They were very happy and told Li Zhenwu that some senior executives of the Qin Group saw their potential and invited them to join the company.

Naturally, they would not refuse the invitation from the Qin Group, so they agreed immediately.

"But Xiao Wu, this means that our family has to move to Xi'an..."

"Mom, don't worry, as long as you are here, no matter where you go, it's the same. I live well in Jiangnan, and I'll find you after the summer vacation!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenwu was also happy for his parents, but he didn't expect the Qin family to be so generous.

You know, letting his parents join the Qin Group means giving away hundreds of millions of shares in vain. This kind of courage is rarely seen in modern cities.

However, compared to a congenital cultivator, it is not a waste.

But for ordinary Li Zhenwu's parents, it was an unimaginable benefit, like a pie falling from the sky.

"Qin Yao, Qin Yao, we are old friends in the past life. When you open the memory of the past life, you will be very surprised, right?"

Walking to the edge of the windowsill, Li Zhenwu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the academy below, he couldn't help feeling very emotional.

He returned to the modern age from the prehistoric times. Those who used to follow Emperor Zhenwu, and now they have used all means, have also followed.

"I don't know how many people there are? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Li Zhenwu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile, but his eyes gradually became colder.

Since his people can follow, then the saints will also use various means to let people follow, right?

After all, he is not the Great Emperor Zhenwu now.

If you want to kill, Li Zhenwu's state at this moment is the best time...

"Unfortunately, the spiritual energy of the earth is too poor. It is not so easy to break through the shackles and become a fairy."

Li Zhenwu sighed, as long as he reached the realm of immortals, he could go to Wudang Mountain to get his things back.

No matter how many enemies come, he is not afraid.


While in a trance, the phone vibrated rapidly, interrupting Li Zhenwu's recollection.

He picked it up and looked at it, stunned.

This is a message, a notification from the college, to prepare the freshmen of each class for the outing.


Li Zhenwu looked at the information on the screen and was sluggish for a long time before he woke up.

This is an outing for freshmen of Jiangnan College. All expenses are paid by the college, which is a fine tradition of the college.

One month after admission, the college will organize it once and every semester thereafter.

The location of this outing is the Zijin Mountain, a very famous mountain in the Jiangnan area.

"Purple Gold Mountain is in the Xuanwu area. Nearby is Jingnan City, a place where the culture of the Six Dynasties gathers. Unfortunately, I am a cultivator and have no interest in these."

Li Zhenwu shook his head, put down his phone, and did not sign up.

For him, the most important thing now is to break through to the realm of immortals.

However, not long after this message arrived, Qin Yao came to Qianlong Pavilion.

This time, instead of wearing tight night clothes and without black gauze, it is simply 0.0 beautiful to the extreme.

Qin Yao has a dusty temperament, long eyelashes, straight nose, dark eyebrows curved like moon strings, red lips like jade, and every move looks forward to brilliance.

She was wearing a plaid red shirt, her upper body outlined a graceful posture, and her lower body was black tights, trendy yet elegant.

As expected of the school flower of the Department of Archaeology of Jiangnan University!

Moreover, perhaps because of the cultivation of the Tao, Qin Yao's brows showed a heroic spirit, elegant rather than cold and glamorous.

She jumped directly over the wall and came in, with a graceful and graceful body, like the most beautiful scenery line, making it difficult for people to look away.

"This outing, you go with me, and the organization has explained some tasks."

In front of Li Zhenwu, Qin Yao was very direct, without a single word of nonsense, exuding the atmosphere of an ancient family.

Chapter [-] Purple Mountain! (third more)

Rao was very familiar with Qin Yao, but seeing another appearance at the moment, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but be attracted.

Elegant temperament, but without losing the heroic!

This is the best evaluation of Qin Yao, and her character is decisive, not as delicate as a girl, and she is very determined.

After meeting, he directly expressed his intentions, which made Li Zhenwu slightly stunned.

"Is there a mission for the outing?" He frowned, but did not agree immediately, and asked, "Is it related to Zijin Mountain?"

According to the plan, unless he breaks through to the realm of immortals, he wants to go out and travel.

After all, in the face of the unknown sage means, with the current innate realm, you still need to be cautious.

"Yes, Zijin Mountain is a famous mountain in the south of the Yangtze River, but in the eyes of cultivators, it is a spiritual mountain. Some people have seen it before, and there is a strong spiritual energy there."

Qin Yao nodded, frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "The spiritual energy has emerged, and it has infinite magical effects on cultivation. The organization has always suspected that there is an immortal cave in Zijin Mountain."

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