In the end, he gave up resistance and told all the conspiracies.

After getting the causal relationship he wanted, Li Zhenwu took action and directly killed him here.

The invisible energy spun around him, like a sharp sword, cutting everything into pieces.


A loud bang erupted, resounding throughout the city.

The Hanging Garden was smashed and turned to the ground. Except for the maid, Liang's father and son were all dead.

"Magic way? The prehistoric way of magic even appeared on Earth."

Li Zhenwu flew into the air, overlooking the ground below, with a complex face.

What the other party said was too bloody.

It turned out that when his parents were in middle school, he had already met Liang Jianhui, but because of love and hatred, he finally wanted to kill everything with his own hands.

But in a modern city, it is obviously unrealistic to want to deal with the boss of a company.

By chance, Liang Jianhui got the inheritance of the magic way in Southeast Asia, and then cursed Jade.

What happened later, Li Zhenwu didn't need to tell the other party, he already knew.

After waiting for his parents to go bankrupt, the other party used his powerful strength to make his parents disappear from this world unconsciously.

"It seems that Liang Jianhui didn't say something. Jade's evil spirit of resentment, with his strength, can't be refined at all."

Li Zhenwu smiled coldly, but he actually knew the grievances between the other party and his parents, so he shot and killed.

As for the person who made the jadeite, he didn't care.

Whoever comes, kills as much as they come.

"Wait until I break through to Earth Immortal, and then go to Wudang Mountain."

However, Li Zhenwu was still a little more cautious in order to prevent this from happening.

In Wudang Mountain, there are things left by him, just because the current strength is not enough, there is no way to use it.

The earth seems to be calm, but in fact, the undercurrent is turbulent, and many monks are hidden.

Most importantly, the sealed saints are probably also involved.

However, he was fearless.

"As the cultivation level increases, I feel more and more that some cause and effect have been pursued from the prehistoric era."

This is the hunch in Li Zhenwu's heart. It is very vague, but it cannot be denied.

At his level, even if the cultivation base is not there, the true spirit is strong enough to see a lot of hidden things.


In the early morning, the morning sun broke through the clouds and sprinkled golden light all over the sky.

In Jiangnan City, the quietness of the past was broken by the rush of sirens.

Dozens of police cars and ambulances surrounded the Liang Group Daxia, and dozens of special police officers were on alert.

There are even more helicopters, circling around the sky above Daxia.

Countless consortium powers and high-level families of various families were awakened by the phone call in an instant.

They got news from different channels that Liang Jianhui and his son died and were beheaded at home.

As soon as the news came out, it exploded in the entire Jiangnan City like thunder.

The Su family is a century-old manor, with pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, full of strong ancient charm.

In the pavilion, Mr. Su sat on a rattan chair and admired the surrounding lush green scenery.

"Master, Liang Jianhui, chairman of Liang's Group, and his son Liang Yu were killed last night."

Chu Tianjun stood beside Mr. Su, put down the phone with a solemn expression, and immediately reported it respectfully.

After hearing the phone call, he couldn't be more shocked.

Those are the top ten outstanding young people in Jiangnan, and they are also rich people with assets of over [-] million. The father and son were both beheaded at home.

The nature of this case is too bad.

Old Su's expression changed slightly, he slowly picked up the teacup, took a sip, and then asked, "Who did it?"

You know, Jiangnan is his territory and his origin.

No matter what happened, it has a great relationship with him. According to ancient sayings, his identity can be called the king of splitting the earth.

And Jiangnan City is his territory.

"I don't know yet, but it caused a lot of movement. It is said that the young lady has already left, and I will find out when the young lady returns." Chu Tianjun said softly.

"That girl is not hot enough. I'm afraid this kind of case can't be handled well." Su Lao pondered for a moment, then ordered: "This matter, calm down as soon as possible, and don't disturb Yanjing."


Chu Tianjun answered, then dialed the phone and explained to the people below.

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