"Ranmaru, let's go fishing."

"Okay, White."

"Bai, you have to be careful with Lan Wan!"

Behind Li Zhenwu, Bai was carefree, with a smile on his face, calling out to Lan Wan.

Lan Wan's body is thin and small, but at this moment, he can walk normally and is extremely healthy. He also responded to Bai.

This is the result after Li Zhenwu used a fairy bean to help Lan Wan recover.

Because of the addition of Lan Wan, Bai's cultivation along the way has also added a companion.

As for Li Zhenwu, there is one more teaching object.

(Ah, ah, it's raining in Anhui, which affects the speed of coding... it's too late!)

Chapter [-] Encounter with Orochimaru! (fourth more)

Above the vast sea, a boat rides the wind and waves.

After drifting at sea for two days, I approached another island.

At this moment, it is not far from the time when they will leave the country of water, and this is the final pass.

"There are too many people here, don't run around at will!" Before disembarking, Li Zhenwu told Baihelan Wan.

After two days of drifting at sea, the two have gotten to know each other very well, and Ranmaru's cowardly nature has become a little brighter, so the relationship with Shiro has grown by leaps and bounds.

Coupled with the two, Bai Cai is only six or seven years old. As for Lan Wan, he is not as big as Li Zhenwu, so he can be said to be a naive little head.

So Li Zhenwu wanted to ask.

This is the last pass of the water country, and passing this is the same as the addition of the water country, so there are quite a lot of people here.

In addition, Shiro and Ranmaru are both the bloodline boundaries that are regarded as monsters in this country. If they are exposed, they will inevitably be in trouble.

After getting off the boat, they need to cross the island, and then take other boats from the port to leave the water country directly.

If Li Zhenwu had only one person, then he could just use the air dance technique to fly over, but now, in addition to that, there are three other people.

"The team is growing a little bit." Li Zhenwu said with some emotion.

While Shiro and Ranmaru frolic, the group slowly moved forward.

Along the way, Bai continued to teach Lan Wan the training method of 'Gui Xian Liu' as a visitor, while Xiao Lan Wan always studied seriously.

Just walking on the road.

When they were about to pass through a forest, Li Zhenwu and Lan Wan moved at the same time.

Li Zhenwu sensed a strong and gloomy aura, but Lan Wan was acutely aware of the danger because of the natural blood and the limit.

For a while, Lan Wan stopped talking, and then nervously leaned over to Li Zhenwu's side, and finally calmed down.

Because in Lan Wan's own perception, Lord Zhenwu is much more powerful than the danger he just perceives.

Li Zhenwu quietly walked to the front of the team, guarding against this powerful and cold aura.

Moving forward slowly, they got closer and closer to that breath, and Li Zhenwu also saw each other.

The black hair is feminine and the skin is pale as if it has not seen the sun in ten thousand years.

"Orochimaru..." Li Zhenwu slowly exhaled, a little surprised, but not too surprised.

Such a gloomy and sinister aura, indeed, besides Orochimaru, who else is there in the entire ninja world?

To Li Zhenwu's surprise, he would meet Orochimaru here.

When Li Zhenwu was looking at Orochimaru, Orochimaru had seen Li Zhenwu at the same time, and the image of Li Zhenwu was reflected in his long and narrow eyes.

After a while, Orochimaru suddenly said, "Li Zhenwu, the disciple of Sarutobi."

Orochimaru's tone was full of certainty, without a trace of doubt.

"Konoha betrays Orochimaru." Li Zhenwu also softly said Orochimaru's name.

As for the three people behind Li Zhenwu, they didn't dare to speak at this moment, because the feeling of Orochimaru itself was a little cold and terrifying.

"Hehehe." Orochimaru suddenly smiled, but his voice was full of femininity: "My junior brother, aren't you about the same as Rebellion?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Li Zhenwu said lightly, and then noticed that Orochimaru was not alone.

Beside him, there was a little ghost with white hair and two o'clock on his forehead, just the same age as Bai, but not angry.

Kaguya-kun Maro?Such a name appeared in Li Zhenwu's mind.

While Li Zhenwu was looking at Junmalu who was with Orochimaru, Orochimaru also looked slightly at Baihe Lanwan behind Li Zhenwu.

"My junior brother, you didn't come here to gather talents when the chaos in the Kirikin Ninja Village." Orochimaru looked at Lan Wan and Bai behind Li Zhenwu, and there was some light in his eyes, as if he could see two The extraordinary things about people, and then thoughtfully.

"Gathering talents? Of course not" Li Zhenwu shook his head, but he was a little clear: "It seems that you are here for this reason."

Li Zhenwu looked at Junmalu behind Orochimaru, thoughtfully.

"Is this the talent you found?" Li Zhenwu asked.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to do?"

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