You must know that among the three of them, Hu Ming, the weakest, has the top strength in the Qi refining period.

But what about Li Zhenwu?

If you are not careful, you will not be able to sense the flow of True Qi in him at all.

"Uh..." Qin Yao's face was embarrassed, but seeing Li Zhenwu's silence, it wasn't easy to point it out, "Don't worry, the danger of this mission shouldn't be high, since Li Zhenwu is our team member, everyone should bear with me. a little."

She was speechless, thinking that everyone else had already said you, and she looked like a piece of wood. She really didn't know how to explain it to them.

In fact, Li Zhenwu's mind was not on a few people at all.

"The energy fluctuations here are getting more and more rapid, is there any change in it?"

Li Zhenwu frowned, thinking in his heart. With his keen perception, he could clearly sense the changes in the surrounding energy.

The purple and golden energy covers the entire sky, and the two are constantly intertwined, forming a unique magnetic field conversion.

"Well, since the captain has no opinion, we will definitely try our best."

At this time, when everyone saw Qin Yao's insistence, they didn't dare to object, they could only glared at Li Zhenwu, and then the topic returned to the task.

"According to what we have just observed, this mountain is very ordinary, and there is nothing special about it."

Ye Tian spoke up and told Qin Yao that they had already observed it just now, and no matter what the terrain of the mountains and rivers, they couldn't see anything extraordinary.

The only thing that makes people feel is that the strong cultural heritage is revealed everywhere.

"Yes, the terrain of the mountains and rivers is very ordinary, there is nothing special about it." Chen Shuangshuang said, with a very confident attitude.

Before Qin Yao arrived, they had already traveled the entire Purple Mountain.

In the end, it is not surprising that those records are all legends.

"Qin Yao, feel it carefully, the terrain here seems to have changed a bit."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu turned to look at Qin Yao and said in a deep voice.

"What?" Qin Yao was stunned for a moment, not daring to be careless, and immediately exuded spiritual consciousness, feeling the subtle changes between heaven and earth.

The rest of Ye Tian and the others, after hearing Li Zhenwu's words, blushed, and flames were beating in their eyes.

"What's the change, I think you're talking openly, and you don't understand the terrain of mountains and rivers at all." Chen Shuangshuang was very dissatisfied, glanced over, and sneered.

Ye Tian and Hu Ming were both sneering. They walked around and couldn't find anything unusual.

I can't believe it. Li Zhenwu has just arrived, and he can see the unusual. That's impossible, beyond their understanding.

However, Qin Yao's fair face gradually turned rosy as her spiritual knowledge spread.

She also sensed that the terrain was like a small stream, flowing slowly, but very slowly, if it wasn't for Li Zhenwu's notification, she would not have noticed it.

"It's true, you all feel it carefully."

Hearing the disbelief of the three, Qin Yao warned them, then turned to look at Li Zhenwu.

"The magnetic field here is very strange, like a gate of time and space. I have an illusion that if the gate of space and time is opened at that time, it will definitely link to a world we have never heard of." Li Zhenwu said with a frown.

In fact, he was also shocked. This was a space channel arranged by taking advantage of the terrain of mountains and rivers.

The purple and golden energies are the keys to open the space channel. Whenever the two energies are completely merged, the channel will be opened a little bit, so there are records of the emergence of spiritual energy.

But, after all, both energies are extreme, so they can't be fused for too long, so they are automatically squeezed out soon.

At that time, the channel will automatically close, so that no one can notice it.


Suddenly, Chen Shuangshuang exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

She sensed it, it was vague, but it was really changing, and people couldn't touch the mystery.

"Sure enough, I sensed it too." Ye Tian sighed, his eyes slightly complicated.

"What a miraculous change, but unfortunately the process of change is too complicated, we can't know the final result of the change." Hu Ming also said.

At this moment, they looked at Li Zhenwu with a little more shock.

Unexpectedly, the weak in his eyes can perceive the changes, which is surprising.

But the next moment, they were shocked again.

I saw Li Zhenwu frown slightly, and suddenly grinned: "It seems that the people who come to this mountain are not just us, right?"

He turned his head to look at Qin Yao, with some doubts and some expectations.

"Impossible, the organization didn't send anyone else for this mission, I can guarantee that." Qin Yao's face changed slightly, she knew Li Zhenwu's sense of spirit, and there must be cultivators nearby.

Moreover, even she can't perceive it, which proves that the cultivation level of the visitor will not be worse than her.

"What? There are other forces coming?" Ye Tian and the others took a deep breath and felt shocked in their hearts.

"Come with me, no matter who he comes, as long as he doesn't disturb us."

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, and then walked towards the top of the mountain.

Seeing this, Qin Yao followed closely, without any hesitation, the other three looked at each other, and followed after hesitating for a while.

Zijin Mountain is not very high, only a few hundred meters above sea level, and you can reach the top after walking for an hour.

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