able to stay in Jiangnan City." He Full of sarcasm, with a very contemptuous attitude.

"I am waiting!"

However, Li Zhenwu just nodded lightly, then ignored him, walked around and walked away.

The news of the freshmen's reception was quickly passed on.

Along the way, there were students who pointed and pointed at Li Zhenwu, those who were sympathetic and those who were more playful.

Li Zhenwu ignored it and walked straight back. Halfway through, he encountered Chu Tianjun who came out to look for him.

"Brother Wu, the procedures are done, the dormitory 557 is behind the garden, I'll take you there!" He returned some materials to Li Zhenwu.

"No, I'll trouble you this time. If I have time, I'll visit Su's house."

Li Zhenwu took the information, nodded and smiled: "My words remain the same. If you are interested in practicing, I can teach you."

I have to say that as an authentic soldier, the temptation to cultivate true qi is really heart-wrenching.

But Chu Tianjun knew the depth and didn't dare to agree easily, so he could only smile bitterly: "If you have the words of Brother Wu, it's fine. If you have anything to do, I, Chu Tianjun, will never say anything."

As for his attitude, Li Zhenwu naturally knew that he was Su Lao's student after all.

Cultivation is such a solemn event, and you must ask clearly before you dare to agree.

Li Zhenwu didn't force it, and suddenly said thoughtfully, "Do you know Jiangnan Liang Jianhui?"

Hearing this, Chu Tianjun was stunned for a moment, feeling that he didn't know why.

But he still answered.

"Liang Jianhui's assets are over [-] million yuan, and he is still good in Jiangnan. Brother Wu suddenly asked this, is there something wrong?"

"It's okay, just ask casually, just leave it alone!"

After finishing speaking, Li Zhenwu took the documents, turned to leave, and walked towards the dormitory.

Chapter [-] The enemy's road is narrow, slap the mouth!

"Is something wrong?"

When Li Zhenwu appeared here, Liang Yu and the charming woman couldn't help being stunned.

When they saw the salute held by Li Zhenwu and the room card of Qianlong Pavilion, they couldn't help but realize.

"It's no wonder that you are unwilling to do things for me, young master. It seems that you have climbed up with other nobles!" Liang Yu sneered.

"Brother Yu, don't pay attention to him, do you really think that you are helping the noble person to do the salute, and you think that you are in a relationship? It's ridiculous, that noble person just thinks you are running errands." The charming woman said contemptuously.

Obviously, in their normal cognition, they do not think that Li Zhenwu can live in it.

So I suddenly thought that it was probably because I wanted to climb up the relationship with the nobles, so I rejected Liang Yu's 'kind' help.

"Hmph, I'm afraid others don't even know his name, frog at the bottom of the well." Liang Yu sneered, looking at Li Zhenwu with a trace of jealousy.

Not to mention, if it were him, I'm afraid he would also put down his body and do the errand work.

After all, even the four young masters of Jiangnan are not qualified to live in, so the status of that noble person is obviously great.


Watching the clown-like performance of the two, Li Zhenwu laughed at himself, feeling that it would be a real loss of identity to be entangled with each other.

However, his faint self-mockery angered Liang Yu.

"What did you say? An errand, even if there is something, the noble person will not care, right?" He let go of the woman's hand and walked over slowly.

During this time, the bones of both hands were pinched and rattled.

"I said you idiots, really noisy!" Li Zhenwu said lightly.

The next moment, he stepped forward abruptly, raised his right hand, and slapped Liang Yu's cheek fiercely.


Li Zhenwu's strength was not great, but it was not something Liang Yu could bear.

With this palm, General Li Zhen's strength was just right, and he didn't kill him immediately.

However, it was enough to shock Liang Yu and the charming woman.

"You... you dare to hit me?" Liang Yu lay on the ground, inarticulate, and glared at him.

You know, his father is Liang Jianhui, a pivotal figure in Jiangnan City. Even the Fourth Young Master in Jiangnan would not dare to fight so thoroughly.

"You dare to hit Brother Yu..."

This sudden change made the Jiao Rao woman stutter in shock, pointing at Li Zhenwu, not saying a single sentence.

"I never hit a woman, except for you, because in my eyes, you are not even a human being."

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