After all, in his eyes, cultivating the exercises is too precious.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Su Quan was given a choice, he would rather give up the status and glory he had, and choose to practice Taoism.

"Little brother, cultivation techniques are precious, I think you should..."

Su Quan stared at Li Zhenwu and reminded him very solemnly.

But before he finished speaking, Li Zhenwu waved his hand immediately, and then took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket.

The paper is not big, with clear wrinkles, about ten inches, and it is covered with dense small characters, neatly arranged and looks very clean.

"This is a practice method. If you don't like it, I can also help you improve the family practice method, but there is only one condition. It is absolutely safe to protect my parents." Li Zhenwu pointed at the paper on the table and said seriously.

Su Quan still couldn't believe it. He quickly picked up the paper and took a closer look. Gradually, his complexion changed, red as red, and trembling all over his body.

Beside him, Chu Tianjun was full of curiosity, and he didn't care about discipline, and his eyes fell on the paper.

"This is……"

After only watching it for a while, Chu Tianjun exclaimed.

The text is very simple and clear, and people can understand it at a glance. Moreover, with the in-depth understanding, he actually feels that there is a weak Qi circulating in his body.

This is shocking!

Not only Chu Tianjun, but even Su Quan, his entire body was petrified.

He was about to reach the critical point of the Qi refining period, but now that he saw the content on the paper, he understood it more deeply, and it could be said that it was thorough.

Unconsciously, the blood in the body began to churn.

This is very shocking and moving, it can be called fairy scripture, and the effect is beyond imagination.

However, Su Quan's face gradually calmed down, and there was a faint struggle in his eyes, and finally put down the paper and slowly shook his head.

"Little brother's exercises, I will not practice."

When he said this, Su Quan felt blood dripping from the bottom of his heart, but still resisted the temptation.

Because, as the ruler of the Su family, except for family heirlooms, the rest of the exercises cannot be practiced at will.

This is the ancestral teaching, no doubt!

Chapter [-] The Su Family?

In the pavilion, calm down.

Li Zhenwu's eyes narrowed slightly, and finally nodded, expressing respect for Su Quan's decision.

Beside him, Chu Tianjun's heart was trembling, and his face was full of pain.

"If the little brother doesn't mind, you can let Xiaojun cultivate. He has good qualifications and will have good achievements in the way of cultivation." Su Quan said, pointing to Chu Tianjun behind him.

In fact, when Chu Tianjun was asked to cultivate the family heirloom, Su Quan knew for a long time that the other party could not cultivate at all.

So it has always been a pity, and now that there is such an opportunity, naturally I will not let it go.

Li Zhenwu's eyes rose, staring at Chu Tianjun, and said lightly: "Yes, if you don't mind, you can show me the family heirloom, maybe I can modify it."

"Okay, I'll go get it now."

After being affirmed, Su Quan was not hypocritical, stood up, turned around and left.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Li Zhenwu retracted his gaze, looked at Chu Tianjun, and said, "The practice can be practiced, but it can't be spread out. After you write it down, destroy this piece of paper!"

"thanks, thanks……"

Chu Tianjun nodded again and again, not knowing what to say to thank him, so excited that he almost burst into tears.


During this period, if he didn't understand anything, he asked Li Zhenwu about it.

After getting the answer, he was even more in awe of Li Zhenwu's attitude, and his heart was astonished.

Chu Tianjun couldn't understand that there were such mysterious things in this world.

Moreover, there are people as mysterious as Li Zhenwu, who can be called an extraordinary genius!

Ten minutes later, Su Quan came back with a wooden box.

"This is the heirloom of my Su family, little brother, please take a look." He put down the wooden box and said respectfully.

The wooden box is not big, just like ordinary stationery boxes, the material is very special, like wood but not wood, like gold but not gold.The intricately carved patterns on the surface are like a blooming lotus flower, which is extremely mysterious.

Just looking at it, Li Zhenwu was not calm.

"This is the material for refining the magic weapon..."

Looking at the box on the table, he almost exclaimed, and his face became strange.

At this moment, he had a feeling that Su Quan's so-called family heirloom might be beyond his imagination.


Su Quan opened the box familiarly, and inside was a roll of bright yellow cloth, only the width of a palm, small and delicate.

"Little brother, please take a look!"

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