In the end, the college was under pressure, and President Su Zhong came out to refute the rumor in person.

An e-letter telling everyone not to spread rumors.

"To all teachers and students: Recently, our school has been violated by cyber violence, which has caused a bad impact..."

This e-letter of thousands of words only said one thing, which was to clarify the reason why Wei Zicong dropped out of school.

The Su family moved quickly. Wei Zicong voluntarily dropped out of school because he was ill after practicing martial arts with three bodyguards, so he finally had no choice but to drop out.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, the incident was calmed down in less than half a day.

"Oh, school bullying? Interesting."

After reading the post for a long time, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In the eyes of those students, he, the owner of Qianlong Pavilion, has become the second generation of red for no reason, which is really enough to talk about.

However, it also proved from the side that the treatment of the Su family did give the greatest sincerity.

"Forget it, since that's the case, after I've dealt with Liang Jianhui's affairs, I'll go and instruct the old man to practice the exercises!"

Li Zhenwu secretly said in his heart, and then closed the notebook.

Chapter [-] Past life cause and effect!

The night was as cold as water, and Jiangnan College fell into a deadly darkness.

Qianlong Pavilion, in the courtyard.

Li Zhenwu sat cross-legged on the rockery, with a solemn expression and a steady breathing rhythm.

Countless auras surged from the heavens and the earth, the auras were rich and radiant, as if shrouded in a veil.

It has been several days since he came to the academy, but Li Zhenwu has been locked out of the house. Every night, he practiced alone.

Before finishing Liang Jianhui's matter, he had no interest in other matters.


When a mouthful of turbid air spewed out, Li Zhenwu also opened his eyes, his eyes were piercing, and his pupils were spinning with stars.

At this moment, it was the darkest time before the early morning. From here, the entire campus was shrouded in darkness, filled with a depressing atmosphere.

"It's time to address past life cause and effect."

Li Zhenwu stood up, his eyes were sharp and gleaming.

In the past few days in Jiangnan City, he has not been idle, and has already raised his cultivation base to the peak of the innate.

Only one step away, you can reach the realm of immortals. At that time, except for weapons of mass destruction, the rest will not be a concern.


The figure slowly vacated, and Li Zhenwu looked into the distance, looking at the center of the city.

There is Liang Jianhui's residence.

The breeze blew, and the Qianlong Pavilion rolled up a cloud of dust, and the figure of Li Zhenwu disappeared from the place.

Flying at a high altitude, overlooking the city below, it is pitch black, only the street lights are still flashing.

The darkness before dawn was very quiet, and everyone fell into a deep sleep.

The headquarters building of Liang's Group is [-] meters tall, with a height of [-] floors.

At the top is the residence of Liang Jianhui, chairman of the group.

At this time, the four fields were silent, only the chirping of insects occasionally sounded.

Li Zhenwu slowly descended and stood in the small garden on the rooftop, decorated in European style, with a unique flavor.

"Well, there are three people inside, and Liang Yu has a maid?"

In his powerful perception, he can clearly sense the number of people inside.

One of them, his breathing was long, steady and powerful, no need to think about it, he should be the one he was looking for.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were not closed, Li Zhenwu stepped into the living room, glanced at it, silently walked into the maid's room, and directly released the power of true martial arts, knocking her out.

Then, he came to Liang Yu's room, full of murderous aura.

At this time, Liang Yu was falling asleep, sleeping sweetly, and the corners of his mouth were grinning, as if he was having a sweet dream.

"If people don't commit me, I won't commit crimes. It's a pity that I gave you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. Reincarnate and be a good person!"

Li Zhenwu sighed, raised his hand and shot out a burst of infuriating energy, transformed into a knife, and with a swoosh, split Liang Yu and the bed with a knife.

Dying in his sleep was the kindest punishment for him.

Immediately, a strong smell of blood wafted from the room, and the blood splattered all over the place, and the death was extremely terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenwu left here and went straight to Liang Jianhui's room.

There was a middle-aged man there. In the early hours of the morning, after everyone fell asleep, he sat cross-legged on the ground, breathing steadily and powerfully, and his body was filled with dark mist.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu couldn't help frowning slightly, and silently, he came to the other side and looked down from a height.

Obviously, Liang Jianhui is a cultivator, and his strength is not bad, reaching the peak of the Qi refining period.

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