"When my senior brother escaped just now, he left him, so let's go with him."

Li Zhenwu said, and then handed Junma Lu to Bai, and let Bai carry him on his back.

Bai has been practicing with Li Zhenwu for two months. In addition to his knowledge of ninjutsu chakra, Li Zhenwu also specially let him practice ninjutsu, and used the method of 'Turtle Immortal Style' to train him.

So now, Li Zhenwu let Bai carry Junma Lu, who was the same age as him, but it was not too difficult for Bai.

Bai Congruliu carried Junma Lu on his back, and a few people moved on, as if Orochimaru was just a small episode.

In fact, Bai, Lan Wan and Bai's mother had never seen or heard of Orochimaru. At this moment, seeing that they were casually dismissed by Li Zhenwu, they thought that Orochimaru was just a small character.

But when they learned about the horror of Orochimaru one day in the future... only then did they brazenly discover that Li Zhenwu's strength was as deep as the ocean!

… Junma Lu woke up from a coma, and before he even opened his eyes, he felt that he was in a bumpy environment.

Then he suddenly thought that he was thrown out like a weapon, and suddenly remembered that his environment should not be very good.

In an instant, as he opened his eyes, he was already about to use his blood-bound corpse veins!

But the next moment, he felt that his body was empty and was lifted up.

Then the goal was a face that seemed younger than him but full of maturity and gentleness: "Child, don't be so violent, bones will grow from your body at every turn..."

Chapter [-]: The Country of Red Beans (First)

The country of water has not been safe recently, and many things have happened in Wuyin Village, so the defense of the entire country of water is not strict.

Li Zhenwu took another team of Kaguya-kun Maru to board the boat, and then left the country of water, preparing to go straight to the country of red beans.

When Kaguya-kun Maru first woke up, he almost subconsciously released his bloodline limit.

But it was stopped by Li Zhenwu, so nothing unpleasant happened.

In the first few days, Junma Lu still had a cold face all day.

But with Shiro and Ranmaru playing together all day and frequent invitations, his attitude loosened...

In the end, he often had a cold face, but when Bai Yuranmaru invited him to do something, he would not refuse.

Moreover, as time passed, Junmarou also joined the training with Ranmaru and Shiro.


After returning from the Land of Water and re-entering the inland, you can often see big cities.

In the city, Li Zhenwu can also use Konoha's intelligence system to obtain the information he wants.

No, after passing through a big city, Li Zhenwu got the information he wanted through some secret codes.

"Shimura Danzo isn't dead yet?" Li Zhenwu was a little unhappy looking at the information.

The last time his brain left Konoha, he finally blew up half of Shimura Danzo's body. He almost beat Shimura Danzo into a cripple, and he was still paralyzed in bed and couldn't do anything. waste.

It is because of this that Li Zhenwu did not completely kill Shimura Danzo, because he was no different from the dead at that time.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu was able to go out and travel with confidence after entrusting his parents to a group of ninjas who were well-connected to Konoha.

According to the latest information, Li Zhenwu found that Shimura Danzo was still alive and did not die, which made people sigh that Shimura Danzo's life was tenacious.

"Maybe we should find some time to go back and give Shimura Danzo a treat!" Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

Since leaving the Land of Water and entering the inland, their journey has changed a lot.

And many novelties along the way will not make their itinerary boring.

Along the way, Li Zhenwu behaved very low-key, and the provincial himself was recognized, because if they want to reach the country of red beans, they need to pass through the small country of fire.

Fortunately, it was safe.

Another two months have passed, and the country of red beans is already in sight.

In their team, Baihejun Maru and Ranmaru got along very well.

And Junma Lu also changed from the cold appearance before, and completely integrated into this team.

Moreover, they are still practicing together under the supervision of Li Zhenwu, the cultivator Li Zhenwu's 'Turtle Immortal Stream'.

"The country of red beans is ahead!"

After a long period of time, they stopped and went, and after several months, they finally left the Land of Water, and passed through a small land of Fire, and then reached their destination.

"Master Zhenwu, will we settle in the country of red beans in the future?" Bai asked.

"Almost." Li Zhenwu nodded.

Now in the team, although Li Zhenwu looks like a child, no one really thinks he is a child.

Whether it was Bai, or Junma Lu who joined later, after these few months, they have consciously regarded Li Zhenwu as a teacher.

And Bai's mother secretly suspected Li Zhenwu's age.

Several people in Bai once asked Li Zhenwu's age, but Li Zhenwu was all slightly small.

Therefore, Bai's mother secretly guessed whether Li Zhenwu was an old monster but kept the appearance of a child...

"It's finally here." Lan Maru's eyes were full of anticipation.

At this moment, he no longer has the shadow of the land of water before, because along the way, Li Zhenwu is still spreading the knowledge of ninjas to them, so that they understand that the boundary of blood is not a terrible monster, but a kind of scary monster. The inheritance of ninja, the legacy of ancestors.

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