"Who is that?" Li Zhenwu pointed at the tattooed man and grinned: "Be honest, who asked you to come here?"


Being pointed at by Li Zhenwu, the tattooed man shivered all over, his knees went weak, and he knelt on the ground, frightened.

He didn't dare to hide anything, he did everything.

"Several young ladies, I was wrong. I have no eyeballs, and my eyes are open when I see money. I don't know the abilities of the big brothers and sisters. I am not a human being."

clap clap...

While crying, the tattooed man turned his hands and slapped his face hard.

Nima, showing weakness now, is better than those subordinates who have broken hands and feet.

"I'm asking you who brought you here?" However, Li Zhenwu frowned, his eyes sank, and the fierce momentum swept the sky.

His eyes are like torches, his clothes are free from wind, and his whole person is like an emperor, looking down at all beings from a high place, making people feel the urge to worship.

Facing this invisible coercion, the tattooed man shivered violently, and the ground was covered by a pool of pale yellow liquid, exuding a strong odor.


Beside them, Qin Yao and the others looked stiff, glanced at the tattooed man with great sympathy, and immediately took a few steps back to distance themselves from the other party.

Is this still a big hand?

Before they could make a move, just being a little more solemn, they were already scared to pee.

Li Zhenwu frowned, and the power of Zhenwu pushed the smell away, and he already knew it.

These people are all rabble, and only for the sake of money will they want to make a move.

Moreover, they look like college students from the outside, green and simple, and when a tattooed man wants to come, he will naturally grab it.

But I didn't expect that the more than a dozen brothers who brought him knelt before the main lord took action.

Now, the tattooed man also knelt down.

Kneeling thoroughly, Li Zhenwu even scolded him, the invisible pressure on his soul directly scared him to the urine.

"How much did Gao Wenliang give you?" Li Zhenwu asked.

This time, he tried to slow down his tone and attitude, for fear that he would inadvertently scare the man stupid.

"Only [-] was given, it's really not much."

The grievance of the tattooed man, if he knew that these people were so fierce, let alone one hundred thousand, even if it was one million, he would not dare to have the slightest greed.

Hearing this, Ye Tian's eyes twitched a few times, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

"Only [-]?" Li Zhenwu grinned, thinking that he was too underestimated.

"They have already learned the lesson they deserve, let's leave first!" Qin Yao came over, with a graceful figure and long hair fluttering, out of the dust and ethereal.

"Well, Gao Wenliang, I'll remember this time, I hope next time I won't provoke me." Li Zhenwu nodded, no objection.

The spectacle of Zijin Mountain shocked the entire Jingnan City, and within half a day, other cultivators would definitely come.

Now that he has not broken through to the realm of immortals, Li Zhenwu does not want to be too high-profile, lest the days to come will not be peaceful.

You must know that he is a half-step immortal, and in the entire Chinese cultivation world, he is regarded as an absolute existence.

If people know, I am afraid that the number of people who come to visit will be like crucian carp crossing the river.

The group left with satisfaction.

In the parking lot at the foot of the mountain, there was only a wailing of pain, and the ground was full of people, and the scene was spectacular.

The only tattooed man who was okay, did not dare to stand up until Li Zhenwu and others disappeared from sight, trembling all over, a deep shadow has been imprinted in his heart.


Zijin Mountain has experienced the baptism of spiritual energy. The trees are lush and green, and the mountain flowers are brilliant, bright and full of vitality.


Two sounds of breaking the air sounded, the air was turbulent, and it reached the top of the mountain in an instant.

These are two men in black robes. They are light-hearted, walking on the grass, and the aura they exude makes the creatures on the mountain shiver.


Suddenly, one of the men had sharp eyes, and when he saw the scene not far away, he couldn't help being stunned.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, their bodies swayed like an eagle, and they landed there with a swoosh.

There were three people lying on the ground, and it was the superhuman who was killed by Li Zhenwu and others not long ago.

"Cass, Hellfire, Polaris..."

When the two men in black robes saw this, they exclaimed, their voices full of shock.

These are two Westerners, one old and one young. The old man has long gray hair, deep facial features, aquiline noses, thin lips and colorless, and looks like a housekeeper.

The young man next to him, only about twenty years old, was shrouded in black robes, revealing a white cheek, deep eyes, and the whole person was full of unspeakable extravagance.

"Master Mox, it's not like they were killed by the monks. Depending on the state of the wound, they will be killed with one blow."

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